How to treat nail fungus at home?

How to treat nail fungus at home?
How to treat nail fungus at home?

How to treat nail fungus? Reviews of doctors indicate that the best option to eliminate the problem is the use of effective pharmacological agents. On the contrary, healers recommend resorting to safe, proven recipes based on natural ingredients. In our publication, I would like to talk about how to quickly treat nail fungus at home using folk methods.

Causes of fungus infection

cure toenail fungus home remedies
cure toenail fungus home remedies

Before you figure out how to treat nail fungus, a photo of which can be seen in the publication, I would like to say a few words about the factors of infection with pathogenic spores. The main prerequisite for infection is considered to be interaction with a sick person, as well as his personal belongings. For this reason, the risk group primarily includes people whowho regularly visit public places, such as baths, swimming pools, gyms.

An increased risk of nail infection with fungal spores is observed among people suffering from metabolic disorders in the body, as well as diabetes, increased sweating. Susceptibility to the causative agent of the disease is observed among those who take pharmacological drugs uncontrollably. After all, such actions are fraught with a weakening of the immune system.

As a separate factor, it is worth noting malnutrition. The likelihood of picking up a nail fungus increases in people who abuse high-calorie foods, all kinds of sweets. Such a diet often causes endocrine disruptions, which makes it easier for spores of the fungus to incubate in the tissues of the epidermis.


nail fungus photo how to treat
nail fungus photo how to treat

Start worrying about how to treat toenail fungus if you have these symptoms:

  • The nail plates thicken and peel off.
  • It feels quite itchy.
  • Nails lose their he althy, natural shine and elasticity.
  • A scaly plaque appears on the surface of hard tissues, which is constantly flaky.
  • The shape of the nail plate is deformed and becomes fragile.

However, the above phenomena are far from the entire list of problems that may arise during the development of the fungus. Further progress of the infection causes dysbacteriosis, which leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body and a general breakdown. Suffernot only tissue in the nail area begins, but the condition of the skin in other parts of the body also worsens.

Probably the most unpleasant consequence of a fungal infection is the necrosis of the nail plate. With this outcome, a person may experience severe pain, up to the loss of the ability to move independently. The processes of decay of fabrics cause the spread of a repulsive aroma.

If you do not find out how to quickly cure nail fungus, the affected keratinized plates will fall off. Bleeding wounds form under them, which will become a gateway for other infections to enter the body.


how to treat toenail fungus
how to treat toenail fungus

How to treat nail fungus? Reviews of traditional healers confirm that one of the best solutions can be the use of ordinary iodine. This powerful antiseptic contains substances that have a destructive effect on pathogenic spores.

How to treat nail fungus with iodine? For these purposes, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Several times a day, the infected areas are treated with a 5% solution of the substance. So that the infection does not spread to neighboring areas not affected by the fungus, neighboring tissues are also lubricated with the product.
  2. Prepare a capacious basin filled with hot water. Add iodine to this. The limbs affected by the fungus are immersed in the composition. After 10-15 minutes, the infected tissues are cut off. Finally, the nails are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Combine a teaspoon of iodine,vinegar and liquid with chopped garlic. The resulting composition is used to lubricate fungus-infected nails. Before performing the procedure, the limbs are pre-steamed. Infected tissues are treated shortly before going to bed.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to treat toenail fungus? A good option is the use of hydrogen peroxide. The chemical composition is suitable for eliminating the disease in advanced form. The use of the product makes it possible to avoid the penetration of other infections into the body through bleeding wounds, since it has an excellent disinfecting and healing effect.

How to treat nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide? The therapy is performed as follows. They take about one liter of boiling water, in which they dissolve no more than a teaspoon of baking soda. As soon as the composition cools down a little, the limbs are placed here and “steamed” well. Next, the legs are taken out of the water. Cotton swabs pre-impregnated with hydrogen peroxide are applied to the areas affected by the fungus. The legs are wrapped in cellophane, which makes it possible to avoid the evaporation of active ingredients.

The above treatment is performed within an hour. Compresses are applied twice a day. With minor nail lesions by the fungus, a positive effect is noted already after a week has passed from the start of therapy. If extensive areas of tissue are affected, treatment may be delayed for a month.


toenail fungus how to treat reviews
toenail fungus how to treat reviews

How to treat toenail fungus. Testimonials from people who have alreadymanaged to get rid of trouble at home, they talk about the effective action of such an affordable remedy as table vinegar. The acidic environment that is created through the use of a substance has a devastating effect on pathogenic spores. The reproduction of infectious agents is not so intense, which makes it possible to completely get rid of the problem in a fairly short time.

How to treat nail fungus in an adult with vinegar? In order to eliminate the infection, the remedy is used in several variations:

  1. Ointment - the medicine is prepared using the following ingredients. Beat the contents of one chicken egg. During the procedure, a teaspoon of vinegar and vegetable oil is gradually poured here. Also, a similar amount of a chemical compound called dimethyl phthalate is added to the composition. The latter can be bought at any pharmacy. The resulting product is sent to the refrigerator. As soon as the ointment thickens, it is applied to the areas affected by the fungus before going to bed. In the morning, the limbs are washed with laundry soap.
  2. Lotions - vinegar is applied to cotton swabs. The legs are well steamed. The remedy is applied to infected nails. Cotton wool soaked in vinegar is fixed with a plaster. The procedure is performed at night. The next day, the treated areas are thoroughly washed under running water.


Another way to treat toenail fungus? Reviews of people who prefer alternative methods of treatment indicate the effectiveness of kombucha in the fight against pathogens. The tool is usedin several ways. Kombucha is rubbed directly into the affected areas or applied healing compresses using the substance.

