What is preconception preparation for pregnancy

What is preconception preparation for pregnancy
What is preconception preparation for pregnancy

In the medical environment, the joke that there are no he althy people, there are just underexamined people is very popular. The humor in this situation is more sad, because there is too much truth in this joke. The notorious modern rhythm of life, insufficiently he althy food, difficult environmental conditions and many negative factors lead to the fact that it is almost impossible to conceive, endure and give birth to an absolutely he althy child without problems. But doctors add: it's almost impossible to randomly win the lottery. But why leave such a responsible matter to chance, if you can reasonably and carefully approach the process? That is why there is preconception preparation for pregnancy. Modern diagnostic techniques and accumulated vast experience make it possible to identify in advance the factors thatwhich can provoke obvious problems with bearing a child and adversely affect his he alth.

preconception preparation for pregnancy
preconception preparation for pregnancy

A balanced approach to family planning

The old approach to pregnancy as exclusively a gift from God is obsolete. Even if we consider this from the point of view of Orthodox morality, it is worth remembering that Christian doctrine presupposes the free will of a person and responsibility for the decisions made. Consequently, family planning and conscious procreation are by no means God's providence. This is a responsible decision, and preconception preparation for pregnancy is completely in line with any moral standards.

In the vast majority of cases, any responsible business begins with preliminary preparation. Pregnancy is no exception, and this is especially important for a woman, because it is she who will undergo hormonal changes in the body, inevitable changes, quite a lot of physical stress and all the efforts associated with this. We are talking about proper preparation for procreation until the moment of conception.

preconception preparation for pregnancy basic principles
preconception preparation for pregnancy basic principles

Preconception preparation for pregnancy

It can not be said that this is an exclusively fashionable novelty. Even at the end of the last century, doctors strongly recommended a reasonable approach to the issue of family planning. In particular, women were offered to treat possible diseases in advance, pay a visit to the dentist. “Teeth fell out from pregnancy” is a very common situation. Of course, for the construction of the child's skeleton, the body does not take calcium from the mother's teeth at all, but some changes occur that provoke the dive development of already existing dental problems.

Today, preconception preparation for pregnancy consists in a comprehensive examination, consultations with doctors and putting in order all potentially dangerous conditions. Women who have already experienced unsuccessful pregnancies should be especially attentive to this period.

what is preconception preparation
what is preconception preparation

Where to start?

Many medical centers offer a service such as preconception preparation for pregnancy. The main principles of this process are to advise the couple as correctly as possible, to explain the importance of a reasonable and responsible approach. After a preliminary consultation, appropriate examinations are scheduled.

First of all, the specialist collects an anamnesis, as with any visit to the doctor. Different families may have different problems. Perhaps these are unsuccessful attempts to have a child. Non-pregnancy does not necessarily mean chronic infertility - perhaps the body requires relatively minor corrective measures. In other cases, this is a difficult experience of previous pregnancies, miscarriage or the birth of a child with serious developmental problems. Focusing on the collected history, the doctor will draw up a plan of examinations that will need to be completed not only by the woman, but also by the man.

examinations for preconceptionpreparing
examinations for preconceptionpreparing

Medical examination

At the initial stage, the procedures are practically no different from standard regular medical examinations: the general state of he alth is determined, and tests must be taken. If there are any neglected or even chronic diseases, or as a result of the examination, this is a great opportunity to eliminate problems. What is preconception preparation? If we talk in a simplified and even rude way, then this is an examination and bringing the body into a state suitable for reproduction.

Examination of a man

It would be a mistake to believe that pregnancy is exclusively a woman's concern. A man must also be aware of his responsibility. In addition to general tests and examinations, a spermogram may be required - a special analysis designed to find out a man's ability to procreate. The number and vigor of spermatozoa and other parameters are assessed. It may be necessary to study the genes, especially if there are any genetic diseases in the family or you just have concerns. It is also mandatory to conduct an analysis for a possible Rh conflict. If the Rh factors of both parents turn out to be inappropriate, this does not mean that the birth of a child is impossible, but constant medical supervision and medical supervision will be required.

preconception preparation for miscarriage
preconception preparation for miscarriage

Examination of a woman

Since it is the female body that bears the main burden during pregnancy and childbirth, examinations during preconception preparation are mainly focusedfor the expectant mother. It is advisable to go through all the specialists, from a cardiologist to a gastroenterologist. For example, if chronic digestive disorders are treated in advance, then toxicosis will be much easier to tolerate. After all, it is important not only to give life to the baby, but also to maintain one's own he alth without any exorbitant sacrifices.

The following examinations will be required:

  • gynecological;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • colposcopy;
  • blood test for antibodies to dangerous diseases that adversely affect pregnancy and fetal he alth;
  • hormonal examination;
  • immunological;
  • hemostasiogram (blood clotting test);
  • histological and cytological examination;
  • autoantibody tests;
  • accurate ovulation scheduling based on basal body temperature.
preconception preparation pregnancy tests
preconception preparation pregnancy tests

Preconception preparation for miscarriage

If a woman has already had a bad experience of miscarriage, then preliminary examinations and careful preparation will help to identify the causes and take appropriate measures. If it turns out that the culprit is a neglected disease, it is worth spending time on treatment and recovery.

Preconception preparation of pregnancy, tests and examinations are aimed not only at achieving the possibility of having a he althy baby. This is a comprehensive care for the family, because the fewer problems that arise during the bearing of a baby, the he althier the psychological climate will be,which means less fear, conflict and stress.

what is pregravid preparation for
what is pregravid preparation for

What should be done before the planned conception?

Even if you are not going to go to a family planning center and undergo an examination under the guidance of a leading doctor, you can sign up for profile medical examinations with specialists on your own. Only this will have a positive effect on overall he alth. A visit to the dentist, the treatment of caries and the elimination of other possible problems in the oral cavity is already a solid part of success. This is where most digestive problems begin.

If you are conscious, give up bad habits, stop smoking and add reasonable physical activity - this is a solid help. What is pregravid preparation for? Everyone is probably familiar with the common saying that all diseases in people happen from nerves. This is partly true. Stress can provoke disease states, and a vicious circle is closed: diseases cause stress, which, in turn, provokes an exacerbation of the disease. The ability to conceive and bear a child is a kind of test for the overall well-being of the body. Of course, sometimes pregnancy happens despite everything, but this is not the merit of the parents, but rather an accident. Relying on chance and elementary luck, hoping that "God will have mercy" and trouble will pass by - this is an infantile view of things.

Make a choice in favor of he alth, and the body will not be slow to thank you: a strong family, he althy and cheerful children - is it notjoy? Make your happiness conscious and complete, take responsibility for your own well-being and become the masters of your own destiny!
