With age, muscle tone decreases, the skin loses connective tissue proteins, therefore it becomes less elastic. There are many methods of rejuvenation. Anti-aging methods range from radical to ineffective. The main thing is to choose the golden mean.

Non-surgical facelift is the most popular skin rejuvenation procedure. This procedure is safe and gives immediately visible results. Lifting does not involve skin damage, is absolutely painless and does not require a rehabilitation period. Radio waves penetrate to a depth of up to three millimeters, provide heating of the deep balls of the dermis.
The dermis warms up to sixty degrees, a coagulation effect is created. Due to hyperthermia, dermal cells (fibroblasts) are activated, and the synthesis of a new collagen molecule is stimulated.
Active collagen synthesis after the procedure continues for 21-25 days. Given the above, it is advisable to carry out a liftingfaces at intervals of three weeks.
Optimal results can be achieved after three to five sessions.

Non-surgical facelift will help you become even more beautiful, more confident and happier.
This technique will help improve the color and condition of the skin, tighten the oval of the face. All this will improve your mood. Non-surgical facelift restores its former beauty and youth no worse than plastic surgery. The technology of this method is based on the healing effect of electrical and light energy.
Non-surgical facelift is one of the revolutionary methods of lifting. In just a few sessions, you will look like a few years ago.
Non-Surgical Facelift Benefits
The possibilities of this technique are impressive. In a couple of sessions, you can erase fatigue from the face, remove the second chin, “lift” the lowered upper eyelids.
With the help of lifting, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and large ones become less noticeable, freckles, age spots, enlarged pores, rosacea disappear.
Endoscopic facelift: benefits
- minimum number of scars;
- scars and, accordingly, incisions are made in those places where they are perfectly camouflaged (oral cavity, scalp).

The presented method is indicated for lowering the soft tissues of the corners of the mouth, zygomatic areas, deep nasolabial folds. Endoscopic lifting is considered by many specialists as an alternativedeep lifting, especially in young patients.
Biological reinforcement or vector lifting is a procedure characterized by the introduction of biostimulants based on hyaluronic acid (heteropolysaccharide) into the skin, which forms a web of biological threads in the deep layers of the skin. Using this method, age-related changes at the level of the dermis are corrected. After about a month, the threads are hydrolyzed and the skin becomes more elastic. Biological reinforcement eliminates the possibility of side effects, since hyaluronic acid has a high biocompatibility.