Medicine 2024, October

What does a skin doctor treat?

What does a skin doctor treat?

A dermatologist is a subspecialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatovenereological diseases. Thanks to such a doctor, patients manage not only to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of certain ailments, but also to restore the attractiveness of their appearance

Sklifosovsky Hospital is the pride of Russian medicine

Sklifosovsky Hospital is the pride of Russian medicine

At present, the Sklifosovsky hospital meets all the parameters of a modern medical institution. It is one of the leading medical institutions not only in the capital, but throughout the country

Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing

Additional medical examination of the population: a list of examinations, the procedure for passing

Preserving and at the same time strengthening the he alth of the population is one of the basic functions of our state. The most effective method of timely detection of a disease is medical examination. What is additional medical examination of the population and why is it so important, and what is the procedure for its implementation? Let's answer these questions next

The structure of the labia. Physiology of the female reproductive organs

The structure of the labia. Physiology of the female reproductive organs

The structure of the labia, the physiology of the female genital organs is a very important topic for young girls and adult women. Having learned the information related to it, you can understand how the body works and what is the norm, and what is the reason to see a doctor

German clinics: review, rating, reviews

German clinics: review, rating, reviews

People often go to Germany to treat serious illnesses, medical tourism in this direction is very developed, since there are much more advanced methods and equipment than in Russia. There are statistics that say that somewhere around 18,000 Russians are examined or treated there every year

Neck muscle belt, its functions

Neck muscle belt, its functions

What you need to know so that the belt muscle of the neck does not bring discomfort and pain? Exercises, recommendations

Order No. 720: Prevention of nosocomial infection (briefly). Status of Order No. 720

Order No. 720: Prevention of nosocomial infection (briefly). Status of Order No. 720

Order 720 on the prevention of nosocomial infections is considered invalid by status, since it was canceled by the release of new SanPiNs. Despite the status, the instructions of the order are actively used by nurses

Structure and synthesis of heme

Structure and synthesis of heme

Heme synthesis occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, the cytoplasm of cells, with the participation of several enzymes. Violation of protein production is reflected in the amount of hemoglobin and gives rise to a number of genetic diseases - porphyria

What is ESR in a blood test? What does the deviation from the norm indicate?

What is ESR in a blood test? What does the deviation from the norm indicate?

What is ESR in a blood test? This is one of the main points in the result of a general study indicating the presence of various diseases

Ultrasound of the biliary tract: preparation, decoding

Ultrasound of the biliary tract: preparation, decoding

Ultrasound of the biliary tract is a diagnostic method during which the skin is not affected by needles or various surgical instruments. This method allows you to find out very accurate information about the state of the gallbladder and its ducts. As a rule, the study of this organ is carried out as part of a comprehensive study of the abdominal organs, and especially often in conjunction with ultrasound of the liver

ICD-10 code - acute tonsillitis. Description, causes and features of treatment

ICD-10 code - acute tonsillitis. Description, causes and features of treatment

According to the International Classification of Diseases 10, tonsillitis is divided into acute and chronic, which are distinguished as independent nosological forms with their own codes: J03, J35.0. They make it possible to simplify the activities of medical workers in registering patients

Urea: normal for men and women

Urea: normal for men and women

This is a breakdown product of proteins. It is produced by the liver in the process of protein synthesis. Urea is excreted in the urine by the kidneys. To determine the amount of urea in a person, biochemical blood tests are performed. The rate of urea in the blood is associated with the age and gender of a person. It is worth saying that in women it is slightly lower. More specific information about this element can be found below

Blockade of the brachial plexus: types, doctor's prescription, rules, technique, indications and contraindications for the procedure

Blockade of the brachial plexus: types, doctor's prescription, rules, technique, indications and contraindications for the procedure

In the supraclavicular region, the brachial plexus lies between the clavicle and the rib, which occurs in close proximity to the subclavian artery, located behind the anterior scalene muscles. In relation to the artery, the plexus is located laterally

Immunoregulatory index: norm and deviations

Immunoregulatory index: norm and deviations

Immunoregulatory index - one of the indicators of the immunogram. This study is prescribed to assess the body's defenses. Such an analysis is regularly taken by patients with diagnosed immunodeficiency. What does this indicator say? And what causes deviations from the norm? We will consider these questions in the article

