Quantum therapy: feedback on treatment with the device

Quantum therapy: feedback on treatment with the device
Quantum therapy: feedback on treatment with the device

Modern medicine in the arsenal has a huge number of various methods of therapy for various diseases. Of course, drug treatment is most often in the first place, but for some pathologies it is worth paying attention to other methods that do not involve the use of drugs. One of them is quantum therapy, which helps to get rid of many he alth problems by regulating the body's bioenergetic potential. This method is quite new, but was used by Eastern healers. Let's see what the essence of the technique is, what pathologies it can help with, whether there are contraindications to its use.


Quantum therapy has been introduced into medical practice relatively recently, but the first attempts to use this technique go far into the past. Even the healers of the Ancient East began to develop this direction.

In ancient China, there was a doctrine according to which the human body exists due to some kind of vital energy that moves through special channels in the human body. A person receives this energy from the bowels of the earth, from food and from parents duringthe time of your birth.

quantum therapy
quantum therapy

For the exchange of energy, an important role is played by some biological points that are associated with channels and located throughout the body. If they are negatively affected, they cease to function normally and energy is not supplied to the organs, which leads to the development of diseases. This theory was the impetus for the creation of acupuncture treatments and acupuncture.

But later it was found that the points can be influenced in a different way, and this is how quantum therapy arose. Over the decades, this direction has gained new life and is currently being actively introduced into medical practice.

Characteristics of biologically active points

Ancient Chinese healers used the method of acupuncture to restore energy potential and normalize metabolism. Modern medicine has in its arsenal various schemes that help determine the location of biologically active points and their connection with internal organs. There are many points and they all have their own importance, but several more important zones stand out:

  • In the temporal region there are points that affect the nervous system.
  • The occipital region through biologically active points is connected with the autonomic nervous system and is able to regulate the work of internal organs.
  • There are points along the spinal column, through the influence of which you can regulate the work of all internal organs and systems.
  • There are many points on the feet and hands, connected practicallywith all organs.
  • quantum therapy apparatus
    quantum therapy apparatus

Modern specialists act on acupuncture points through:

  • Hand massage.
  • Massage with special devices.
  • Water treatments.
  • Physiotherapy treatments.
  • Effect of electromagnetic field.

Not the last place in this list is quantum light.

The essence of the technique

Quantum laser therapy has another name - MIL-therapy or bioresonance therapy. It is based on the use of ultraviolet and polarized light sources. For these purposes, a quantum therapy apparatus is provided, which is applied to various parts of the body. There are several of them and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For the human body, such exposure is absolutely safe and there is no discomfort during the procedure. The course of therapy usually includes about 12 procedures that must be done daily. The session lasts from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of areas treated.

quantum therapy reviews of doctors
quantum therapy reviews of doctors

To get the maximum positive effect, you need to take several of these courses with a break of 2 weeks between them.

Essence of the healing effect

The light flux consists of a large number of waves of different lengths and frequencies. All of them have different effects on the body, so for the most effective treatment it is important to influence severalfrequencies and colors.

For example, the Vityaz quantum therapy device emits light in the range from 3900 to 7700 angstroms. The color scale is different, for example, from green to purple is in the range from 3900 - 5770 angstroms, and from red to yellow - 5770 - 7700.

For light therapy, it is important to select the color and its dosage in each individual case, because the effect of such therapy can be not only positive. There are some conditions that help determine the choice of color, but adjustments are necessary based on the patient's he alth condition.

Perhaps it is not worth emphasizing that quantum therapy should only be performed by a highly qualified specialist.

Advantages of exposure to light quanta

The human body is a rather complex system that consists of a huge number of cells. The he alth of the body just depends on how efficiently they carry out their work. The processes are all performed at the molecular level. Even a slight failure leads to the development of various diseases.

Western medicine, unlike Eastern medicine, tries to solve all problems with drugs, a scalpel or other methods, but quantum medicine uses more delicate methods:

  1. Quantum with the help of the device gets exactly to the place where the problem is observed and treatment is needed.
  2. Exposure to light quanta is absolutely not traumatic for the body. The energy of a quantum is not able to disrupt or damage the structure of the cell, but to shake it andfully energized. This gives her strength to cope with many problems on her own. Without medication, the body heals, all processes return to normal.

