Medicine has undergone many dramatic changes since the time of Hippocrates and Avicenna. Since the XVIII-XIX centuries, new methods of treating diseases have been created.

This applies to both medicines and various tools, diagnostic equipment. Starting from the 20th century, new devices began to appear for a comprehensive examination of the whole organism, for example, ART diagnostics. What it is? You will see detailed information, as well as recommendations for those wishing to take advantage of this testing, below.
What is ART diagnostics (Voll method)
Those who studied cybernetics in college or university must have heard from a teacher or read in a textbook that different physical bodies have their own resonant frequency. This applies to living cells - microorganisms, plants, people and animals. If the actual frequency of a microscopic cell does not correspond to a "he althy" frequency, then a violation occurs, which is called pathology,disease.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the German doctor Reinhold Voll began to study methods of influencing the human body with the help of electropuncture. Later, together with colleagues, he created a special apparatus that registers almost all pathologies. Thus, Voll diagnostics appeared.
The principle of operation of the ART machine
What is this survey method? It is worth taking a moment to introduce Chinese traditional medicine, which uses acupuncture therapy. What is such a treatment? This is acupuncture, that is, the impact on biologically active points of the human body. That is, each organ, each gland, all vessels has such a point on the outside, when pressed on which the process of activation occurs. Some technicians explain this as a "wall switch" principle.

But Voll's method is a more serious invention. When using it, the device itself and the cables are used, through which the power current and electrical signals from the sensor located in the hand of the subject pass.
When you press on a specific area of the body (most often a finger or toe), the device receives a signal. In the event that the frequency of any cell in the body does not match the desired one, the pathology is tested.
What reveals
What deviations does ART diagnostics “see”, what is it in the concept of a patient? Let's list what exactly the device tests:
- parasitic infestations;
- mental stress;
- intoxication of the body;
- mineral deficiency;
- presence of diseases of organs and systems;
- formation of stones, blood clots, tumors;
- state of the immune system;
- allergic reactions;
- viruses, fungi, microorganisms;
- acid-base balance of the body;
- blood condition.
It would seem, how is this possible? Moreover, the diagnosis is carried out no more than half an hour. But this is exactly what Dr. Voll was aiming for.
What treatments are offered
A qualified doctor can, based on the results of testing, prescribe treatment as needed. Most often, homeopathy is used first. But if necessary, both traditional medicines and folk remedies are prescribed. What is ART diagnostics? This is an opportunity to immediately, and not individually, identify the cause of all human diseases.

Modern equipment is capable of not only diagnosing, but also treating with the bioresonance method, as well as charging homeopathic peas. That is, such a medicine affects the affected body systems, gradually healing a person. But you should follow the rule: charged peas should not fall under electromagnetic radiation.
Truth or Fraud
Many of you, probably, having read the above information from ART diagnostics, will be skeptical about this. But what is the actual method? In fact, such a technique is justified, but only if the device is not a fake, but a conscientious doctor,has all the relevant qualifications both for working with the device and for treating patients. Unfortunately, at present there are a lot of scammers who attract gullible people to diagnostic sessions. Therefore, the Voll method also has negative reviews.
Positive ones can only be found from those people who were lucky enough to get to a real specialist working with a real, research-proven device.
Prepare for diagnosis?
Diagnosis according to Voll (VRT) does not require special preparation on the part of the patient. The only thing you need is the absence of metal objects on the body and inside. Therefore, people who have a pacemaker, hearing prostheses should not agree to the diagnosis.
How not to get to an unscrupulous doctor
As mentioned above, the ART method is most often used by scammers, so everyone has a risk of getting to an unscrupulous doctor.

To avoid trouble, you should carefully study the reviews of patients, but it is better not through the Internet, but in person. You can come closer to the entrance to the medical center (office), ask the patients who were not the first time.
How can I check the accuracy of diagnostics
It is recommended not to talk about your illnesses at the first meeting with the doctor, unless the doctor asks. Or say, but not about all pathologies. Perhaps you have the results of tests, ultrasound, MRI or other types of clinical studies. You will have a chance to check the results (but in the event thatthe study took place 1-2 days before testing).
It is worth noting that ART diagnostics can become an excellent analogue of all studies. What is it in general? A comprehensive examination of the whole organism, partially or completely replacing almost all existing laboratory tests, ultrasound, examination of internal organs through special devices and equipment.
Does the doctor need to bring the results of other examinations
The vegetative resonance test does not require any results from other examinations, but they may be useful to the doctor either for clarification or for assessing the accuracy of the device. But, nevertheless, real ART devices are not able to reveal everything thoroughly, for example, the results of a general or biochemical blood test can vary greatly on different days.

On the other hand, for example, the analysis of feces for worm eggs is not always reliable. Everything will depend on the stage of development of the parasite. Unlike the traditional technique, the ART device detects parasites at any stage.
Why doesn't traditional medicine introduce the ART method?
The vegetative resonance test has not been widely used in traditional medicine. The fact is that modern doctors and authorities regard this technique as something impossible. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the examination of the patient must be very long, thorough and costly. It is impossible to find out absolutely everything about the state of the body in half an hour or even in 5 minutes. That is why the Voll method, reviews of which are different, seems to manynot serious.