Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications of the treatment method

Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications of the treatment method
Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications of the treatment method

Magnetotherapy is a relatively new type of physiotherapy treatment, the use of which began relatively recently.

magnetotherapy indications and contraindications
magnetotherapy indications and contraindications

Today, a person suffers from a lack of a magnetic field no less than from beriberi. Therefore, this procedure is quite relevant for our time. It is based on the impact on a specific pain area or on the whole body as a whole. Like any other method of treatment, magnetotherapy has indications and contraindications. You should not be afraid of this procedure. When it is carried out, the tissues are not magnetized, but the water in the body and the blood take on some properties.

Features of magnetotherapy

The main goal of this treatment is to relieve the pain syndrome, which makes this method quite effective. During the procedure, the polarity of cells is restored and the work of enzyme systems is activated. A positive feature of magnetotherapy is the fact that it is well tolerated by people with weakened immune systems and elderly patients.


The essence of the method is simple: the sore spot is heated to a depth of 9-12 cm, while the temperature should rise by no more than 2-3 degrees. Such a local effect of heat helps to activate blood circulation, increase immunity, and dissolve edema. Figuratively speaking, this procedure launches the body's recovery mechanism.

Magnetotherapy: indications and contraindications

The magnetic field has different properties, so they are used for treatment with a sufficiently large number of diseases.

  • Heart ailments (arrhythmia, hypertension, dystonia and others).
  • Diseases of the nervous system (strokes, neuritis, migraine, spinal injuries).
  • Damage to peripheral joints (thrombophlebitis, venous insufficiency).
  • Diseases of the bronchi (asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis).
  • Problems of the stomach (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis).
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, prostatitis and others).
  • Skin damage (burns, frostbite, eczema).

We see a pretty impressive list of diseases that magnetotherapy can cure. Indications and contraindications are two sides of the same coin, so the first does not exist without the second. Among the latter, the following can be distinguished:

  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Epilepsy, especially if the illness is accompanied by frequent seizures.
  • Presence of pacemakers in the body.
  • Various bleeding.
  • The period of exacerbation of infectious diseases.
magnetotherapy at home
magnetotherapy at home

In some cases magnetotherapy at home is justified. But you can only engage in such treatment as directed by a doctor. For use at home, treatment belts with magnets or magnetic bracelets are recommended. In addition, today there are a number of special devices: "Magofon", "Mag", "Magniter".

All patients who have been prescribed magnetotherapy leave positive reviews. After the procedures, many of them note the absence of pain, improvement in sleep, and a decrease in nervous excitability.

Magnetotherapy, the indications and contraindications of which are now well known to you, is a safe and inexpensive treatment method that does not cause addiction and side effects.