This is what explains why this therapy has no side effects and does not provoke complications after treatment.

The therapeutic effect of the procedure on the body

There have been numerous studies that have proven that Quantum Therapy treatment has the following effects on the body:

  • Painkiller.
  • Reduces puffiness.
  • Antioxidant effect.
  • Inflammatory processes are reduced.
  • The process of tissue regeneration is accelerated.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol.
  • Improves the process of blood microcirculation.
  • The process of producing vital proteins and enzymes is enhanced.
  • Quantum therapy treatment also has a rejuvenating effect, which is why such equipment appears in beauty salons.
  • quantum laser therapy
    quantum laser therapy

This range of effects explains the widespread use of therapy in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for therapy

Quantum therapy, reviews of doctors confirm this, helps to cure many pathologies, among which are:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Obstructive bronchitis.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum 12.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Prolonged depression.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Immunodeficiency states.
  • Raynaud's disease.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • quantum therapy machine reviews
    quantum therapy machine reviews
  • Conditions after myocardial infarction.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Respiratory diseases.

This is the miraculous effect that a quantum therapy apparatus can have. But the enormous benefits of such therapy do not exclude the presence of contraindications.

Procedure prohibited

The use of quantum therapy, "Vityaz" is an apparatus or some other, is not recommended in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • High body temperature.
  • Convulsive conditions.
  • Graves' disease.
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
  • Presence of malignant tumors in the body.
  • Leukemia.

There are not many contraindications, but they must be taken into account.

How the therapy works

If there is a chronic disease, then the patient must understand that it will not work to be cured in one session. The course of therapy is quite long and can take several months. All treatment consists of several cycles that follow each other with a short break.

One cycle includes 4 treatment sessions, in time it takes 9-12 days. Sessions are held daily, and the duration is about an hour. As a rule, the impact on one zone lasts about 5 minutes.

When one course of treatmentsis completed, it is recommended to take a break for two weeks, and then continue the treatment. It may take 5-6 courses of therapy to achieve the desired result.

Light includes waves of different frequencies, which in their own way affect the human body, so even one disease is treated with light of different colors.

Meaning of color in therapy

The choice of color for treatment plays an important role, because each has its own effect and is effective in certain pathologies. The quantum therapy device allows you to influence different colors, let's consider their meaning in more detail.

Red color has an effective effect in the following conditions:

  • helps fight depression;
  • effectively treats blood diseases;
  • wet wounds heal faster under the influence of this spectrum of rays;

But you need to know that the color red is contraindicated if the patient has high blood pressure, a tendency to bleed, disorders of the nervous system, increased excitability.

Orange color is great for soft warming in the presence of reduced immunity, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, erectile dysfunction in men. But it also cannot be used for a long time, and with increased excitability it is better not to use it for treatment at all.

Yellow color perfectly stimulates the brain and makes mental processes more active. Its use is shown at:

  • skin pathologies;
  • deterioration of memory and attention.

Caution when using this color should also be present, as prolonged exposure can cause depression or overwork.

Green is good for comfort. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the heart, nervous system. It is allowed to be used even in the therapy of expectant mothers and during breastfeeding. Green helps speed up recovery from injuries and fractures.

Blue color will help in the treatment of visual and auditory analyzer, and is also effective in diseases of the nose. With prolonged use, it can cause drowsiness and headache, so it is important to use it in doses.

Blue color has proven itself in the treatment of burns, feverish conditions, bleeding. It helps to calm down, restore lost strength, reduces irritability.

To relieve mental stress and fatigue from creative work, you must use purple. It is effective in the treatment of epilepsy, rheumatism, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Before the procedure, it is very important to establish the mental state of the patient, since it is better to postpone treatment in case of depression and depression.

These colors are most commonly used for healing. The rest are rarely used, for example, the white spectrum helps relieve pain, silver helps with leukemia, and gold is considered universal and is used in the treatment of any pathologies.

