The mole has increased in size: causes, diagnosis, treatment

The mole has increased in size: causes, diagnosis, treatment
The mole has increased in size: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Birthmarks are present on the body of almost every person. They differ in their shade, parameters and location. Usually miniature specks do not bother people in any way, so they are often simply ignored. Although in reality this is not always correct, because under the influence of certain factors, growths can change and even transform into malignant tumors.

Should I be concerned

Any, even the most insignificant deformation of a birthmark, is a serious reason for contacting a specialist. A dermatologist will tell you why the mole is increasing in size and what to do in this case, who can also additionally recommend a consultation with a cosmetologist or surgeon. Despite the fact that the risk of transformation is very small, preventive examinations by a doctor will completely minimize it.

Causes of mole deformity

ActuallyThere are many conditions and prerequisites for the growth of melanocytic cells. By the way, it is not at all necessary that their malignant degeneration should be behind this phenomenon. Most often, moles increase in size for several reasons.

  • Mechanical influence - often they are reborn on those parts of the body that are regularly traumatized, for example, on the waist, neck, palms, inner buttocks, décolleté.
  • Ultraviolet - prolonged exposure to sunlight adversely affects the overall condition of the skin. Often, it is the tanning process that causes the appearance and deformation of already existing skin defects. People with naturally fair skin are most at risk.
  • Hormonal changes in the body - the appearance of moles or a change in their parameters often occurs during childbearing, menopause or puberty.
  • Injuries - any injury can lead to an increase in the birthmark or its division into several growths.
  • The use of hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives - such therapy can provoke a significant increase in melanocytic cells. Most often in such a situation, moles multiply on the face. This is due to the special delicacy and thinness of the skin in this area.

Signs of abnormal growth

Several categories of neoplasms can be classified as dangerous moles - they are the ones that can be reborn.

  • Neoplasms with a blue, blue, and sometimes brown tint. Such a mole usually has smallup to 2 cm in size, and slightly rises above the skin. Most often, such growths are localized in the area of the buttocks, arms, legs and face.
  • Borderline pigmented moles that can have a different shape and shade. A distinctive feature of dangerous neoplasms is a clear change in color from the edges to the center.
  • Huge pigmented moles are large and have sloppy edges. Such an outgrowth rises significantly above the skin. Typically, these moles have a large number of hairs.
  • Dysplastic formations have an irregular shape, uneven edges and a non-uniform shade.
  • Nevus of Ota is usually located in the area of the eyes, cheekbones or upper jaw. Can even occur on mucous membranes such as the mouth, eyes and nose.

All described moles are characterized by features that help to identify them and distinguish them from other formations on the skin. If the diagnosis is difficult even after a visual examination, it is necessary to conduct a scraping analysis or histology.


The following signs may indicate the probable onset of malignant processes in the skin growth:

  • scaling up to 6mm or more;
  • uneven color with multiple shades;
  • roughness, uneven surface, cracks;
  • lack of clear boundaries, their unevenness;
  • permanent modification of education;
  • itching, bleeding, swelling, redness or darkening.
Why a moleincreases
Why a moleincreases

Any of the phenomena described should cause concern. For example, if a red mole has grown in size, you should immediately visit a dermatologist. Only a doctor is able to assess the condition of the growth and determine the level of risk of malignant degeneration.

Mole increased in size during pregnancy

After conception, significant changes occur in the body of every woman. Many expectant mothers complain about the increase in moles during pregnancy. Although in fact their occurrence during this period is quite understandable and even normal. As a rule, they are benign and do not provoke any complications. After all, the increase in the mole is due to increased production of melanin. In parallel with the change in birthmarks, the usual shade of the navel, nipples and some areas of the skin also changes.

If the increased build-up does not cause any discomfort, that is, it does not inflame and does not itch, then everything is fine. This also applies to already existing moles that have darkened slightly. But, in the event of at least one alarming symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is worth remembering: if the mole has increased in size, then the probability of its degeneration into a malignant tumor is always there, although it is minimal.

What to do if a mole has increased in a pregnant woman
What to do if a mole has increased in a pregnant woman

How to solve the problem

It is advisable for a pregnant woman to consult her gynecologist in all matters relating to changes in the size and shade of formations on the skin. Eliminating moles during the period of bearing a baby is not recommended, but not prohibited. It is only necessary to remove the growths in the area of the perineum and birth canal, since they can be injured and even infected at the time of the birth of the child. If malignant tumors were found in a woman in position, they are removed.

What to do if a child's mole grows in size

The appearance of pigmented neoplasms on the skin of a baby is a common thing, which most often does not cause any concern. If the already existing mole in a child has increased in size pathologically, you should contact the pediatrician, who will actually conduct the necessary diagnostics.

But it is worth remembering that while growing up, the birthmarks existing on the baby's body always grow a little and darken, some of them disappear altogether, others appear. This is completely normal and should not cause much concern for parents.

What to do if the mole has increased in size in a child
What to do if the mole has increased in size in a child

If the appeared moles give the child aesthetic discomfort, you can think about eliminating such neoplasms. To remove growths in babies, the same methods are used as for adults: cryodestruction, laser surgery or electrocoagulation.

What to do if you experience discomfort

Sometimes unpleasant and even painful sensations appear in the growth zone. The fact that the mole has increased in size and itches can be explained by various conditions. The most common cause of this phenomenonappears to be wearing too tight clothing. A more serious prerequisite for the growth of education is the rapid division of its cells, which increases the likelihood of developing melanoma.

Why does a mole increase in size and itch? There are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  • allergy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • all kinds of injuries;
  • too strong mechanical impact;
  • regular UV exposure.
What to do if the mole has grown and itches
What to do if the mole has grown and itches

Regardless of the initial cause of discomfort, with such symptoms, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. The same goes for people whose mole has grown in size and hurts.


Any pigmented growths, regardless of their origin, require a medical examination, especially if they began to increase abnormally in size, changed their shade or shape. Diagnosis begins with a thorough visual examination of the mole and other activities, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • gathering the necessary anamnesis;
  • lab tests;
  • punch biopsy;
  • digital dermatoscopy;
  • histology.

The main place is occupied by dermatoscopy. Only after it, the patient can be assigned a biopsy and additional tests. To determine the depth of localization of melanocytic cells, an epiluminescent examination is carried out. If melanoma is suspected, the patient is given a radioisotopestudy. But laboratory tests in determining the reasons why the mole has increased in size are only of secondary importance. Only urine and blood tests are needed to detect oncology.

Diagnosis of an enlarged mole
Diagnosis of an enlarged mole

Biopsy of biological material is also important. It is this analysis that makes it possible to find out the nature of the origin of the mole and the reasons for its growth. Excisional biopsy is considered especially effective. During such a procedure, a specialist, using local anesthesia, completely eliminates the skin growth and examines the biological material.


Regardless of the location of the existing growths on the skin, they all require constant monitoring. Treatment is needed only when the mole has grown in size and taken the form of melanoma. In addition, therapy is carried out in cases where the risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor has increased.

Methods for removing moles
Methods for removing moles

Drug treatment is extremely rare, as it usually does not bring a pronounced effect on enlarged growths. A course of medication is recommended only if the defect appeared against the background of concomitant pathologies. As for other situations, the treatment of an enlarged mole involves its complete surgical removal. The following techniques can be used for this:

  • laser excision;
  • radiosurgery;
  • cryolysis;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • surgical excision.
Treatment for enlarged moles
Treatment for enlarged moles

If the mole does not bring any discomfort and does not pose a threat to life, it is undesirable to resort to surgical intervention. In this case, it's best to just watch the build-up grow for a while.
