Treatment of hemorrhoids is not quick and not always easy. In most cases, the disease is chronic, and some patients suffer from it for many years. This feature is taken into account when choosing treatment tactics. Used for the treatment of hemorrhoids conservative, surgical methods, folk remedies. The choice of treatment regimen depends on the stage of the disease, the features of its course.
In most cases, it is possible to stop the disease with conservative treatment of hemorrhoids. The operation is an extreme measure, which is resorted to when other means do not have any positive effect, or the patient has applied with an advanced stage of hemorrhoids. In other cases, the doctor selects a conservative treatment for hemorrhoids.

Conservative treatment
Cope with disease without surgeryconservative treatment helps. And this is not only the use of pharmacological drugs, the use of suppositories and tablets, but also other methods.
Conservative treatment includes several components:
- Compliance with recommendations for lifestyle changes. At the initial stage of the disease, this is very effective, since a different lifestyle allows you to get rid of the disease forever. Change in diet. Your doctor will usually recommend a diet to reduce the chance of constipation. Be sure to increase motor activity, which allows you to solve the problem of venous stasis, due to which hemorrhoids develop.
- Taking pills. The doctor selects an effective drug treatment regimen for hemorrhoids in men and women.
- Performing hygiene procedures.
- Folk methods.
For the successful treatment of hemorrhoids with medication, it is recommended to strictly follow the doctor's prescription. In this case, you can quickly cope with the disease, without leading to complications.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor selects the most effective drugs that will help to cope with the disease. These can be topical or general drugs. The first are:
- ointments;
- creams;
- candles;
- gels.
Generic drugs are capsules, tablets and other formulations intended to be taken by mouth.
Suppositories are the most popular type of drugs for the treatment ofhemorrhoids medication. They are valued for their ease of use, wide range and high efficiency.
Rectal suppositories are divided into the following types:
- steroid;
- hemostatic;
- binders;
- painkillers;
- homeopathic;
- angioprotective.

Popular hemorrhoid suppositories
The most effective are candles that have a complex action, combining several properties at once. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- "Natalsid". The active substance in the preparation is an extract of seaweed. Candles help stop bleeding, heal a wound, remove inflammation. The medicine is used for enlarged hemorrhoids, for the treatment of anal fissures, for colitis. Candles are safe and have virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the constituent components.
- Procto-Glivenol. The main active ingredients are lidocaine and tribenoside. The latter helps to remove blood stasis in the vessels, improve the tone of the veins, and reduce inflammation. Lidocaine relieves pain, removes itching and irritation. The drug has a number of contraindications, including renal and hepatic insufficiency, hypersensitivity to the components.
- "Hepatrombin G". The drug combines heparin and prednisone. Candles are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as a means of removing blood clots, blood clots in hemorrhoidal vessels. Alsothe drug helps to accelerate regeneration. Do not use suppositories with increased bleeding, bacterial damage to the intestines.
- "Anuzol". The drug has unique properties. Treatment of hemorrhoids with medications provides for an integrated approach, and Anuzol suppositories have a wide spectrum of action. The drug relieves spasm, itching, inflammation. It contains bismuth and zinc compounds, belladonna extract, which destroy pathogenic microorganisms, dry the affected area. Candles have many contraindications associated with the plant component. You can not use the drug for pathologies of the heart and a number of other ailments.
- Proctosan. It has high efficiency due to the action of bufeksamak, titanium, bismuth compounds, lidocaine. Suppositories help to destroy pathogens, relieve itching, relieve pain, and promote accelerated intestinal recovery. You can not use the remedy for infection of the anus, as well as for an allergic reaction to the components included in the composition.
- "Relief". There are several types of Relief candles, each of which has its own unique properties, but they all contain shark liver oil. Candles are used to treat internal hemorrhoids, as a means to stop bleeding, to heal wounds. Suppositories have another positive property - they help fight constipation.
- "Proctosedyl". Hormonal suppositories used in the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree and not only. The drug perfectly anesthetizes, relievesinflammation, itching. It has an antibacterial effect on certain types of microorganisms.
- Sea buckthorn candles. With an inflamed venous plexus that occurs at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use this drug. It contains an extract of sea buckthorn fruits, which helps relieve swelling, accelerates the healing of the rectum. The remedy has practically no contraindications.
In addition to suppositories, ointments are used in therapy.

