Boils (and a more complicated stage of the disease - furunculosis) - a fairly common ailment that affects more men than women. A furuncle can appear at any age - both in an infant and in an elderly man or woman. There are many reasons for the appearance, and the process of maturation of the abscess is painful and slow, bringing inconvenience and suffering. Therefore, many people are interested in the question: how to quickly treat a boil at home? After all, it is not always possible and time to immediately consult a doctor. And it also happens that a person is simply embarrassed to come with his problem to an outsider, especially if the chiry jumped up in a place hidden from prying eyes.

On how to treat chiria and boils on your own, and in what cases it is still worth seeking medical help, we will learn from the article.
What is a boil, description
Furuncle (popularly called "chiry") is a purulent formation, which first manifests itself in the form of a red tubercle. The infection is localized in the hair follicle and externally, the furuncle is somewhat, at least at first, reminiscent of a pimple. But this is far from a harmless abscess. A chiri differs from a pimple in that the infection spreads much faster, and the pustular shaft deepens the entire length of the hair follicle. Further, the abscess spreads to nearby tissues and affects the sebaceous gland. A furuncle is much more painful and dangerous than an ordinary abscess and requires a special approach in treatment.
Causes, symptoms
Most often, boils appear in places with a large accumulation of sebaceous glands and hair follicles, as well as where the skin sweats and is subject to constant friction. It can be armpits, groin and buttocks, scalp. In general, boils can form anywhere on the body, and they have more than enough reasons for this. First, there is a seal and redness, a little later pain begins, which grows stronger as the boil matures. With internal boils and too long maturation of the abscess, the pain can be very severe. There is fever and weakness. That is why it is important to know how to quickly treat a boil. At home, dealing with ordinary (external) chiri is easy and quite within the power of everyone.

Why do boils appear? Almost always, chiria occurs against the background of a weakened immune system orstress, for example, after severe hypothermia. There are a number of diseases that are prerequisites for this unpleasant disease. These are various hormonal disorders, chronic inflammatory processes, general slagging and a lack of vitamins, especially group B. Very often, elementary non-compliance with the basic rules of hygiene leads to the appearance of boils. And as a result, through microcracks that appear on the body during the day, various bacteria enter in large numbers under the skin - usually staphylococci. They are the main causative agents of the infection.
Internal boil: what is the danger
There are subcutaneous boils that never break out, but "grow" inside. Such formations are especially dangerous because, breaking through, they can lead to blood poisoning and even death. They require the obligatory observation of a doctor who will decide how to treat an internal boil. You may need urgent surgical intervention, since the internal chiri must be opened, especially if the abscess is on the head.
You should never try to accelerate the maturation of internal chiri yourself, and even more so try to squeeze it out. Self-medication will only worsen the situation. After opening the chiria, you should follow a diet low in carbohydrates, exclude alcohol and drink a course of antibiotics. The most dangerous of the chiri is the boil in the nose. How to treat such an abscess - only a doctor can decide, as in the case of internal boils.
Treatment of boils at home
Before you starthome treatment, it is necessary to determine at what stage of maturation the abscess is now. At the first stage, when the chiry is still being formed, it can be heated with ultraviolet light (a blue lamp, familiar to all of us from childhood). It is absolutely safe and will help reduce inflammation, but do not get carried away. As soon as the abscess passes into the second stage (when the purulent masses have already matured and the head of the abscess is visible), you can start chipping it with an antibiotic or applying an ointment containing an antibiotic, for example, Levomekol. This should be done every day to prevent the spread and further accumulation of pus. At the third stage, when the abscess has already opened and the cavity is freed from necrotic masses, the boil must be washed with hydrogen peroxide and a dry bandage applied to prevent secondary infection from entering the abscess cavity. How to treat a boil? The photo shows one of the most famous traditional medicine - onions. The following is a recipe for an onion "medicine".