The Vityaz quantum therapy apparatus, the doctors' reviews of this is confirmation, is capable of emitting all these colors, therefore, inMedical equipment stores are in high demand.

Black color is not used in quantum therapy due to its negative impact on the human psyche.

Vityaz devices for quantum therapy

Not only foreign manufacturers, but also domestic ones are engaged in the production of such equipment. Quite often, quantum therapy is carried out using the Vityaz apparatus. The manual contains detailed information about the device and the rules for its use. The device was created taking into account the physiological and natural characteristics of the human body, it stimulates internal reserves and helps to cope with pathologies.

quantum therapy device Vityaz
quantum therapy device Vityaz

When purchasing a device, you can immediately familiarize yourself with the treatment methods that come with it. All of them are quite simple and effective, so quantum therapy can be carried out at home. "Vityaz" reviews are positive and in demand. It can be used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

The device is capable of delivering several types of therapeutic radiation:

  • Laser radiation of various spectra.
  • Pulse laser.
  • Magnetic field.

All these types of radiation have a healing effect, so quantum therapy will have a powerful healing effect, "Vityaz" will become an indispensable device in such treatment.

This device has a lot of advantages, so it received a huge number of positivereviews:

  • Wide range of pathologies that can recede after quantum healing.
  • As a result of using the device, the amount of medication taken will be significantly reduced.
  • The patient does not experience any discomfort or discomfort during a session using Vityaz.
  • Using the device is quite simple and does not require special skills.
  • Quantum therapy can be carried out not only in medical institutions. "Vityaz" may well be used at home without medical supervision.
  • Programs are automatically installed in the device and you only need to select the one you need. After a certain time, the device will turn itself off.
  • The method is suitable for absolutely everyone, even children and pregnant women.
  • The device is quite compact and easy to transport.
  • To facilitate operation, the device has sound and light indication.
  • The processes of repairing damaged tissues are carried out many times faster.
  • The device itself has a therapeutic effect, but also helps to enhance the effect of drug therapy.

Quantum therapy - "Rikta"

Another well-known and popular device for quantum therapy is "Rikta". This device was the first not only in Russia, but also abroad. Unlike other devices, "Rikta" has 4 therapeutic effects:

  • Infrared pulsed laser radiation.
  • Emission in the red part of the spectrum is pulsating.
  • Broadband pulsating radiation.
  • Magnetic field.

As a result of such a complex effect on the body, the following effects are achieved:

  • Immune system normalizes.
  • The body is better able to resist infections.
  • Peripheral capillary circulation is activated.
  • Inflammatory processes are reduced.
  • Metabolism normalizes.
  • The body is cleared of toxins and toxic substances.
  • Prevention of a large number of diseases is possible.
  • quantum therapy RIKTA
    quantum therapy RIKTA

Quantum therapy is practically omnipotent. "Rikta" helps to significantly reduce the consumption of drugs in the treatment of many diseases, and taking smaller doses becomes more effective.

"Rikta" helps to launch the body's hidden adaptive capabilities not only at the level of cells, but also as a large biological system as a whole. The treatment procedure takes a minimum of time, and the positive effect will already be noticeable after several procedures.

Here is an incomplete list of diseases that can be treated with this device:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pathologies and injuries of the joints and spine.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • ENT - diseases.
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract disappear faster.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Gynecological problems.
  • Skin diseases, includingallergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Widely used therapy in cosmetology.
  • Diseases in animals.

The advantage is the ability to use the device at home. In the treatment of side effects, as a rule, does not occur. Children and pregnant women do not fall into the category for whom quantum therapy is prohibited, unless there are absolute contraindications.

In conclusion, we can say that medicine does not stand still and every year new methods of treating diseases appear. Once incurable pathologies are now perfectly amenable to therapy. What is surprising is that the modern quantum therapy apparatus has mostly positive reviews and allows treatment with the lowest risks in terms of complications or side effects.

So do not give up and immediately panic if a "terrible" diagnosis is made, modern medicine can work wonders.