For the effective treatment of hemorrhoids, soft forms of drugs are used medically. They are applied to enlarged nodes with special applicators or with a finger. Most often, proctologists prescribe the following ointments:
- Heparin. It is considered the most common treatment for hemorrhoids. The main active ingredient - heparin, has a blood-thinning property, removes clots, prevents their formation. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, anesthetizes.
- "Troxevasin". The drug is considered an excellent venotonic. The ointment has a pronounced anti-edema and anti-inflammatory properties. With regular use, vascular permeability decreases, and the likelihood of blood clots is reduced. Helps prevent the formation of blood clots. The ointment has a minimum of contraindications.
- "Bezornil". The ointment helps to speed up the recovery of damaged tissues, relieves symptoms, relieves swelling, and removes inflammation. The composition of the drug is unique, prepared according to an ancient Chinese recipe.
- Ichthyol. Ichthyol has a strong antiseptic property. The ointment helps to relieve inflammation, improve blood flow, increase the tone of the veins, and remove inflammation. The drug can be used as a remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as its effectiveness and safety has been confirmed.
With complex medical treatment of hemorrhoids, women and men can be prescribed Relief ointment. It contains phenylephrine, which has a vasoconstrictive effect, which reduces inflammation, heals wounds, and the affected nodes stop bleeding.

Generic drugs
Conservative treatments for hemorrhoids involve the use of not only local remedies, but also general drugs. They have a positive effect on the body as a whole. Products are available in the form of capsules, tablets.
The use of tablets and capsules allows:
- reduce pain;
- increase elasticity and vascular tone;
- relieve puffiness;
- reduce the permeability of capillaries, veins;
- improve microcirculation.
Hemorrhoid drugs
Among all existing drugs, the following are distinguished:
- Detralex. The drug prevents the stretching of the vascular walls, which helps reduce the likelihood of blood stasis.
- "Flebodia 600". The tool improves vascular tone, prevents fragility of capillaries, extensibility of veins. The use of the drug allows you to reduce pressure in the lymphatic system, improveblood microcirculation. This remedy reduces inflammation, removes puffiness, and relieves pain.
- "Diosmin". Increases the tone of venous vessels, reduces blood stasis, normalizes blood circulation. Usually prescribed in a small course with the obligatory use of local preparations.
- Vazoket. Diosmin is used as the main substance. It helps to reduce vascular permeability, reduces congestion. Vasoket reduces inflammation, which is why it is referred to as an anti-inflammatory drug.
- "Venarus". The tool helps to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time: reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, improve tone, normalize blood circulation, and relieve pain. The drug has a positive effect on the formation of blood clots.
- Pilex. The product consists of natural plant ingredients, including barberry root extract, mummy. The drug reduces congestion, relieves swelling, accelerates healing, relieves pain, has antibacterial properties.
As a medical treatment for hemorrhoids at home, drugs are prescribed that affect the symptomatic manifestation of the disease.
One of the main tasks in the treatment of the disease is the elimination of constipation. To do this, the doctor selects laxatives that help soften the feces. As a result of taking medications, the traumatic effect on hemorrhoids is reduced. Doctors prescribe a variety of drugs. These can be: Guttalax, Bisadil, Microlax, Duphalac, herbal infusionhay.
Reception Features
Each drug is used strictly according to the prescribed scheme and in the prescribed dosage. Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to negative consequences. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid negative consequences.

Folk methods
Often included in the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids candles, and ointments, tablets, as well as traditional methods. A sitz bath with infusion of chamomile or sage helps to cope with the disease. These plants have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action.
To stop bleeding, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture on horse chestnut. For her, you need 50 grams of fruit, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place. Before use, a spoonful of the product is diluted in 80 ml of water. Take in the morning before meals until signs of illness disappear.
Homemade ointments
The use of homemade ointments has a positive effect. Compositions prepared from the following components help against inflammation, soreness:
- Honey and cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting composition lubricates the sore spot. This ointment helps relieve pain, inflammation.
- Herbs with pork fat. They take equal proportions of toadflax flowers, pepper knotweed and oak bark. Herbs are poured with hot lard and simmered for two hours. The ointment is filtered, cooled. Apply a thin layer on the sore spot.
Helps deal withhemorrhoids ointment from propolis. To prepare it, you need to mix ten grams of propolis with one hundred grams of vegetable oil. The composition is heated in a water bath until the bee product is completely dissolved.

Doctors' recommendations
Proctologists recommend starting treatment for hemorrhoids from the very beginning of the first symptoms. Do not self-medicate, as this may aggravate the situation.
Timely started therapy allows you to quickly cope with the disease without surgery.