It happens that the first stage of maturation lasts a very long time, bringing great suffering to the patient. How to treat a boil quickly in order to quickly move on to the second stage of treatment? To do this, you need to make a compress of gauze soaked in hypertonic solution or peroxide. Thanks to osmosis, the maturation of the abscess will accelerate significantly, and the purulent masses will be brought out along with the lymph.
Folk treatments
It happens that the necessary medicines were not found in the first-aid kit, and pharmaciesclosed. How to quickly treat a boil at home in such cases? Various folk recipes that our great-grandmothers used to successfully recover from abscesses will help speed up and greatly facilitate the treatment process.
- Take 2 yolks (raw), 1 spoon of honey and half a teaspoon of s alt. Mix all this thoroughly and at the very end add a little flour to achieve the consistency of soft clay. Apply this mixture to the boil daily, until the abscess is completely opened.
- Bake the head of the onion and, rubbing it into gruel, mix it with shavings of laundry soap. Apply this mixture to the chiri as a compress, covering the top with a sterile cloth and securing with adhesive tape. You need to make a new portion every day and change the compress.
- You can just chop the garlic finely and apply it to the neoplasm in the form of a compress, wrapping it with a bandage.
Secrets of quick treatment: how to speed up the maturation of a boil
How to quickly treat a boil at home? There are many ways, but, unfortunately, not all folk remedies will work. The reason may be intolerance to certain components, therefore, before using this or that recipe, check (if it is an ointment) the reaction of your skin on a he althy area of \u200b\u200bthe body and only then apply the mixture to the boil.
Here are two universal remedies to help speed up the process of furuncle maturation:
- Turmeric - this wonderful spice will perfectly raise the immune system and accelerate the healing of the boil, reducing inflammation. Not recommended for peoplesuffering from diseases of the liver and gallbladder. A small amount of turmeric, literally at the tip of a knife, is diluted with water and taken 2 times a day for three days.
- Excellent pulling properties have this mixture: s alt, honey, ginger (ground) and turmeric. Mix everything and lubricate the sore spot with the resulting solution. Can be applied as a compress to enhance the effect.
What not to do with home treatment of boils
Whether you treat a boil, with the help of a doctor or with your own home remedies, there are a number of rules that should not be broken:
- In no case should you treat the affected surface with colored solutions (for example, brilliant green or iodine). It will be difficult for the doctor to assess the actual size of the boil.
- Never use non-sterile bandages. The risk of secondary infection is too great.
- After opening the chiria, you can not wet the sore spot until the wound is completely healed.
- Never open or pierce a boil yourself. Either he will come out on his own, thanks to the ongoing treatment, or the abscess will require professional surgical intervention.
Furuncles on the body
In deciding how to treat boils on the body, one must proceed, first of all, from where exactly the chiry is located. Is there an element of friction and poor ventilation of this place. Whether damage of an abscess is possible or probable. All these details are extremely important. If there are several boils on the body, this is already furunculosis. In this case, home treatment is excluded!Any therapy must be prescribed by a doctor, possibly even a blood transfusion.

If there is only one abscess and is located in the hair growth zone, you should carefully cut them off. In no case should you shave, you can cause yourself a microtrauma in the area of localization of the boil, which, in turn, is extremely dangerous with additional infection. If possible, avoid any rubbing of the damaged area. Put on a protective bandage over the compress and wear loose-fitting clothing. Do not squeeze or scratch the purulent formation. It is also impossible to wet the chiry with water, so you will have to wash very carefully. But what to do if the boil jumped up in place, which is almost impossible to protect from microtrauma? And how to treat a boil on the pope? The appearance of chiria on the buttocks is doubly unpleasant: in addition to constant itching and burning twitching pain, chiria in this place also causes tangible inconvenience. Be sure to seal the formation with a band-aid and try not to disturb the diseased area once again. Do not sit on the buttock where the boil is located, and apply all pulling ointments and homemade mixtures exclusively at night.
Furuncles on the face
Furuncles on the head, and even more so on the face, are one of the most undesirable types of chiri. And the most dangerous is the boil in the nose. How to treat such an abscess? The whole problem is that the blood supply to the head proceeds in a special way. All blood entering the head immediately enters the skull area.

This means thatall substances in the soft tissues of the face are very quickly transported to the brain. And in case of improper treatment of an abscess in the nose, the risk of contracting meningitis is high. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. If you have a boil in your nose, see a doctor immediately.

If a furuncle jumped up on the lip, how to treat such an abscess? Usually chiri jump up on the upper lip and in the corners of the mouth. It happens that boils spread to the cheeks and cheekbones. Furuncles on the lip are localized in the extremely dangerous zone of the nasolabial fold, therefore they require the supervision of a doctor. Touch your face as little as possible with your hands, wipe the sore spot with hydrogen peroxide, and apply Vishnevsky ointment at night. It won't hurt to take antibiotics. After opening the boil, apply "Levomekol" to the damaged area 3-4 times a day.
How to treat a boil in a child
In children, the appearance of chiria is most often accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication of the body. There is a temperature, headache and weakness, appetite disappears. If the child is breastfeeding, and moreover, the boil is on the face, call an ambulance. Infants are treated only in a hospital setting. In children from a year old, a boil can be cured at home. It will be better if you bandage the damaged area so that the baby does not scratch and pick the jumped chiry.

In order to prevent the spread of infection, treat the abscess and the area around it with 70% alcohol. In someIn cases where the child does not tolerate pain well, an anesthetic injection may be necessary. Ointment Vishnevsky and "Levomekol" will help accelerate the maturation and healing of the abscess.