What are the functions of the prostate gland in men

What are the functions of the prostate gland in men

The prostate gland (aka the prostate) is an unpaired endocrine gland of an exclusively male body. It is an auxiliary organ of the male reproductive system. Located in the center of the pelvic region, tightly covers the neck of the bladder and the initial section of the urethra

Pain in the solar plexus - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and advice from doctors

Pain in the solar plexus - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and advice from doctors

Pain in the stomach and solar plexus is a common syndrome that often signals serious he alth problems. In some cases, the cause of this condition is physical trauma. Diagnosis of such pain syndromes is carried out by a surgeon, traumatologist, gastroenterologist, therapist

High platelets and low hemoglobin: what does it mean?

High platelets and low hemoglobin: what does it mean?

We all do blood tests from time to time. It is good when the indicators are normal, but this is not always the case. Deviations from normal numbers most often mean functional disorders or some kind of disease. Important indicators in a blood test - numbers of hemoglobin and platelets

Expanded perivascular spaces: causes, signs, possible consequences, treatment

Expanded perivascular spaces: causes, signs, possible consequences, treatment

This condition can sometimes be observed in a newborn child if he underwent an ultrasound examination of the brain directly in the maternity hospital. Parents are in a panic and do not know what to do in such cases. In the meantime, you need to seek advice from a pediatric neurologist

What is a good inhaler? Home inhaler: instructions, price

What is a good inhaler? Home inhaler: instructions, price

The inhaler is one of the most needed things in autumn and winter, during the period of colds. Doctors often prescribe inhalations as a home treatment. But how to choose the right device? What is the best inhaler to buy?

What is tone. Tonus during pregnancy: symptoms and features

What is tone. Tonus during pregnancy: symptoms and features

Throughout life, a person is in good shape. This is the so-called activity. It can be high or low. Today's article will tell you about what tone is

Is it possible to smear brilliant green on an open wound: methods of treating wounds, medical advice

Is it possible to smear brilliant green on an open wound: methods of treating wounds, medical advice

With the onset of the warm season, the number of scratches and abrasions in adults, children and animals is increasing. One of the most popular bactericidal agents, brilliant green, comes to the rescue. Is this drug effective? Is it dangerous for the skin? This article is devoted to this topic

Coccyx is what? Bone or cartilage

Coccyx is what? Bone or cartilage

Most people know about the coccyx. They are aware of its location and the fact that it does not have any important function for humans

Is it a risk factor? Main risk factors for diseases

Is it a risk factor? Main risk factors for diseases

A risk factor is a circumstance (external or internal) that adversely affects human he alth and creates a favorable environment for the emergence and development of diseases

Needles for a glucometer: types, application and frequency of replacement

Needles for a glucometer: types, application and frequency of replacement

For many, diabetes has become the norm. Everyone has an acquaintance who denies himself pleasure, lives by the clock and constantly adjusts his course of action. The main task of people suffering from this disease is to keep blood sugar levels under control. It is not possible in our time to make an analysis without mechanical damage to the skin. Therefore, this article discusses needles for glucometers

Varicosis after surgery: features of recovery and recommendations

Varicosis after surgery: features of recovery and recommendations

Surgery to remove varicose veins has a number of features. To avoid the re-development of the pathology, you need to know how to behave after the surgical treatment. During the rehabilitation period, the patient must follow a number of recommendations given by the attending physician. How to avoid the appearance of varicose veins after surgery, will be described below

Symptoms of lack of calcium in the body. What needs to be done?

Symptoms of lack of calcium in the body. What needs to be done?

