Consequences of the use of "crocodile" and its impact

Consequences of the use of "crocodile" and its impact
Consequences of the use of "crocodile" and its impact

Today, one of the most terrible inventions of man, perhaps, are drugs. This article will focus on the synthetic drug "crocodile", which is considered a cheap analogue of heroin and the most destructive drug. The use of this drug leads to inevitable and painful death.

What is a "crocodile"?

People who at least once used drugs or somehow faced the problem of drug addiction are well aware of such a term as "crocodile". It is a synthetic drug (aka desomorphine). This artisanal drug, related to synthetic opiates, causes instant and persistent dependence (both physical and psychological).

"Crocodile" is often called the "drug of the poor" because the cheapest ingredients are used to make it. Very often, so-called longtime drug addicts start using this drug when they run out of money to buy more expensive drugs.

consequences of eating crocodile
consequences of eating crocodile

Popularly known as the "suicide drug". And this is not accidental: dependence on it occurs almost instantly (only two injections are enough), but the harm from it is much greater than from heroin. For example, the life expectancy of a heroin addict (since the onset of addiction) averages about 7 years. Crocodile addicts rarely live more than two years.

The "crocodile" became widespread in the 2000s. According to statistics, in 2005 every third drug addict in our country was a "crocodile" addict.

Drug action

The effects and consequences of using the drug "crocodile" are horrendous. This tool almost instantly destroys the human body.

It's all about the chemical composition of this "killer". It is prepared from a mixture of motor gasoline, sulfuric acid, chemical solvents, sulfur from match heads, iodine and phosphorus. All of these ingredients are highly toxic.

consequences of eating crocodile photo
consequences of eating crocodile photo

No wonder the consequences of eating "crocodile" are certain death.

Effect on the body

As soon as this drug enters the human body, it instantly burns the walls of blood vessels and constricts the veins. As a result, their blockage is provoked. Therefore, "crocodile" drug addicts are forced to look for more and more new places on their bodies to enter subsequent injections leading to inevitable death.

Necrosis is formed at the injection sitetissues: the skin develops suppuration, which turns into a crust similar to "scales" (hence the name "crocodile" of this drug).

consequences after eating crocodile
consequences after eating crocodile

Further, it penetrates into all vital organs, which, due to its incredible toxicity, become covered with abscesses. As a result, the consequences of eating "crocodile" are fatal.

How to recognize a "crocodile" addict?

A person who uses any drugs acquires certain changes in appearance. It is simply impossible not to notice the "crocodile" drug addict. And the main signs of this dependence include:

  • red eyes and constricted pupils;
  • painfully thin and sleepy ("crocodile lovers" tend to suffer from insomnia);
  • persistent smell of drugs and especially iodine;
  • inflamed veins and ulcers on the body.
consequences of drug use crocodile
consequences of drug use crocodile

Also, people who use this drug change their psycho-emotional state: they become irritable, suffer from frequent and abrupt mood changes, are prone to depression and apathy, to rash and senseless actions, sometimes causing disastrous consequences.

After using "crocodile" a person experiences a kind of "high" (according to drug addicts, similar to heroin) - hallucinations, lightness in the body. But it all ends with a painful and excruciating withdrawal.

And then what?

The first dose of this drug isalmost 100% chance of addiction. So, what are the consequences of eating "crocodile"?

  1. The drug burns and clogs the veins.
  2. The addict's hands and feet literally begin to wither. The extremities begin to become covered with gangrenous formations.
  3. In just 2-3 months of using "crocodile", abscesses form on the internal organs, and signs of decay appear.

The final stage is that the skin begins to tear away from the muscles, and the muscles from the bones. A person is covered with continuous wounds almost all over the body (necrosis). In addition, the "crocodile" drug addict acquires a disgusting corpse-drug smell that cannot be washed off or interrupted by something.

It is almost impossible to live in such a state: a person is tormented by terrible pains that do not subside even for a minute. However, the main consequences of the use of "crocodile" - rapid and inevitable death.

Summing up

As one of the youngest and cheapest drugs, "crocodile" is considered the most deadly. It destroys the body much faster than heroin.

The consequences of using the drug "crocodile" is the total destruction of the human body and inevitable painful death.

influence and consequences of drug use crocodile
influence and consequences of drug use crocodile

Once in the body, this drug affects absolutely all the most important organs, once and for all changing their normal functioning. "Crocodile" completely destroys the immune system (therefore, drug addicts are prone to infection with all sorts ofinfections), clogs veins, promotes abscess formation.

This drug can blind a person in just a couple of months of use (many "crocodile lovers" go blind after about 6 months of use).

All these are just the main consequences of eating "crocodile". Photos of “crocodile” drug addicts, for example, are impossible to look at without horror in the eyes: deep necrosis, tendons and bones melted with pus, sunken eyes and ulcers all over the body.

After 3-4 months of using this drug, it becomes impossible to return to normal life. In addition, the specified time is enough for the resulting addiction to turn into a death sentence.
