Medicine 2024, October

Medical protection. Collective and individual means of medical protection

Medical protection. Collective and individual means of medical protection

In this article you will learn all about medical protection for yourself and for the whole family. What are they and how to use them correctly

Which is the best nebulizer for home use?

Which is the best nebulizer for home use?

Which nebulizer is better? This question is often asked by visitors to pharmacies or other medical centers where these devices are sold. It should be noted that the word "nebulizer" comes from the Latin nebula, meaning "fog" or "cloud". This device is intended for carrying out inhalation procedures using ultra-small dispersed sprays of a medicinal substance

Quote for surgery in Moscow: how to get it? Quotas for treatment in Moscow

Quote for surgery in Moscow: how to get it? Quotas for treatment in Moscow

Situations arise when money for an operation is urgently needed, a person's life may depend on it. And often the funds are not enough. And so it happens that the necessary assistance is provided only in the capital. It is for such cases that a quota for an operation in Moscow is needed. How to get it, we will describe below

Aspiration catheter: instrument description

Aspiration catheter: instrument description

The aspiration catheter is indispensable if necessary for the sanitation of the oral and nasal cavities. After injuries, operations, when sputum does not come out naturally in a person

Where does Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin, a chiropractor, take: features of work and reviews

Where does Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin, a chiropractor, take: features of work and reviews

Millions of Russians want to know where Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin, a chiropractor of wide media fame, takes. After all, several times a week they meet him in the TV show “Live is great!”, Regularly aired on Channel One of Russian television. There, Dr. Shubin covers topical issues in a variety of headings, which successfully raises his popularity. Not surprisingly, the cost of his consultations is growing every day

Blood pressure 130 over 80 - normal or not? Blood pressure 130 over 80 during pregnancy

Blood pressure 130 over 80 - normal or not? Blood pressure 130 over 80 during pregnancy

This article will discuss whether the pressure of 130 over 80 is normal. About ideal indicators, pressure norms for various categories of patients, as well as methods for maintaining pressure in the normal range - all this can be read in the text below

How and how to quickly treat a boil at home?

How and how to quickly treat a boil at home?

Boils (and a more complicated stage of the disease - furunculosis) - a fairly common ailment that affects more men than women. A furuncle can appear at any age - both in an infant and in an elderly man or woman. There are many reasons for the appearance, and the process of maturation of the abscess is painful and slow, bringing suffering and inconvenience. Therefore, many people are interested in the question: how to quickly treat a boil at home?

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes and consequences

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes and consequences

Premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy is one of the most common diagnoses given to pregnant women. The consequences of this pathology can be the most unpredictable and sometimes sad. However, the correct lifestyle and the implementation of all the prescriptions of a gynecologist can reduce the risk of this pathology

Consequences of the use of "crocodile" and its impact

Consequences of the use of "crocodile" and its impact

Today, one of the most terrible inventions of man, perhaps, are drugs. This article will focus on the synthetic drug "crocodile", which is considered a cheap analogue of heroin and the most destructive drug. The use of this drug leads to inevitable and painful death

ART diagnostics - what is it? Vegetative resonance test. Voll method

ART diagnostics - what is it? Vegetative resonance test. Voll method

In the 50s of the 20th century, the German doctor Reinhold Voll began to study methods of influencing the human body with the help of electropuncture. Later, together with colleagues, he created a special apparatus that registers almost all pathologies. Thus, Voll diagnostics appeared. Why does traditional medicine not introduce the ART method?

What is preconception preparation for pregnancy

What is preconception preparation for pregnancy

The notorious modern rhythm of life, insufficiently he althy food, difficult environmental conditions and many negative factors lead to the fact that it is almost impossible to conceive, endure and give birth to an absolutely he althy child without problems. But doctors add: it's almost impossible to randomly win the lottery. But why leave such a responsible matter to chance, if you can reasonably and carefully approach the process? That's what preconception preparation for pregnancy is for

PCR analysis for HPV: what is it, how to prepare and pass

PCR analysis for HPV: what is it, how to prepare and pass

In the article, consider what it is - PCR diagnostics? Human papillomavirus (HPV) today is a very common disease that occurs in a chronic form and is fraught with frequent relapses. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - the most modern method for diagnosing papillomavirus

PCR analysis for 12 infections: preparation, delivery rules and interpretation of results

PCR analysis for 12 infections: preparation, delivery rules and interpretation of results

