Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children and treatment

Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children and treatment
Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children and treatment

Almost all parents know about such a disease as cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in children often do not appear, and it is possible to detect an infectious disease only after a blood test, in which antibodies to cytomegalovirus are found. How dangerous this disease is for the child's body and how to behave in case of its manifestation will be described in this article.

cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children
cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children

What is cytomegalovirus infection?

Cytomegalovirus is an infectious disease belonging to the group of herpes. It occurs most often asymptomatically in the initial stages, in children the symptoms are more pronounced than in adults. That is why the patients of virologists are mainly children.

Infection can be congenital or acquired. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection is more severe and causes more complications. The disease can lead to dysfunctionindividual organs or systems or worsen the general condition of the body.

In connection with the sharp deterioration of the environment, parents are increasingly asking the question: what is the danger of cytomegalovirus infection in children? Symptoms and treatment depend on how the child is infected. As a rule, the infection manifests itself only with a decrease in immunity, before that it can be in a latent form and not harm the he alth of the baby.

Virus containment

After the infection enters the body, it tends to reach the salivary glands through the bloodstream. This is where the virus inserts its DNA into the nucleus of he althy cells and promotes the production of new viral particles.

As a result, the cell significantly increases in size. It is from here that the name of the disease came from, since cytomegaly is translated from Latin as “giant cells”. He althy children with well-functioning immune systems do not develop cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in children with immunodeficiency, HIV, malformations and preterm infants can vary in severity.

Congenital cytomegalovirus

It enters the child's body directly from the mother, through the placenta. This happens when a woman first becomes ill with CMV during pregnancy and there are no antibodies to this virus in her body. For a baby, the most dangerous is a congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

cytomegalovirus infection in children symptoms reviews
cytomegalovirus infection in children symptoms reviews

Symptoms in children may include visual or auditory disturbances, frequent seizures,developmental delay (mental, physical). Another possible way of transmission of infection is the period of childbirth or breastfeeding. In this case, there will be no dangerous consequences for the child and the disease may never manifest.

Acquired cytomegalovirus

It enters the body of a child in preschool and school institutions. Since the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, it can enter the body of all children in the same room. Such an infection will not bring any harm to the he alth of the child.

Cytomegalovirus infection in children acquired at school age does not contribute to disturbances in the development of body systems and does not slow down the overall development of the child. But with a decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself as frequent colds.

Symptoms of congenital cytomegalovirus

When neonatal infection of the fetus (especially before the 12th week of pregnancy) the child is born with numerous malformations. The virus contributes to the presence of heart defects, brain pathologies and other dangerous diseases or pathological processes in the baby's body.

The first sign of CMV in a child is muscle hypotension, lethargy, restless sleep, poor appetite, problems with digestion. In severe cases, death is possible in the first weeks after birth.

cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children 3 years old
cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children 3 years old

When infected in the third trimester, the child has no malformations. In this case, the symptoms of the disease will be manifested by jaundice, hemolyticanemia, hydrocephalus and other dangerous pathologies.

After childbirth, the disease may not appear, but as the child grows older, slight developmental delays will begin to appear, which will be provoked by cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms in children 3 years of age are manifested by the presence of various neurological disorders and diseases.

Symptoms of acquired cytomegalovirus

The acquired virus manifests itself in rare cases, most often it is dormant, without any effect on the child's body. This indicates a good functioning of the immune system, which prevents the activation of the virus. In the event that a child has a weak immune defense, the disease will manifest itself with frequent colds (with inflammation of the lymph nodes, runny nose and fever).

If a child has a chronic immunodeficiency, his body will be very often infected. At the same time, complications from the disease will be localized in many body systems - cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, genitourinary.

The treatment of this form of the virus is very long and in most cases unsuccessful. Fortunately, complicated cytomegalovirus infection is quite rare. Symptoms in children, treatment, reviews - all this is important information for parents who care about the he alth of their baby and seek to prevent possible negative consequences of the disease.

Diagnosis of disease

Diagnosing a virus has certain difficulties. To detect the pathogen, it is necessary to carry out a series ofcertain analyzes and tests. The main ones are the collection of saliva, urine and feces from the child.

cytomegalovirus infection in children
cytomegalovirus infection in children

In a blood test, attention is drawn to the presence of antibodies. IgG can be passed from mother to child and does not indicate the presence of the virus, as it will disappear over time without medical treatment. If IgM is found in the blood, this is a direct confirmation of the presence of the virus in the child's body.

The presence of antibodies to this virus in the blood is not yet a reason for excitement. Cytomegalovirus infection in a child, the symptoms of which do not appear, can be latent for life, without affecting the state of the body and without causing complications.

