One of the formed elements of liquid connective tissue are erythrocytes - red blood cells. They contain hemoglobin. This is a pigment that is directly involved in the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and is responsible for saturating the latter. In addition, it is thanks to hemoglobin that the blood turns red and maintains a normal level of its acid-base balance. In the conclusion of a laboratory study of liquid connective tissue, the abbreviation Mchc can be found. It denotes the average concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells. This indicator has significant clinical significance. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to confirm or exclude the development of a pathological process in the body.

Mean hemoglobin concentration: what does it mean
Mchc isan indicator that reflects the amount of iron-containing protein in erythrocytes. This abbreviation should not be confused with the abbreviation Mch. This is another indicator that indicates the mass of protein in one red blood cell. In other words, Mchc is the average concentration of hemoglobin, that is, the degree of filling density of a red blood cell. The indicator is determined solely by the quantitative ratio of the studied content in relation to one or another uniform element of the liquid connective tissue, regardless of the number of red blood cells.
Determination method
A blood test is prescribed if you suspect the development of anemia and diseases associated with the pathological process. If the doctor needs to establish the average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte, he appoints the patient to undergo a clinical study. The analysis is carried out using special-purpose hematological equipment.
Sampling of biological material (capillary blood) is carried out in the morning. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. The patient must refrain from eating food 8-10 hours before biomaterial sampling. In addition, it is advisable to refuse drinks, especially alcohol-containing ones.

Normal performance
The average concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte does not have a constant value. The indicator changes throughout a person's life. For example, the average concentration of hemoglobin in a newborn child is less than in an adult. That is why, when interpreting the results of laboratoryresearch must take into account both the age and gender of the patient.
Normal mean hemoglobin values (expressed in g/L):
- From birth to 14 days - no less than 280 and no more than 350.
- 14 days-30 days - no more than 360.
- 1-2 months - 280-350.
- 2-4 months - not less than 290 and not more than 370.
- 4-12 months - no more than 370.
- 1-3 years - not less than 320 and not more than 380.
- From 3 to 13 years - 320-370.
- 13-15 years old. The norm for boys is 320-370, for girls - 320-360.
- From 15 to 45 years - no more than 360.
- 45-60 years old. The norm for males is 320-360, for females - 310-360.
- 65 and older. The norm for men is 310-360, for women - 320-360.
With a significant deviation of the indicator, it is customary to talk about the development of a pathological process in the patient's body. To identify the root cause, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are additionally assigned.

Downward deviation
If the average concentration of hemoglobin is lowered significantly, this indicates the presence of hypochromia. This term refers to a disease in which red blood cells are not able to absorb the required amount of iron-containing protein. The development of this pathological condition is due to existing pathologies, against the background of which the formation of hemoglobin is disrupted.
Main causes of the disease:
- Hypochromic anemia (both iron deficiency and sideroblastic).
- Hemoglobinopathies.
- Posthemorrhagic anemia.
- Impaired water and electrolyte balance.
- Pathologies of a hereditary nature.
When a low average hemoglobin concentration is detected, the doctor evaluates other indicators: iron-containing protein and red blood cells. If the latter are within the normal range, this indicates that the study was conducted with errors. In such cases, the analysis of the biomaterial is carried out again.

Possible Complications
Reduced average concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte is a pathological condition. Various kinds of anemia negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism. The first "strike" is taken by the digestive and endocrine systems. Against the background of gastrointestinal disorders and hormonal imbalance, the patient's skin turns pale, nails break and alopecia develops.
In addition, ignoring the problem leads to the following pathological conditions:
- Changing the structure of the brain.
- Persistent lowering of blood pressure.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Disturbances in the work of touch and taste buds.
- Cramps and pain in various areas.
- Pathologies of the vestibular apparatus.
It is important to understand that the above conditions can cause the development of even more serious diseases. To avoid the risk of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner (immediately afterreceiving lab results).
Treatment for reduced Mhch
If the average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte is lowered, drug therapy is indicated. In addition, the patient needs to make adjustments to his diet. The menu must contain products that contain a large amount of folic acid and iron.
It is important to determine the root cause of the pathological process in a timely manner. The tactics of treatment depend on the underlying disease.
Basics of Symptomatic Therapy:
- Taking vitamin complexes. They must contain elements of group B.
- Taking dietary supplements. They should be rich in minerals.
- Taking medications containing iron and folic acid.
As a rule, with a decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- Ferrum Lek.
- "Aktifferin".
- "Totem".
- Ferroplex.
- "Tardiferon".
These drugs are prescribed for both children and adults. In accordance with age, the doctor adjusts the dosing regimen.
The duration of the course of treatment is 1-3 months. It directly depends on the degree of deviation of the indicator. The root cause of the development of the pathological condition is also important.

Deviation up
Such a phenomenon is diagnosed only in isolated cases. The main reasons for the increase in the averagehemoglobin concentration:
- Impaired water balance.
- Hyperchromic anemia.
- Oval or spherocytosis.
More often the causes are non-pathological. Incorrect determination of hemoglobin and hematocrit leads to false results. In addition, the outcome of the study is influenced by the collection and storage of biomaterial.
In order to confirm or exclude an error, a second blood test is assigned. If the mean hemoglobin concentration is elevated, immediate drug therapy is required. This is due to the fact that a significant deviation of the Mchc indicator upwards (more than 380 g/l) can lead to the crystallization of the red pigment and the destruction of red blood cells. It is worth noting that such a complication is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Treatment of increased Mchc
Therapy of a pathological condition requires medication and the transition to a special diet.
As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Trental, Cardiomagnyl, Curantil. It is mandatory to cancel the intake of products containing folic acid and B vitamins.
If you have an elevated Mchc, you need to include in the diet foods that have a large amount of s alt. You need to give up red fruits and berries, meat and beef liver. All dishes should be consumed boiled or stewed. Alcoholic beverages are also strictly prohibited.
In order to prevent the development of anemia, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for analysis. ExceptIn addition, the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor is a constant feeling of weakness and rapid onset of fatigue.

In conclusion
The average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte (Mchc) is a clinically significant indicator, based on the results of which one can judge the presence of a particular pathology in a patient. The biological material for the study is capillary blood. With a decrease or increase in the average concentration of hemoglobin, not only drug treatment is indicated, but also a special diet. In addition, it is important to establish the root cause of the pathological condition in a timely manner.