Medicine 2024, October

You want to know how to remove uric acid from the body

You want to know how to remove uric acid from the body

With abundant intake of fatty meat products, smoked meats and especially alcohol, the pathological process destroys the joints and turns into a severe form of arthritis. A natural question arises: how to remove uric acid from the body?

Hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

Hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

The hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus have an exceptional effect on the entire human body. They coordinate growth, development, puberty and all types of metabolism. Hormones of the hypothalamus, the release of which is controlled by the pituitary gland, regulate many vital functions of the body

Diphtheria Corynebacterium (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) - the causative agent of diphtheria

Diphtheria Corynebacterium (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) - the causative agent of diphtheria

One of the dangerous infectious diseases that is gaining momentum in recent years is diphtheria. It is dangerous not so much by inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, skin, eyes and genitals, but by poisoning the body with pathogen toxins - diphtheria corynebacteria. Read about the morphology and microbiology of these microorganisms, their pathogenicity and toxicogenicity, routes of infection, symptoms and treatment in the article

Cystic-solid formation - what is it?

Cystic-solid formation - what is it?

Among the numerous types of tumors that occur in the human body, there is a cystic-solid formation. What it is? How dangerous? How is it manifested and how is it diagnosed? What is the treatment?

Sclerotherapy of leg veins: reviews, photos before and after

Sclerotherapy of leg veins: reviews, photos before and after

Sclerotherapy is a modern method of treating varicose veins, which allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the problem. True, this procedure can be carried out only with an emerging problem, it is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women

Rib fracture: how long does it heal? Features of treatment, recommendations

Rib fracture: how long does it heal? Features of treatment, recommendations

How long a rib fracture heals depends on the person himself, on the right treatment and rehabilitation regimen. The most important thing is to immobilize and ensure transportation on time and correctly

How is a blood test for hepatitis taken? Deciphering analyzes

How is a blood test for hepatitis taken? Deciphering analyzes

If a patient has clinical signs of hepatitis, he needs to undergo a series of diagnostic measures, including examining the biological fluid for markers of various types of viruses. The study will help to detect infectious agents and determine their type. A blood test for hepatitis will show the presence of the disease even in the case when its manifestations are absent. Timely diagnosis of the disease increases the chances of stopping the pathology at an early stage of development

Erythrocytes in the blood are low: possible causes

Erythrocytes in the blood are low: possible causes

Quite often a condition is diagnosed in which the red blood cells in the blood are low. It is important to understand what caused this situation and prescribe the right treatment

Intestinal blood supply. Features of the structure and function of the intestine

Intestinal blood supply. Features of the structure and function of the intestine

Few people know what the intestines are, in full, but this is a rather complex and important human organ. Even the slightest malfunction in its work or a violation of its blood supply can lead to dangerous diseases. Moreover, most of the food received is absorbed by the intestines and disturbances in its work lead to exhaustion of a person. In this regard, every person should have at least elementary knowledge about the blood supply to the intestines, its functions and diseases

Aneuploidy is Aneuploidy: description, causes, symptoms, forms and features of treatment

Aneuploidy is Aneuploidy: description, causes, symptoms, forms and features of treatment

Aneuploidy is a genetic disorder in which an organism cell contains an abnormal number of chromosomes. To learn more about how aneuploidy manifests itself and what are its causes, we will briefly analyze the structure of a living cell, the cell nucleus and the chromosomes themselves

Polyclinic No. 173: doctors, address, reviews

Polyclinic No. 173: doctors, address, reviews

Polyclinic No. 173 is one of the multidisciplinary medical facilities in the Northwestern District of the capital. It is located near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. After the reorganization, this medical institution became branch No. 4 of the city polyclinic No. 115

17 narcological hospital (Moscow): reviews, address and phone number

17 narcological hospital (Moscow): reviews, address and phone number

Moscow 17 Narcological Hospital has many qualified specialists and provides treatment and rehabilitation services for people with drug and alcohol addictions. However, not everyone has the same impression of this institution

Mother and Child Center. What mother and child centers are there in Moscow

Mother and Child Center. What mother and child centers are there in Moscow

Many turn to doctors for help in the process of planning children. After the birth of a child, many families prefer to entrust the care of their child's he alth not to local doctors, but to doctors from specialized clinics. Where to turn in Moscow with this question?

