A blood test is done for all children without exception. The results of this study can say a lot. There are certain standards by which the state of he alth of the child is assessed. In deciphering the analysis, you can find the numerical values \u200b\u200bof erythrocytes, platelets, etc. Based on the results of blood sampling, they draw conclusions about the baby’s immunity, evaluate the overall picture of the diseases of a young patient, etc. To be able to decipher a blood test, you need to know what is the norm of platelets in a child. This is what this article will be about.

What are platelets?
Scientifically speaking, platelets are cells that are formed from megakaryocytes. The place of their origin is the red bone marrow. The shape of platelets is discoid. Size - 2-4 microns. Platelets are non-nuclear cells. From the red bone marrow, the bulk enters the bloodstream, the rest is deposited in the spleen. ATOn average, cells live for about a week. The rate of platelets in a child and an adult may vary. Tolerance - +/- 10%.
Platelet functions:
- Participate in the processes of blood clotting.
- Perform angiotrophic and adhesive-aggregation functions.
- Fibrinolysis.
- Cells provide retraction of blood clots.
- Carry circulating immune complexes, thereby maintaining vasospasm, etc.

Properties of platelets
The norm of platelets in a child is unstable, this is directly related to the property of the cells. During activation, platelets form pseudo-similarity, that is, processes. Thanks to them, platelets connect with each other and stick to the walls of damaged vessels. Such blood clots save from blood loss. However, an increased number of blood cells can lead to life-threatening clots.

The norm of platelets in a child
Clinical blood tests are done even for newborns. The local pediatrician necessarily gives a direction for this procedure. According to the results of the study, platelets in children should be within the following limits:
- 100-420109/l - in newborns;
- up to a year, the number of platelets should be -150-350109/l;
- in children older than a year, the normal value is 160-390109/l (according to other sources, older, 180320109 /l).
Assessingplatelet count, the doctor determines whether the baby has a tendency to thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis. In other words, the first disease appears if the platelets are low in a child, the second - if they are increased. If the value of blood cells is within the normal range, then everything is fine. A higher/lower number indicates abnormalities that a doctor can use to make a diagnosis.
Adult platelet count
The number of colorless blood cells in an adult and a child is different. In addition, in women and men, the concentration of platelets is also not the same. The beautiful half of humanity has a fairly wide range of this indicator. The normal value is 150-380109/l. The lower limit of platelet count occurs during menstruation. During pregnancy, this concentration is also considered normal, because due to the development of the fetus, the mother's body is not able to produce as many platelets in the same volumes as before.
If you compare the performance of children (1 year and older) and adult men, you might be surprised. The number of platelets in the blood they have the same. The norm is 180320109/l (according to new data - 160-390109/l). Children are meant to be male and female. As soon as a girl begins her menstrual cycle, she becomes a woman biologically, and the platelet count changes due to periodic blood loss in the form of menstruation.

Reduced platelet count. What does this say?
The norm of platelets ina child of 3 years old should be at the level of 160-390109/l, if the concentration is significantly lowered (20-30109/l), it is worth sounding the alarm. Such a number of blood cells can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:
- lupus erythematosus;
- hemophilia;
- low hemoglobin;
- anemia;
- medication;
- lack of iron in the body;
- malaria;
- bacterial and viral infections;
- giardiasis;
- toxoplasmosis;
- heart failure;
- ascariasis.
If platelets are low, the child may have one of these diseases. Thrombocytopenia has also been observed in premature babies and after blood transfusions.
In critical situations, when the baby has bleeding from the internal organs, it is necessary to transfuse the blood of a donor who has a sufficient number of platelets.

How to raise platelets?
Often, to raise the level of blood cells, people resort not only to drugs. Even experienced doctors sometimes recommend turning to folk recipes. It has been proven that a certain diet can cause an increase in platelets in a child and an adult. What should you eat? The diet should include:
- cheese;
- eggs;
- buckwheat porridge;
- fish;
- parsley, spinach, celery, dill;
- beef liver;
- rich meat broths;
- nuts;
- garnet;
- bananas;
- juicerosehip;
- rowan berries;
- green apples;
- beets, carrots, cabbage, fresh bell peppers;
- nettle salads with sesame oil.
Eating these foods consistently can increase your platelet count a little. The people have a lot of recipes that will lead to the same result. Healers advise drinking on an empty stomach sesame oil (1 tablespoon), fresh nettle juice, diluted with the same amount of milk.
Of course, foods and herbs can slightly increase the number of platelets. Most often, traditional medicine acts as an aid in the fight against the disease. Serious he alth problems cannot be solved without drugs. Do not risk your child's he alth by treating him at home. The course of medication and diet should be prescribed by a doctor.

Platelets are elevated. Reasons
For example, the platelet count in a 4-year-old child is 160-390109/l. If, after passing a clinical blood test, a large number of blood cells were found in a baby, then this may be caused by:
- spleen injury;
- disruption of internal organs, possibly after surgery;
- anemia;
- leukemia;
- liver disease;
- erythremia;
- physical overload;
- fractures of tubular bones;
- using corticosteroids;
- hepatitis;
- tuberculosis;
- abscess;
- rheumatism;
- osteomyelitis andothers
There are two types of thrombocytosis: primary and secondary. When brain stem cells are destroyed, we speak of the first disease. Primary thrombocytosis usually occurs with leukemia. Reactive (secondary) occurs in various pathologies. There are cases when the concentration of cells in the blood is very high. You need to immediately sound the alarm, as thrombocytosis can be caused by the appearance of a malignant tumor.
How to lower platelet count?
For thrombocytosis, doctors usually prescribe medications such as anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. Also, doctors will advise you to drink drugs containing aspirin. It is acetylsalicylic acid that can thin the blood. You can help reduce platelets by eating blueberries, apples, oranges, lingonberries and cranberries. Mandatory in your diet should be seafood rich in iodine. An indispensable condition will be to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, especially for adults.
In folk medicine, there are recipes that can reduce the number of platelets. Connoisseurs advise drinking cocoa without sugar on an empty stomach and garlic tincture. You can also brew ginger root powder. To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of boiling water.
Be sure to follow a diet. It is advisable to make a daily diet so that it contains foods that will thin the blood. Give your child meals prepared with linseed and olive oil. Offer your baby tomato juice, lemons. You can eat raw onions and garlic. By the way,the latter not only lowers the number of platelets in the blood, but also promotes faster resorption of blood clots. Be sure to eat foods high in magnesium. This element will prevent the formation of blood clots. Drink more water, because the circulatory system is 90% of it. Dehydration of the body leads to thickening of the blood. The daily norm of drinking water for an adult is on average two liters, for a child - at least a liter per day. With thrombocytosis, you need to increase the intake of natural juices, fresh vegetables and fruits.

How to treat?
To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe some tests. For example, the platelet rate in a 5-year-old child is 160-390109/l, if the results of the tests revealed a higher value, then the doctor will recommend the following procedures:
- with an interval of 3-5 days you need to take a blood test for platelets (3 times);
- quantify C-reactive protein;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
- take a urinalysis;
- check serum iron and ferritin levels;
- consult a gynecologist and urologist.
If the baby has slightly elevated platelets (500), the baby has no serious problems. You can reduce this amount without taking special medications.
Clot formation
Thrombosis can appear in both adults and children. When a blood vessel is damaged, its wallsbegin to interfere with blood clotting. Platelets do not cope with their task and disintegrate. Under the action of procoagulants, a protein that affects the erythrocyte sedimentation rate forms threads. They are the basis of the blood clot.