There are times when a loved one dies far from home and relatives cannot quickly come to see their relative on their last journey. In this case, there is a way out - embalming the deceased. And today we will find out what this term means, how the procedure is carried out in the morgue and at home.

Embalming the body in the morgue: what is this event?
This is the process of soaking the organs and tissues of a deceased person with substances that inhibit their decomposition. Special embalming solutions are injected under pressure into the circulatory system of the corpse. And if the deceased was not opened, then the liquid is introduced through a cannula inserted in the right place.
Embalming the body takes about 6-7 liters of solution. The usual composition of the liquid used is formalin in its pure form or diluted with alcohol in equal proportions.
Embalming the body in the mortuary is the determination in the tissue of the corpse of substances that inhibit the processes of decay. Such "conservation" of the deceased is carried out for educational, scientific, forensic purposes.and, of course, for aesthetic and hygienic reasons.
In what situations is such a procedure necessary?
Body embalming is used under the following circumstances:
- If it is not possible to hold a funeral immediately after the death of a person.
- If you need to wait for distant relatives who are obliged to say goodbye to the deceased.
- To preserve the body for a long time in hot weather.
- If a person died away from home and needs to be transported to their native land.
- To improve the efficiency of diagnosis in necropsy (post-mortem autopsy and examination of the body, including internal organs).
- For a funeral service in a church or temple.

Body preparation
How does the embalming procedure begin? Of course, with the preparation of the body of the deceased, which is carried out as follows:
1. It is necessary to put the dead person face up.
2. All clothes must be removed from the deceased. This is necessary in order for the specialist to follow the skin and control the entire process of embalming. The genitals must be covered with a sheet or towel.
3. Disinfection of eyes, mouth, ears, nose. This treatment helps cleanse the body inside and out.
4. Shaving the deceased. Usually facial hair is removed.
5. Removal of rigor mortis by massage. The main muscle groups are rubbed to relieve tension, and the joints are massaged to loosen them. If this is not done, then the vascularpressure may increase, and this will definitely interfere with the embalming process.
6. It is necessary to close the eyes and mouth of the deceased. This must be done very carefully.
7. Don't forget to apply cream on the lips and eyelids - this will protect them from drying out, and also give them a natural look.
After completing all the preparatory procedures, the specialist proceeds directly to the embalming process, and after the end of this event, the deceased should still be placed in the coffin, and how this is done correctly will be described below.

Techniques for preventing body decomposition
Embalming of the body in the morgue can be done in four ways:
- Strip preservation of tissues of the deceased.
- Injection saving procedure.
- Superficial "preservation" of a corpse.
- Vascular embalming.
What procedure for embalming the deceased is suitable for a particular deceased, experts determine. And now we will briefly outline the differences and features of each of the techniques for protecting the body from decomposition.
Strip embalming
Its essence lies in the processing of the internal organs of the corpse, because the fastest processes of decay begin to occur in the peritoneum and chest. This method is further divided into two subtypes:
- puncture;
- split.
In the first case, a puncture is made in the peritoneum and an antiseptic solution is poured through the hole (about one and a half to two liters). Embalming the body in the mortuary with a cutmethod is carried out as follows: a small section is performed with penetration into the anterior translucent serous membrane directly into the cavity. This method is used in such cases:
- If you need a long transportation of the corpse, and putrefactive processes have already begun.
- If the dead person is too fat.

Injection embalming
This method is usually used in combination with puncture. The specialist impregnates the soft tissues of the exposed parts of the body of the deceased with an antiseptic solution - the face, neck and hands. He injects a small amount of liquid and at the same time makes a light massage. This is necessary so that the preservative is evenly distributed.
Superficial "preservation" of a dead person
This method is clear to many based on its name. The embalming procedure in this case is performed as follows: a special composition is applied to damaged skin (wounds, decomposition), as well as tanatogel. This method is the easiest and most affordable, since there is no need to pierce the body, make incisions and inject liquid.
Vascular "preservation" of the body
This is a very complicated method that only an experienced pathologist can competently carry out. By the way, this method of saving the body is very rarely used. In this case, a special embalming solution is injected through the system of blood arteries. With this method, the body of the deceased is preserved for a very long time.
Final stage
The last step is the placement of the dead intomb, and for this you need to perform the following activities:
1. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the deceased: wash off the blood and chemical elements left after embalming from the body, using the disinfectant that was used earlier.
2. It is important to give the face a natural look through cosmetics. You also need to cut your nails and comb your hair.

