Hermaphrodites are people who have the sexual characteristics of both a male and a female body. At the same time, it is immediately worth noting that in the vast majority of cases they are able to produce only one (either male or female) type of sex hormones. This type of hermaphroditism is usually called false. Its true variant is almost never found in the human population. The fact is that true hermaphrodites are those whose organisms are capable of producing both male and female sex hormones. In the animal kingdom, this phenomenon is much more widespread. This is especially true not for mammals, but for amphibians and mollusks.

False hermaphrodites - who is this?
Such people appear as a result of genetic mutations. At the same time, a person has sexual characteristics of both men and women. However, it should be correctly understood that the body of a false hermaphrodite can produce only one type of hormones. This kind of genetic abnormality is much more common than true hermaphroditism.
Of course, its real prevalence will remain for a long timea mystery, since not every person with such a deviation is ready to share his misfortune with other people, even with medical workers. This is due to the fact that hermaphrodites are people who can become the object of ridicule of society, since there are a lot of different prejudices in it. The fact is that a person with such a deviation is not to blame for anything. He alone is in no way able to influence his hermaphroditism. Only recently, thanks to intensive surgical intervention, people with this mutation were able not only to get rid of cosmetic defects, but also to lead a full life.

To begin with, doctors try to determine which of the sexes is true. Usually this can be done without additional research, because a person basically develops in the way that hormones “lay” for him. However, this is not enough for physicians. They must be completely sure which genital organs need to be formed by a person, and which ones are an extra addition. For this, an analysis is carried out to determine which hormones are produced in the body of a false hermaphrodite. Subsequently, surgical intervention is carried out. Thanks to this treatment, often hermaphrodites even manage to conceive and give birth to children.
It is worth noting that hermaphrodite girls post their photos much more often than representatives of the strong half of humanity. As a result, everyone can independently see what they are. Naturally, the faces in such pictures are hidden. Male hermaphrodites are much more likely to try to hide their peculiarity as much as possible. As a result, they seek treatment much less often.

True hermaphrodites
This phenomenon, as noted earlier, is casuistic for the human population. To this day, there are only a few references to such people. Their difference from others is the presence of organs capable of producing both female and male sex hormones. At the same time, medicine has not been able to investigate such a phenomenon at the moment. The fact is that it is unlikely that a person with this deviation will advertise his "unusual".