If we talk about the first method, for this they take a small piece of the product. The surface of the kombucha is removed from the film. Raw materials are ground to a mushy state. The resulting mass is rubbed into the infected nail plates. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day.

In order to prepare a compress, a small amount of kombucha is placed in clean water. Here the substance is left for a day. Then the medicine is applied to the diseased nail. On top of the limb is covered with polyethylene. Such a compress is fixed by putting on socks. Using the remedy in this way can cause considerable pain. However, the discomfort must be endured. After all, without this, you will not have to count on a speedy recovery. The kombucha treatment is continued for a week.


cure nail fungus fast
cure nail fungus fast

How to treat toenail fungus? If the problem is not yet fully developed, you can use ordinary coffee grounds for therapeutic purposes. The last to periodically treat infected areas.

There is also another more effective treatment option. Coffee beans are carefully ground and doused with boiling water. The composition is filtered, and the resulting liquid is used for healing baths. The broth is poured into a deep basin, where the limbs affected by the fungus are lowered. After a quarter of an hour, the same coffee grounds are applied to the nails,which is washed off after 30 minutes.

Copper vitriol

How to treat toenail fungus? Copper sulphate can serve as a medicine here. The tool is quite popular among people who prefer to fight infectious diseases with folk methods. Often, the substance is used as an adjunct to pharmacological therapy.

How to treat nail fungus at home with copper sulfate? Based on the substance, several effective remedies can be prepared:

  1. Healing baths - a teaspoon of vitriol is dissolved in a liter of boiling water. Thus, a rather rich composition is obtained. Before use for the treatment of fungus, the agent is diluted. To do this, a tablespoon of the previously obtained liquid is diluted in one and a half liters of water. The tool is heated, and then the legs are lowered here. The procedure is continued for 10-15 minutes. Finally, infected tissues are treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Ointment - copper sulfate in the amount of one teaspoon is heated in a dry frying pan until the powder changes color to grayish-white. A similar mass of yellow sulfur and tar is added to the composition. The components are thoroughly mixed until a thick composition is formed. The resulting ointment is treated with infected nails several times a day.

S alt

toenail fungus how to treat drugs
toenail fungus how to treat drugs

If there is no desire to use drugs - how to treat toenail fungus? Ordinary table s alt has an excellent disinfecting effect. In turn, the seaa kind of substance makes it possible to soften the keratinized plates.

To treat toenail fungus with a folk remedy, a tablespoon of s alt is dissolved in a liter of water. Add a small amount of baking soda to this. The legs are lowered into the composition and held for 10-15 minutes. Then the limbs are washed under the tap.

How to treat nail fungus on the hands? For this, baths based on sea s alt with the addition of essential oils are used. For these purposes, a capacious container is filled with boiling water. For one liter of liquid, one and a half tablespoons of s alt and a teaspoon of essential oil are used. The composition is allowed to cool slightly. Infected hands are lowered here. The procedure is repeated daily for a week. Then they take a short break. If the fungus on the nails does not recede, repeat the treatment.


Considering the question of how to treat toenail fungus with folk remedies, celandine is worth noting as a good remedy. The juice of the plant is distinguished by a rather aggressive action in relation to pathogenic microorganisms. Including, the tool destroys the protein compounds of the spores of the fungus. However, such a decision must be applied wisely. After all, there is a high probability of getting rather unpleasant chemical burns.

How is celandine nail fungus treated? Fresh shoots of the plant are crushed to a mushy state using a meat grinder. The resulting mass is placed in a piece of gauze and the juice is squeezed out. About 200 grams of such a liquid is combined with a similar amount of strong alcohol. The remedy is insisted during the day. Ready compositiontreat nails affected by the fungus. Repeat these actions 3-4 times a day. Treatment is continued until the nails return to normal.

Infusions based on garlic and onions

how to treat nail fungus at home
how to treat nail fungus at home

How to treat nail fungus on hands and feet? Suitable for these purposes are infusions prepared using onions and garlic. The juice of the fruits of these plants has the broadest antimicrobial effect.

Let's consider the features of the preparation of each remedy in order:

  1. Onion infusion - take about 2 tablespoons of root husks. Raw materials are combined with a similar amount of vegetable oil. The remedy is insisted for several weeks, shaking from time to time. How is nail fungus treated with this composition? To quickly eliminate the problem, foci of infection are treated with a remedy 3-4 times a day.
  2. Garlic infusion - one tablespoon of alcohol and grated garlic is used per liter of water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and allowed to infuse for 24 hours. The medicine is applied daily to diseased nails 2-3 times. The product is stored in a dark cool place.


In order not to have to figure out how to treat toenail fungus, it is worth resorting to prevention. For these purposes, it is useful to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not allow the limbs to sweat profusely, which creates a fertile environment for life and reproduction of pathological fungal spores.
  • Wash your feet in the morning and evening using tar soap, which hasdisinfectant qualities.
  • Clean and dry everyday shoes not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
  • Do not walk barefoot in the bathhouse, swimming pool, gym, and other public places.
  • Use only individual room slippers, even if we are talking about borrowing them from relatives.
  • From time to time treat shoe insoles with antiseptics.
  • Avoid sharing personal care items.
  • Change socks regularly.
  • Before performing cosmetic procedures, disinfect instruments with antiseptics.

In closing

So we figured out how to treat toenail and handnail fungus at home. Finally, it is worth noting that the recipes indicated in our publication are quite effective. However, their application requires patience. It is best to use such agents as adjuvant therapy when using medications. Naturally, it is important to find out in advance about this possibility, using the advice of a dermatologist.
