Skin peeling is a common phenomenon that occurs as a result of exposure to certain factors. There are many reasons for such a process. Why are eyebrows flaky? A similar phenomenon may be caused by environmental influences or a malfunction of certain organs.

Natural phenomena
Eyebrows are often flaky due to exposure to environmental factors. Determine the cause before visiting a doctor. At the same time, it is worth analyzing everything: starting with cosmetics and ending with the humidity of the air in the room. Among natural factors it is worth highlighting:
- Warm season. In the summer, many people go to rest on the beach. As a result, eyebrows begin to peel off. This is due to exposure to s alt water and UV rays.
- Dry air. The room should be regularly ventilated and humidified. Otherwise, the water balance will be disturbed. Because of this, the skin begins to dry, peel and itch.
Cosmetics and treatments
In some cases, the eyebrows are peeling offas a result of the use of low-quality cosmetics or after certain procedures. Factors that cause such phenomena include:
- Salon procedures. Often, peeling of the eyebrows begins after the tattoo. This indicates the rejection by the body of the pigment introduced under the skin. Therefore, before carrying out such a procedure, it is recommended to pass an individual intolerance test.
- Allergic reaction to cosmetics. Redness, itching, burning and peeling can occur due to an incorrectly selected eyebrow pencil or paint. In addition, shampoo, foam and bath s alt can cause an allergic reaction. You should choose such cosmetics with caution.

Bad habits and ailments
If your eyebrows are peeling, this may indicate the presence of a certain disease. However, in some cases, this phenomenon occurs due to bad habits. These factors include:
- Alcohol and nicotine. A person can drink alcohol and smoke for a long time. In this case, the eyebrows can remain in a normal state. However, after some time, the problem will still manifest itself. When smoking and alcohol abuse, intoxication of the body occurs, which affects the condition of the skin. They begin to age, peel and blush.
- Unbalanced diet. Eyebrows, nose and forehead are often peeling due to improper diet. After all, many people prefer fast food and snacks on the go. Alsothe lack of vitamins can also affect the condition of the eyebrows.
- Skin diseases such as infection, fungal infections, demodicosis, psoriasis, seborrhea.
- Psychological instability, such as depression, stress, nervous tension.
- Insect bites.

Where exactly are the eyebrows peeling off
To determine the cause of peeling, you should carefully examine the affected area. Of particular importance is the location of the outbreak:
- Under the eyebrows. In this case, peeling may indicate the development of demodicosis. Eyelashes should be carefully considered. They may be infested with mites. Also, peeling can be caused by an allergic reaction. It is worth paying attention to the expiration date of cosmetics.
- Between the eyebrows. It is worth carefully examining the affected area. Perhaps the reason lies in an allergic reaction or in an insect bite.
- Above the eyebrows. If peeling occurs even at the edge of the hair and on the nose, then you should visit a doctor. This often indicates the development of a serious illness.
- Around the eyebrows. Damage to the skin in this area can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, sea water, frost and strong winds.

How to eliminate peeling
Eyebrows flake off in men and women for various reasons. To determine them, you should observe your body and consult a doctor. If such a phenomenon is caused by a disease, then the specialist will prescribe the appropriatetreatment. But what if this is not the reason? In this case, you should follow certain rules:
- Give up decorative cosmetics: shadows, pencil, mascara and foundation.
- Check the expiration date on your cleanser.
- Use sunscreen before going out.
- Limit exposure to chlorine and s alt.
- Exclude from the diet of soda, coffee, fast food, alcoholic drinks.
- Quit smoking.
- Take your vitamins.
- Get screened for hidden diseases.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Ventilate the room more often.

How to treat ailments
So, eyebrows are peeling off. What to do? First of all, it is worth identifying the reason for the development of such a phenomenon. After that, you should visit a doctor and take care of your he alth. If the peeling is caused by an allergic reaction, then the specialist may prescribe a course of antihistamines. In such cases, Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, and so on are prescribed.
When you have a fungal infection, doctors usually prescribe a course of antifungal ointments. The choice of drug depends on what is the causative agent of the disease. Only a doctor can determine this.
If a patient has an advanced form of demodicosis, then specialists prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy.
Honey tonic wash
If the eyebrows are flaky and itchy, then you can’t do without taking medicines. If the problem arose due to the influence of externalfactors, then folk remedies can be used to solve it.
For washing and caring for flaky eyebrows, honey tonic is ideal. It should be used only if there is no allergy to the main component. To prepare a tonic, you need to melt natural honey in a water bath, and then mix it with boiled water. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions.
With regular use of this product, the skin will become smoother, and the problem caused by peeling of the eyebrows will completely disappear.

Moisturizing mask
To moisturize the skin, you can use a special mask. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of natural honey. Immediately before application, unrefined olive oil should be added to the mixture. A teaspoon will suffice.
The finished mass must be applied to the eyebrows and washed off after 15 minutes. You can use such a mask only if you are not allergic to honey.
If the eyebrows began to peel off, then you should carefully review cosmetics and your lifestyle. It is not recommended to postpone going to the doctor. Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon lies in the development of a serious disease or fungal infection of the skin. Without eliminating the factor that provoked peeling, it will be quite difficult to cope with the problem.