Modern method of research to determine the infection in the body is PCR diagnostics. This method is based on the use of polymerase chain reaction, which allows to identify pathogens. At the same time, how the pathological process proceeds, in acute or chronic form, does not affect the accuracy of the results obtained

Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications of the treatment method

Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications of the treatment method

Along with other physiotherapeutic procedures, magnetotherapy has recently become popular. Indications and contraindications for this type of treatment are well researched and allow it to be used with the greatest efficiency

Sclerosis of hemorrhoids: description of the method, features of the implementation and reviews

Sclerosis of hemorrhoids: description of the method, features of the implementation and reviews

Several centuries ago, this pathology was treated surgically. Now medicine has stepped forward. Specialists create more advanced and less traumatic methods of correction. One of these is the sclerosis of hemorrhoids with the help of modern medicines. That's what today's article will tell you about

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids: general treatment regimen, prescribed drugs, rules of use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids: general treatment regimen, prescribed drugs, rules of use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Treatment of hemorrhoids is not quick and not always easy. In most cases, the disease is chronic, and some patients suffer from it for many years. This feature is taken into account when choosing treatment tactics. Used for the treatment of hemorrhoids conservative, surgical methods, folk remedies. The choice of treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease, the features of its course

What is the normal platelet count in a child? What to do if platelets are elevated?

What is the normal platelet count in a child? What to do if platelets are elevated?

A blood test is done for all children without exception. The results of this study can say a lot. There are certain standards by which the state of he alth of the child is assessed. In deciphering the analysis, you can find the numerical values u200bu200bof erythrocytes, platelets, etc. In order to be able to decipher a blood test, you need to know what is the norm of platelets in a child. That is what this article will be about

Analysis of feces for protozoa: how to pass?

Analysis of feces for protozoa: how to pass?

Fecal analysis for protozoa is a standard laboratory method for diagnosing protozoosis and helminthiasis, which is performed in adults and children. With its help, protozoa that parasitize in the distal intestine, as well as helminths, are detected or excluded. The protozoa that live in the human intestine, there are 20 species, of which 8 are pathogenic, and 12 are activated under favorable conditions

How and how to moisturize the nasal mucosa?

How and how to moisturize the nasal mucosa?

An article about drugs and folk remedies that will help you quickly get rid of dry nose. Useful tips below

The procedure for embalming the deceased. Embalming of the body in the morgue and at home

The procedure for embalming the deceased. Embalming of the body in the morgue and at home

The embalming procedure is a surgical measure aimed at preserving exposed areas of the body for a certain period of time. Today we will figure out how the procedure is carried out in the morgue and at home, as well as what are the pros and cons of performing it outside the walls of your home

Electronic medical record of the patient

Electronic medical record of the patient

An electronic medical record of an outpatient can greatly facilitate the work of polyclinic staff in the near future. Paper options will gradually begin to disappear into oblivion

Laryngoscopy - what is it? Types of laryngoscopy, description of the procedure

Laryngoscopy - what is it? Types of laryngoscopy, description of the procedure

If a person is prone to frequent diseases of the throat and larynx, the doctor may recommend a procedure such as laryngoscopy. What it is? This is the most effective way to study the condition of the larynx. Previously, in this case, doctors used a special mirror. It was introduced into the larynx, illuminated the throat and examined its walls

Nursing process. Description. Stages

Nursing process. Description. Stages

The nursing process is a way of organizing the activities of a nurse or nurse, applicable to any area of activity of this employee. This method can be applied in different he althcare institutions

Corrective body massage: types, technique, effectiveness and reviews

Corrective body massage: types, technique, effectiveness and reviews

If you want to bring your body shape closer to ideal, you need to resort not only to sports and proper nutrition, although they are certainly important. Many people think that successful figure correction is possible only through surgical intervention. Fortunately, modern beauty salons offer less radical and very effective ways to create the figure of your dreams. One of them is a corrective body massage

Liposuction of the second chin: consequences and reviews

Liposuction of the second chin: consequences and reviews

Liposuction of the second chin is an operation to restore the beautiful oval of the face. There are several methods for removing localized fat deposits, so people planning to go through the operation need to know the general information about each of them

Non-surgical facelift

Non-surgical facelift

With age, muscle tone decreases, the skin loses connective tissue proteins, therefore it becomes less elastic. There are many methods of rejuvenation. Anti-aging methods range from radical to ineffective. The main thing is to choose the golden mean. Non-surgical facelift is the most popular skin rejuvenation procedure. This procedure is safe and gives immediately visible results