3. Putting on clothes. Usually the family of the deceased chooses what their deceased relative will wear, so they bring the decoration in advance.
4. Identification of the body in the coffin. Calmly and carefully, the deceased should be transferred to the tomb. If relatives make some comments and express their suggestions about the appearance or position of the body, then you should use them and do as the relatives of the deceased want.
Where is the event taking place?
The procedure for embalming the deceased, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is carried out in the morgue if the person got there from the hospital, or at home. However, in the latter case, the relatives must have a medical certificate on the death of a loved one.
The procedure itself lasts from 2 to 4 hours. It is advisable to perform it no later than 12 hours after the death is established.
Embalming of the body at home: why is it rare?
The preservation of the body of the deceased most often occurs in the morgue, and why exactly there, now we will figure it out.
- Since the embalming procedure is a rather specific event, not every familyagree to it at home.
- Today, there are few cases when the deceased can be left at home without sending him to the morgue for an autopsy.
- In hot weather, funerals can be held earlier than the third day, of course, if relatives do not mind.
What will a specialist do outside the morgue?
Embalming at home is performed according to a simplified scheme - by the method of conventional abdominal fixation. Specifically, the specialist makes injections with a 10% formalin solution in a circle, starting from the xiphoid process of the sternum, injecting from 50 to 150 ml of liquid, depending on the location. The expert does not touch the internal organs, except for the lungs. The specialist must be careful and careful not to damage the large intestine during embalming.

Also, a person performs packing of the nose and oropharynx. This is necessary so that physiological fluids do not flow. A special make-up or a mask is applied to the face of the deceased (it must be changed periodically until the moment of burial).
Pros and cons of embalming at home
Good points:
- The deceased is in the walls of his home, as he wanted, and the relatives will be near the deceased person all this time.
- The non-mortuary embalming procedure is suitable for those segments of the population who, according to their religion, are forbidden to make incisions on the body of the deceased.
- This method is suitable for the deceased, who previously suffered from liver diseases, while the vascular "preservation" of the body (replacement of blood withformalin) often leads to strong changes in the face.
- If relatives want to personally supervise the work of a specialist.
- For an expert - the safety of working with HIV-infected bodies. Since there is no direct contact with blood, the risk of transmission of this disease is significantly reduced. With this method, scalpels and other cutting objects are not used, only a needle for introducing fluid into the cavity.
- The procedure is cheaper than the one performed in the morgue.
Negative points:
- The life span of the body only reaches 4-5 days.
- Relatives will have to change the mask on their faces, which for many will seem like a real test, however, like the whole procedure.

What things should be brought to the morgue for the relatives of the deceased?
In order for the deceased to be brought back to a “normal” appearance, relatives should be provided with the following things for men:
- Clothes (panties, T-shirt, socks, shirt, shoes, tie, suit, handkerchief).
- Towel.
- Soap.
- Razor.
- Cologne.
And for the deceased women, the following items are needed:
- Clothes (underwear, stockings, nightgown, headscarf, shoes; from outerwear - a dress, suit or robe).
- Towel.
- Soap.
- Cologne (eau de toilette).
Event cost
The embalming procedure is not very cheap, especially if done in a mortuary. On average, the price of "conservation" of the deceased at home fluctuates inwithin 3500–5000 rubles. And such an event in the morgue costs 10,000–25,000 rubles, depending on the chosen method.
Now you know what embalming is, how this procedure is carried out in the morgue and what methods experts use in order to preserve the body for a long time. We found out that such an event can be done at home, by the way, it will cost much less. But not every family is able to agree to embalming within the walls of their home. But be that as it may, wherever it is held, you still need to know: for the preservation of the body, as well as in the case of the funeral of the deceased, it is necessary to hold such an event.