Lack of calcium in the body leads to a number of different diseases, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to make a proper balanced diet, as well as include the intake of special vitamin complexes

How to remove a wart with folk remedies at home

How to remove a wart with folk remedies at home

Warts appear when papillomavirus is present in the body. All forces should be directed to eliminating the pathology, and only after that to get rid of the growth, because there are many ways to remove a wart

How to improve brain function: a list of drugs and folk remedies

How to improve brain function: a list of drugs and folk remedies

The brain is very mysterious to many people to this day. Constant routine, stress, poor nutrition, work that replaces your rest, and a sedentary lifestyle make your brain more vulnerable and negatively affect its work. A specialist will help you choose which medicine improves memory and brain function

Breast Augmentation: reviews, features, effectiveness and consequences

Breast Augmentation: reviews, features, effectiveness and consequences

Breast augmentation is a simple surgery that can be performed today in many clinics. The choice of a specialist should be approached especially carefully. In advance, you will have to undergo a complete examination of the body. The operation has a number of contraindications. You can also improve the condition of the breast without a scalpel

"Pidgeon", nasal aspirator: description, instructions for use and reviews

"Pidgeon", nasal aspirator: description, instructions for use and reviews

Rhinitis greatly complicates the life of the baby, and sometimes poses a danger to his he alth. How to get rid of nasal congestion with a Pigeon aspirator? User Reviews

Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children: reviews

Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children: reviews

Child's he alth is the most important thing that worries his mom and dad. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible for parents to protect their baby from diseases. And they trust the he alth of the child to the doctors. Every parent sooner or later faces the choice of a doctor and a medical institution where he hopes to receive qualified assistance in full

Maternity Hospital No. 20 on Pervomaiskaya: reviews. Maternity Hospital No. 20 on Pervomaiskaya: doctors, photos

Maternity Hospital No. 20 on Pervomaiskaya: reviews. Maternity Hospital No. 20 on Pervomaiskaya: doctors, photos

Maternity Hospital No. 20 is one of the obstetric medical institutions in Moscow. Tens of thousands of residents of the capital became his grateful patients

Nasal septum surgery: types of operations, indications, technology and reviews

Nasal septum surgery: types of operations, indications, technology and reviews

In the nose there is an anatomical formation in the form of a vertical plate dividing the cavity into two halves. It's called the nasal septum. If it is twisted and obstructs breathing, nasal septum surgery may be needed

Drainage massage for children when coughing: technique and useful recommendations

Drainage massage for children when coughing: technique and useful recommendations

How to perform a proper drainage massage for children when coughing and is it worth it to do it yourself? A detailed guide for parents, as well as reviews of those who regularly treat their children with manual methods, are in our article

Vegeto-resonance testing: what is it?

Vegeto-resonance testing: what is it?

A bit of theory about cells and frequencies. What is vegetative resonance testing? What does ART diagnostics reveal? Adjacent method of treatment after diagnosis. Is it worth believing in the methodology? Tips for those who want to check their body. The only certified device. What treatments are prescribed after diagnosis?

Skull deformation in children: causes and remedies

Skull deformation in children: causes and remedies

What is the normal size of a baby's head circumference? Table with standard sizes by months. What is the deviation from the norm? Is skull deformity normal in children? Why is this happening? When does this stage end? Pathological causes - rickets, neck curvature, birth trauma. How to correct a deformity of the skull in a baby - daily tips and wearing a brace

Medical oxygen cylinder for breathing

Medical oxygen cylinder for breathing

Oxygen is a unique and sought-after element that is essential to sustain the vitality of all people. This chemical element has made many great discoveries in the field of medicine and other fields. The most effective use of oxygen is in medical practice

Upland uterus: reviews of women

Upland uterus: reviews of women

About the magical properties of the plant, the upland uterus reviews are not just different, they are diametrically opposed. In some, ladies claim that this herb is a real miracle, that she did the impossible - she cured serious illnesses and helped her get pregnant. In other reviews, you can read that the treatment with the upland uterus served as an impetus for the development of serious he alth problems that crossed out hope for motherhood. Which "shore" to hit? Experience this natural miracle or trust the doctors?

PCR-diagnosis of infections and its scope

PCR-diagnosis of infections and its scope

Correct and timely diagnosis of the disease is already half the success of its treatment. That is why medical science is currently moving forward with such broad steps and innovative technologies are being introduced

Belly button out - the norm or a deviation?

Belly button out - the norm or a deviation?

We are all born with a navel. How many people, so many varieties of navels. For someone it is in the form of a neat recess, and for someone it is in the form of an interesting knot. About the owners of the nodular form, they usually say that their navel is out. In any case, each has its own size and shape. What does it depend on? What type of belly button is considered normal? Our article will tell about this