Hardware diagnostics of CMVI

To diagnose the affected body systems, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations that will determine the degree of damage to the body by the virus:

  • chest x-ray - if the lung tissue is damaged, the picture will show signs of pneumonia or other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • MRI or ultrasound of the brain shows the presence of calcifications or inflammation in the brain;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity makes it possible to establish an increase in the size of the liver and spleen, the presence of hemorrhages in the organs or disruption of the digestive and urinary systems.

If a child has a generalized form of infection, the doctor will definitely send you for an examination by an ophthalmologist to detect damage to the fundus and structures of the visual apparatus. itwill allow to identify structural changes in time and prescribe competent treatment that can save the child's vision, which is directly affected by cytomegalovirus infection in children. Symptoms, feedback from parents and doctors allow more rational treatment based on the experience of past patients.

Examination methods are prescribed by a pediatrician together with an infectious disease specialist. After detecting the localization of the virus, a nephrologist, urologist, neurologist or oculist takes part in the treatment of the child.

Treatment of congenital cytomegalovirus

Features and methods of treatment depend directly on the form of infection and the complexity of the infection.

Pay attention! It is impossible to completely kill this virus in the body. Treatment is aimed only at improving the general condition of the child and the normalization of vital processes in the body.

cytomegalovirus infection in children symptoms
cytomegalovirus infection in children symptoms

Drug therapy for CMVI consists in the use of interferon and immunoglobulin, which acts directly on cytomegalovirus infection. If inflammatory processes are present in the body, be sure to prescribe suitable antibiotics and remedies to increase the body's immune defenses.

In some cases, a great effect of therapy can be manifested by the appointment of homeopathic remedies, acupuncture or manual therapy. The method of treatment is selected individually, depending on how much cytomegalovirus infection has affected the body. Symptoms in children, a photo of the manifestation of the disease will allow timely identification of the virus andSeek medical attention.

Treatment of acquired cytomegalovirus

The acquired form of cytomegalovirus can be treated at home. In this case, after the examination, the doctor selects the appropriate treatment, and parents can carry it out on their own, following all the doctor's recommendations.

Cytomegalovirus infection in children, the symptoms of which are manifested by diarrhea, requires the use of adsorbing agents, thanks to which not only the problem with the intestines will be solved, but also all pathogenic bacteria will be removed from it. All this will positively affect the result of complex treatment.

Infected children should receive good nutrition and drink plenty of clean drinking water. This will allow you to quickly remove bacteria from the body and restore metabolic processes.

Cytomegalovirus infection: symptoms in children, Cytotect as a way to increase immunity

"Cytotect" is a specific immunoglobulin aimed at eliminating CVM pathogens in children. The drug is used to treat or prevent a disease accompanied by a decrease in the body's immune defenses. Preventive measures are necessary during organ transplantation, when immunity is suppressed artificially so that the transplanted organ is not rejected.

Prophylaxis is the main way to protect against cytomegalovirus. After all, it is much easier to observe personal hygiene, lead a he althy lifestyle and, as prescribed by a doctor, than to treat the disease later, especially with the presence of complications.

cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children photo
cytomegalovirus infection symptoms in children photo

Consequences of cytomegalovirus infection

Newborns and immunocompromised children are more susceptible to complications. It is worth noting that not everything depends on the timeliness and effectiveness of treatment, since the disease can progress latently and cause serious he alth problems.

The most common complications include:

  • damage to the nervous system;
  • encephalitis - inflammation of the brain;
  • cytomegalovirus pneumonia;
  • eye diseases, in particular chorioretinitis, which leads to strabismus in children and blindness.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the state of the child's natural immune defenses. Since drugs can only suppress the spread and aggressiveness of the virus. If a child has cancer or leukemia in addition to CMV, the symptoms will be much more pronounced, and treatment will be much more difficult and lengthy.

Prevention of CMVI in children

The main way to prevent is to strengthen the child's immune system. This task includes not only rational nutrition, but also moderate physical activity necessary for the child, hardening, active rest and many other factors.

cytomegalovirus infection in a child symptoms
cytomegalovirus infection in a child symptoms

After an illness (especially a serious infectious disease), a child should not be immediately taken to a kindergarten or school, since his body has not yet fully recovered, and his immunitytoo weak. In this condition, there is a high chance that the child may become infected with CMV.

If a child is often ill and his condition worsens, you need to see a doctor, take the necessary tests and be examined. The attentive attitude of parents to the he alth of their child will help to avoid the dangerous consequences of the disease by stopping the virus at an early stage.