Cavitation - contraindications and side effects

Cavitation - contraindications and side effects

Cavitation is a procedure that is as effective as surgical liposuction. However, this process is carried out without surgery

How to determine the percentage of fat in the body? Ideal weight formula

How to determine the percentage of fat in the body? Ideal weight formula

Every person who keeps himself in shape should know how to determine the percentage of body fat in order to control his he alth

What swabs are taken during pregnancy? How many times? Bad smears during pregnancy

What swabs are taken during pregnancy? How many times? Bad smears during pregnancy

Every woman who cares about her he alth must regularly visit a gynecologist and take the necessary tests. During childbearing, the state of the microflora of the vagina is of particular importance

Occupational pathologist - who is he and why is he needed?

Occupational pathologist - who is he and why is he needed?

The field of medical activity, the purpose of which is the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases, is called occupational pathology. Its specificity is to exclude or reduce the impact of adverse factors on a person during work. Many colloquially refer to occupational pathology as occupational medicine

Deciphering the FGS. FGS survey

Deciphering the FGS. FGS survey

The research method used for accurate diagnosis of diseases, examination of the mucous membrane and detection of inflammatory changes in the gastrointestinal tract using a special apparatus - an endoscope, is called FGS of the stomach. FGS decoding sounds like "fibrogastroscopy"

Uric acid crystals in urine: causes of increase, norms and treatment

Uric acid crystals in urine: causes of increase, norms and treatment

An increase in uric acid crystals in the urine often indicates trouble in the body. These s alts are formed when the urine concentration is high. Their detection in the analysis can be associated with both malnutrition and medication, and diseases. In medicine, such deposits are called urates. If these s alts appear in the urine, then doctors talk about uraturia. What are the reasons for this deviation? And why is it dangerous? In this article, we will take a closer look at these issues

Point mutation: concept, types, causes and examples

Point mutation: concept, types, causes and examples

Mutation is a change in the genome inherited by descendants. Changes in the hereditary material enclosed in a cell are classified into genomic, chromosomal and gene. It is about gene or, in other words, point mutation that will be discussed. It is she who is considered the real problem in modern genetics

Looking for an effective remedy to restore he alth? Try a massage roller

Looking for an effective remedy to restore he alth? Try a massage roller

Even the ancient Chinese doctors treated ailments with needles. The secret of the action of the massage roller is built on the same principle. Using the device will help in solving many he alth problems. And women, applying it, can become even more beautiful and younger

Feeding seriously ill patients through a tube, spoon and drinker. Features of caring for seriously ill patients

Feeding seriously ill patients through a tube, spoon and drinker. Features of caring for seriously ill patients

Feeding seriously ill patients requires a lot of patience and effort. It is necessary to get used to this process, to study its algorithm and features. Feeding can be carried out naturally and artificially - through a tube

What makes the spine flexible? Flexibility of the spine: what it depends on and how to improve

What makes the spine flexible? Flexibility of the spine: what it depends on and how to improve

What makes the spine flexible and how to maintain it? The answer to this question is quite easy: you just need not to be lazy and move more often. A set of special exercises can help with this

Allergy to cow's milk protein in infants - causes, symptoms and treatment features

Allergy to cow's milk protein in infants - causes, symptoms and treatment features

In infancy, the child's immune system is just beginning to take shape. Therefore, it reacts aggressively to some unfamiliar substances. One of them is cow's milk protein. In infants, an allergy to this product is temporary. It does not threaten the life of the child, but it causes a lot of trouble

How to get rid of a hangover at home - tips

How to get rid of a hangover at home - tips

Who ever drank a large amount of alcohol in the evening knows what a hangover syndrome means, very painful and unpleasant. How to get rid of a hangover at home?

Cramped finger on hand: causes, treatment and prevention

Cramped finger on hand: causes, treatment and prevention

Cramped finger on hand? Every person faces this problem from time to time. About what it can be caused by, and how to get rid of discomfort, read in this article

Electrical muscle stimulation. Devices for electrical muscle stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation. Devices for electrical muscle stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation is often used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation activities. The procedure has two goals. First of all, the impact is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. Along with this, the restoration of muscle activity is carried out

Weber-Crabbe syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Weber-Crabbe syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Sometimes the birth of a child overshadows the diagnosis made by doctors - "Sturge-Weber-Crabbe syndrome". This is a rare congenital angiomatous lesion of the eyes, skin and cerebral membranes. This condition occurs in 1 in 100,000 people. This syndrome was first described by Sturge in 1879, and in 1922 Weber characterized the signs revealed during x-rays