Removal of spider veins on the legs is not only an aesthetic necessity

Removal of spider veins on the legs is not only an aesthetic necessity

There are many ways to remove venous asterisks, and the phlebologist will tell you the best one. The main thing is not to delay treatment

Mean hemoglobin concentration: norm and deviation

Mean hemoglobin concentration: norm and deviation

The average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte (Mchc) is a clinically significant indicator, based on the results of which one can judge the presence of a particular pathology in a patient. The biological material for the study is capillary blood. With a decrease or increase in the average concentration of hemoglobin, not only drug treatment is indicated, but also a special diet. In addition, it is important to timely establish the root cause of the pathological condition

Analysis of feces for carbohydrates in infants: decoding, norm and deviation

Analysis of feces for carbohydrates in infants: decoding, norm and deviation

Some mothers are faced with the fact that children who are breastfed do not gain weight, often spit up, act up. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes certain studies, including biochemical ones. Analysis of feces for carbohydrates in infants helps to identify various disorders in the intestines

Sanatorium "Jubilee". Sanatorium "Jubilee", Evpatoria. Sanatorium "Jubilee", Bratsk

Sanatorium "Jubilee". Sanatorium "Jubilee", Evpatoria. Sanatorium "Jubilee", Bratsk

Sanatorium "Jubilee" - an excellent place where you can relax and heal. One caveat - there are several medical institutions with the same name, and they are scattered across different regions. This article provides detailed information about the Yubileiny sanatoriums located in the Crimea, Bashkortostan and the Irkutsk region

Choosing a good remedy for thrush

Choosing a good remedy for thrush

Yeast infection is the most common among women. More than 75% of all women suffer from it at some point in their lives. However, a good remedy for thrush can completely cure the disease

Human skin: thickness, layers, functions, care products

Human skin: thickness, layers, functions, care products

Human skin is an organ necessary for life, covering the body, having a complex structure, multifunctionality and connection with all body systems. It is an aesthetic indicator of physical he alth and protects the body from numerous negative influences. This body studies the science of histology, and treats such areas of medicine as cosmetology and dermatology. To ensure effective care, it is necessary to know the features, structure and thickness of human skin

Veterinary clinics in Arkhangelsk: list, addresses, services

Veterinary clinics in Arkhangelsk: list, addresses, services

The article talks about the medical institutions for animals located in Arkhangelsk: veterinary centers, clinics, offices

Analysis of the intestinal group: essence, preparation, how to pass?

Analysis of the intestinal group: essence, preparation, how to pass?

A study on the intestinal group is a bacteriological analysis, during which microorganisms are detected, the vital activity of which can lead to the development of infectious diseases. The biological material is feces. In order for the result of the study to be as reliable and informative as possible, it is necessary to follow certain preparation rules

Laboratory "Helix": feedback on the quality of analyzes, feedback from employees

Laboratory "Helix": feedback on the quality of analyzes, feedback from employees

The choice of a medical institution for testing in the modern world is extensive. And this is a very difficult question. Every day there are more and more private clinics. What can be said about the Helix laboratory? What do customers and employees think of this organization? Is it worth it to take tests and work here?

Papules on the face: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Papules on the face: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The human body is sensitive to changes in the habitual diet, weather conditions, change of scenery, being under stress. The first indicator that something is wrong in the body is skin rashes. At the same time, they can either have purulent contents (boils, acne) or not have it (urticaria, papules). The article describes methods for diagnosing the causes of the problem and ways to solve it

How to choose orthopedic insoles? Orthopedic insoles for flat feet - reviews

How to choose orthopedic insoles? Orthopedic insoles for flat feet - reviews

Purchasing shoes of low quality, we do not think about the fact that this is harmful to the he alth of our feet, they feel heavy and painful. These symptoms are not the best way reflected in our gait. Individual orthopedic insoles can prevent foot diseases and restore ease of walking

Why are my eyebrows flaky? Methods of treatment and prevention

Why are my eyebrows flaky? Methods of treatment and prevention

Skin peeling is a common phenomenon that occurs as a result of exposure to certain factors. There are many reasons for such a process. Why are eyebrows flaky? A similar phenomenon can be caused by environmental influences or a violation in the work of certain organs

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder

Ultrasound is one of the modern research methods, absolutely harmless and allows you to learn a lot. That is why it is widely used to diagnose pathologies of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity, mammary glands, thyroid gland, kidneys

Massage of the scalp: indications and contraindications

Massage of the scalp: indications and contraindications

Massage of the scalp and collar area - types, techniques, indications and contraindications. The effectiveness of the procedure