Sometimes you have to make a choice which food to eat. Preference is given to one or another dish for the reason that the stomach periodically fails, starts to hurt. Without a thorough examination, it is not always possible to make a correct diagnosis. In order to check the digestive organs, sometimes you have to do a gastroscopy.

Let's talk about the procedure
Agree, before you go for an examination, you should at least know a little about what awaits you. Gastroscopy is a procedure during which the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum are examined. For these purposes, a fiber optic tool is used.
It looks like a long, thin tube called a "gastroscope". The tube is flexible and easily inserted through the mouth into the intestines. The resulting image is transmitted to the TV screen. It is clear and detailed. If required, it can be printed using a printer. The procedure is carried out carefully and carefully.
It should be said right away that the procedure is painless, but not very pleasant. Sometimes, in order for the patient to endure it easily, he is given sedatives. But it's not always worth it. After taking them, you can'tdrive a car and are unlikely to be able to do the work that requires a high concentration of attention.
Currently, gastroscopy is the most informative way to diagnose diseases of the digestive system.

What is the procedure for
- It enables the specialist to carefully examine the gastric mucosa. Detect all lesions, irritations and tumors. Gastroscopy is safer and more accurate than x-rays.
- It allows you to take pictures of the stomach lining and take a sample. The resulting image can be recorded in order to further monitor the change in the patient's state of he alth.
- Makes it possible to accurately diagnose. Sometimes diseases have the same symptoms. Thanks to this method, a dangerous disease can be detected.
- Using this method, you can take a biopsy of the small intestine. This is done in order to exclude a disease such as celiac disease.
- With the help of this procedure, some therapeutic measures are carried out: a foreign body is removed, blood vessels are cauterized, tumors and polyps are removed. Medicines are being administered.
Gastroscopy is a necessary procedure for diseases of the digestive system. It will help diagnose the disease at an early stage.
When gastroscopy is prescribed
The procedure should be carried out with the following symptoms:
- heartburn, belching, difficulty swallowing;
- nausea, vomiting;
- stomach and stomach pain;
- bloating;
- diarrhea;
- diarrhea;
- "Lazy" stomach.

Gastroscopy should be performed immediately if:
- pain doesn't stop for days;
- no appetite, weight loss;
- hemoglobin drops;
- Pain and difficulty swallowing occur.
The procedure is carried out urgently at:
- vomiting blood;
- permanent liquid stool;
- weakness and fainting;
- sharp pain in the stomach.
And, of course, gastroscopy is a procedure that should be carried out to prevent diseases of the digestive system by:
- who are over forty-five;
- whose next of kin had cancer of the stomach and esophagus;
- who have previously been diagnosed with a precancerous condition.
This examination is also performed before the operation.
As you can see, there are a lot of indications for gastroscopy. This type of examination is currently used quite often.
Preparing for inspection

Before you do a gastroscopy, you need to prepare for it. The preparation period lasts three days. In order to get the right results, you need to cleanse the stomach. Have to stick to a special diet:
- Do not eat: very fatty foods, alcohol.
- Quit smoking.
- Eat small meals often.
- Exclude from the diet foods that cause formationgas.
- Those who suffer from bloating are advised to take Mezim and Festal preparations before the examination.
- To be completely eliminated: black bread, legumes, milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables, sodas and juices.
Remember: the last time you eat before the procedure is twelve hours, and you can drink water four hours before (this applies to an adult). For a child, eating stops twelve hours before the examination, and drinking water three hours before the examination.
Gastroscopy is always done on an empty stomach to prevent the gag reflex.
Mechanism of the procedure
As mentioned above, gastroscopy, reviews also testify to this, - the procedure is painless, but unpleasant. Therefore, the first thing a specialist should do is explain to the patient how everything will happen.
It's no secret that the human body is set to reject all foreign bodies. But currently, there is a way that can cope with such a reflex: drugs are used that help reduce the sensitivity of the throat.

After you have tuned in to the examination, you are asked to lie on your left side. Take the end of the gastroscope in your mouth, relax completely, and take a big sip. Together with this sip, without damaging the walls of the stomach, there will be a probe inside. Gastroscopy is a procedure aimed at helping a person. And if all the recommendations are followed, the diagnosis will be made correctly, andtreatment will be scheduled on time. If necessary, a sample of stomach tissue is taken during the examination. After the examination, you can safely go home.
You have already decided on a procedure called "gastroscopy", where you will do it, you have also decided, there is one more moment left. Like any other examination, this also has contraindications. In no case should you examine the digestive organs in this way if you have:
- Persistent expansion of the aorta, accompanied by thinning of the wall.
- Impaired cerebral circulation.
- Impaired coronary circulation.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Severe hypertension.
- Bleeding disorders and frequent bleeding.
- Mental disorder.
- Pronounced curvature of the spine.
- Frequent asthma attacks.
- Gastritis with vomiting.
- Esophageal ulcers.
- Esophageal varicose veins.
Relative contraindications include:
- Feeling unwell.
- Upper Respiratory Diseases.
- Hypertensive crisis.
- Old age.
As you can see, before you go for the procedure, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Only he will decide whether it suits you or not.
What people say about the procedure
Sometimes it can take a very long time to "gather" to decide on a procedure such as gastroscopy. Testimonials from former patientswhat prompts you to go to the doctor. As they say, everyone has their own opinion.

- Some say that there is nothing wrong with this procedure. The umbrella is pushed in very quickly, there is no pain at all. In short, it all depends on the doctor. If he is literate, then the inspection will go well.
- Some say it's best to use a special remedy that completely eliminates the gag reflex.
- There is also an opinion that it is not difficult to endure a couple of minutes. You can even do without any lidocaine. After the procedure, you feel good. It tingles a little in the throat, but passes quickly. True, you can’t drink hot water for a couple of days.
- There are also patients who underwent this examination in their sleep. You don't see or feel anything. You only wake up when the jaw stopper is pulled out.

Let's say you decide to take a survey. It remains to solve one question. Where to do a gastroscopy? Be sure to pay attention to the equipment. The service personnel is also important. And, of course, competent and qualified specialists are one of the most important conditions in finding a clinic for an examination.
Reviews from former patients can help you. After reading them, you can find out where gastroscopy is performed in Moscow. There are many such clinics, and you should choose one, at your discretion, the best one.