Large and small circles of blood circulation: scheme

Large and small circles of blood circulation: scheme

Mammals and humans have the most complex circulatory system. It is a closed system consisting of two circles of blood circulation. Providing warm-bloodedness, it is more energetically favorable and allows a person to occupy the habitat niche in which he is currently located

Bleeding: benefits and harms. Expert opinions

Bleeding: benefits and harms. Expert opinions

Bleeding is a great way to deal with various kinds of diseases. Official medicine is skeptical about various non-traditional methods, but, nevertheless, doctors cannot but admit that there is still some benefit from them. Experts advise not to contact dubious institutions, but only to licensed centers whose employees value their reputation. Traditional medicine calls hirudotherapy and donation the most effective methods of bloodletting

"Vasilievsky" sanatorium. Tatarstan, sanatorium "Vasilyevsky": photos and reviews

"Vasilievsky" sanatorium. Tatarstan, sanatorium "Vasilyevsky": photos and reviews

If you want to forget about everyday worries and problems, gain strength, improve your he alth and relax, then get a ticket to the Vasilyevsky sanatorium in Tatarstan

Kislovodsk, sanatorium "Piket": photos and reviews

Kislovodsk, sanatorium "Piket": photos and reviews

Do you want to combine the next vacation not only with rest, but also with the restoration of he alth? Visit Kislovodsk, the sanatorium "Piket", located in one of the best resort cities in the Caucasus. The staff of the hospital will help you effectively improve your he alth and fully gain strength

The effect of ultrasound on the human body - features of exposure and consequences

The effect of ultrasound on the human body - features of exposure and consequences

Ultrasound is a high-frequency sound wave that can propagate in solid materials, in liquids and in gaseous media, due to the influence of elastic forces. The origin of ultrasound can be both natural and artificial

Upper and lower pressure: what does it mean, normal for age, deviation from the norm

Upper and lower pressure: what does it mean, normal for age, deviation from the norm

The pressure is being measured now on a special device - a tonometer. Many even have it at home. The tonometer gives two indicators: upper and lower pressure. What this means, not everyone understands. True, in most cases, the measurement is needed only for control, and the doctor should decide on the need for treatment. But still, those who often have these indicators increase or decrease need to know as much as possible about them

Designation of leukocytes in a blood test. Decryption

Designation of leukocytes in a blood test. Decryption

Leukocytes perform a protective function, so it is important for every person to know what it is. It is also useful to understand how to decipher this indicator in a blood test, and what the consequences of a violation of the number of leukocytes may be

How to take an egg test?

How to take an egg test?

Analysis for the ovary is carried out in order to detect eggs of parasitic helminths in the feces. They are combined into a group of helminthiases, distinguish between ascariasis, trichinosis, hookworm. This analysis is necessary to make and confirm some diagnoses

Fixed spinal cord in children: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Fixed spinal cord in children: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Fixed spinal cord is a rare pathology characterized by limited mobility of the spinal cord in the spinal canal. The disease is more often congenital in nature and is associated with intrauterine violation of the proportion of development of the spinal cord and spine, as well as with post-traumatic and post-inflammatory cicatricial-proliferative changes that lead to fixation of the spinal cord in the caudal region

How many live on hemodialysis after kidney rejection?

How many live on hemodialysis after kidney rejection?

The procedure for cleansing the blood without the participation of the kidneys is called hemodialysis. How many years patients live on hemodialysis depends on many reasons, including comorbidities, ensuring sterility during the procedure, the quality of the patient's nutrition, compliance with medical prescriptions, and others

The ducts of the pancreas open into The structure of the pancreas

The ducts of the pancreas open into The structure of the pancreas

The ducts of the pancreas open into the duodenum, interacting with the biliary tract. The pathology of any of these anatomical structures often causes dysfunction of another organ. The structure of the pancreas allows it to actively participate in the digestion process and influence metabolism

Angiotensin-renin-aldosterone system: scheme, functions and its role

Angiotensin-renin-aldosterone system: scheme, functions and its role

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a complex of enzymes and hormones that maintain homeostasis (the constancy of the body's internal environment). Regulates the balance of s alt and water in the body and the level of blood pressure. The system can malfunction and by acting on its components, you can fight hypertension