Hyperbaric oxygenation - what is it? Indications for use and contraindications

Hyperbaric oxygenation - what is it? Indications for use and contraindications
Hyperbaric oxygenation - what is it? Indications for use and contraindications

Every year medicine develops more and more, new drugs, procedures and methods of treatment of various diseases appear. Special equipment is also effectively used, with which you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.


Hyperbaric oxygenation is a procedure, the action of which is aimed at enriching all cells of the body with oxygen. For the implementation of this treatment, pressure devices are used, which can be configured individually for each patient.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy is
hyperbaric oxygen therapy is

Special monitors must be present on the equipment, with the help of which doctors monitor the person's reaction to the procedure and the state of the device itself. It is worth noting that the department of hyperbaric oxygen therapy can only be accessed with a referral from the attending physician.

What can be achieved with this treatment?

Because hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a procedure that aims to increase oxygen levelsin the human body, there are several reactions to its conduction:

  1. The body's need for oxygen is satisfied, which penetrates into every cell.
  2. The body most actively produces substances that ensure the proper functioning of all systems.
  3. The positive effect of the procedure is that it improves well-being and increases life expectancy.

How does the equipment work?

The method of hyperbaric oxygenation is directly related to the operation of special equipment. Immediately after the patient is placed in the pressure chamber, the procedure is considered started:

  1. There is an artificial increase in blood pressure, due to which oxygen penetrates into the blood cells faster.
  2. Blood plays the role of a conductor and brings oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body.
  3. After the right amount of oxygen enters the human body, the next stage begins, during which nutrients enter bone, cartilage, muscle and other tissues, thereby restoring them from various damages.
  4. Also, in addition to the he alth benefits, hyperbaric oxygen treatment can improve a person's appearance by burning excess body fat.
department of hyperbaric oxygenation
department of hyperbaric oxygenation

Where applicable

Hyperbaric oxygenation is primarily a medical procedure, and therefore only the attending physician prescribes it, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body. This method is usually used infollowing cases:

  1. Extensive bleeding in the brain area and hypoxia.
  2. During resuscitation or intensive care for the treatment of kidney and liver failure and other diseases of these organs, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, dysplasia, etc.
  3. For severe and extensive injuries.
  4. During the treatment of a purulent lesion.
  5. Also, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used during the rehabilitation of hypoxia or limb ischemia.
  6. The method is widely used in traumatology, it stimulates the rapid fusion of bones and skin, improves blood microcirculation.
  7. This treatment is used for the fastest recovery after surgery.
  8. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is well established as an adjunct to urological problems.
  9. Used during the treatment of acute forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Used to restore hearing.
  11. This treatment method helps the body recover from severe poisoning, snakebite, and more.
  12. Indications for the use of the method are found in neurological diseases associated with impaired blood flow, such as vegetovascular dystonia, enuresis, astheno-neurotic syndrome, etc.

This method has a wide scope and is popular among many specialists in various fields.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications
hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications


Quite often indications forThe use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be found in the treatment of diseases affecting the veins, lymph nodes or blood vessels. This is due to the fact that the saturation of the body with oxygen improves blood circulation and helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible.

The decrease and increase in blood pressure that occurs during this procedure improves lymph flow, which helps to cure trophic ulcers as quickly as possible. Also, hyperbaric oxygen therapy makes it possible to cope with such a common problem as varicose veins.

Modern clinics use various types of pressure chambers, in addition to standard models, apparatuses are widely used that can only fit the limbs or the head of a person. The highest efficiency shows the treatment started in the initial or middle stages, otherwise you will have to resort to other methods.

hyperbaric oxygen contraindications
hyperbaric oxygen contraindications

Indications for the procedure

One of the most effective methods for the treatment of many diseases is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the indications for which are as follows:

  1. Heart disease, such as atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, ischemia, or heart failure.
  2. Change in the structure of the retina, weakening of the optic nerves.
  3. Atherosclerosis of the arteries in the arms and legs, only when the disease is at an early or intermediate stage.
  4. Raynaud's syndrome.
  5. Ulcer, gastritis and other disorders of the gastrointestinalintestinal tract.
  6. The procedure helps to alleviate the patient's condition with diabetes.
  7. Pathologies of the hearing organs.
  8. Obesity.
  9. The method helps to recover from various kinds of poisoning - both food and pharmacological.
  10. A pressure chamber of this type can be prescribed for people with overexertion, depression and other forms of nervous disorders.
  11. Kidney and urinary tract disease.
  12. Trophic ulcers.
  13. The procedure is often used as rehabilitation after stroke, encephalopathy and multiple sclerosis.
  14. Irregularities in the normal functioning of the liver.
  15. Severe forms of purulent wounds.
  16. Varicosis and other vascular diseases.
hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications and contraindications
hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications and contraindications

In addition to he alth measures, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to rejuvenate the entire body. It also helps with severe overwork or a hangover.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: contraindications to the procedure

When using a hyperbaric chamber, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is incompatible with certain diseases and pathologies:

  • oncology;
  • possibility of an epileptic seizure;
  • hematoma and abscess;
  • abnormalities in the lungs, such as a cyst or cavity;
  • severe hypertension;
  • the procedure is contraindicated if the purulent lesions have not been drained;
  • individual intolerance to a large amount of oxygen in the blood;
  • inflammationlungs in any form;
  • stagnation of mucus in the sinuses interferes with the normal passage of oxygen and can cause serious complications;
  • respiratory, viral diseases in an open form;
  • drug-resistant hyperthermia.
hyperbaric oxygen treatment
hyperbaric oxygen treatment

It is worth remembering that hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the indications and contraindications for which were described above, is a procedure that is carried out in a closed pressure chamber, therefore it is not recommended for people with a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).

What preparation steps do you need to go through before the procedure?

Before the patient is placed in the pressure chamber, he must listen to a lecture that includes the following information:

  • harm and benefit of the procedure;
  • how the patient may feel, what is normal and what is not;
  • rules of conduct during various procedures, such as mucosal anemization or compression;
  • also the lecture includes a briefing on the rules of conduct in emergency situations.
hyperbaric oxygen method
hyperbaric oxygen method

How the procedure works

Hyperbaric oxygenation is a procedure carried out in a special pressure chamber:

  1. The patient is placed in a capsule in a horizontal position, while the device is equipped with special sensors that record the oxygen level, pressure and condition of the patient. All data is displayed on a special monitor.
  2. During treatment, the person should lie still and breathe measuredly.
  3. While in the pressure chamber, you may experience a feeling of stuffy ears.
  4. During the procedure, virtually all microbes in the body die.
  5. There is also an increase in fibrinolytic activity and a decrease in fibrinogen concentration.

Depending on the purpose of use, from 5 to 25 procedures are prescribed, the average duration of which ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Cost of treatment

The cost of one procedure of hyperbaric oxygen therapy depends on which pressure chamber will be used. There are 2 types of devices: conventional and resuscitation. In the first case, using the method will be much cheaper.

Prices vary from 500 to 6,000 rubles. The specific amount will be calculated based on the type of treatment and the duration of the procedure itself.

Patient testimonials

Many people who have undergone hyperbaric oxygen therapy claim that this method, like nothing else, helped to cope with annoying sores, alleviate the condition during chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Also, given that under normal conditions the procedure is not so expensive, many practice a single visit, the purpose of which is to restore the body during physical or emotional overload.

Patients who have undergone resuscitation with this therapy claim that it helped them return to normal life.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is goodremedy for the prevention of many diseases. It is also used as a measure of treatment for various complications. This method is actively used as both the main therapy and auxiliary.
