PCR analysis for 12 infections: preparation, delivery rules and interpretation of results

PCR analysis for 12 infections: preparation, delivery rules and interpretation of results
PCR analysis for 12 infections: preparation, delivery rules and interpretation of results

In the article, we will consider how PCR analysis is carried out for 12 infections.

Modern method of research to determine the infection in the body is PCR diagnostics. This method is based on the use of polymerase chain reaction, which allows to identify pathogens. At the same time, how the pathological process proceeds, in acute or chronic form, does not affect the accuracy of the results obtained. Some doctors do not make a definitive diagnosis without this study. You can now take a PCR test for 12 infections in any private laboratory.

PCR analysis for 12 infections in hemotest
PCR analysis for 12 infections in hemotest

What infections can be detected?

This method is very popular, not only because the results of this study can be obtained in about 5 hours, but also because of the ability to detect multiple infections at the same time.

PCR analysis for 12 infections includes:

  1. HIV is one of the most dangerous infections inworld, which is included in the STD category.
  2. Hepatitis of various varieties.
  3. Epstein Virus - Barr.
  4. Herpes of the first and second types.
  5. Sexually transmitted infections, that is, those included in the STD group - mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, etc.
  6. Cytomegalovirus.
  7. Listeriosis.
  8. Bacteria that provoke the development of tuberculosis.
  9. Helicobacter pylori infection.
  10. Tick-borne encephalitis.
  11. HPV and its many varieties.
  12. Candida infection.

PCR is very convenient to use - the results of the study are known after 5 hours, which makes this method very practical.


The number of pathologies that are detected by PCR analysis for 12 infections includes many of those that are sexually transmitted. Therefore, the methodology under consideration is applied in the following areas:

  • oncology medical practice;
  • gastroenterology;
  • pulmonology;
  • gynecology;
  • urology;
  • TB.
  • take PCR tests 12
    take PCR tests 12

In almost any case, PCR analysis for 12 infections can be performed to detect active or latent form.

How is the study done?

As noted earlier, the diagnosis of infectious processes is a fairly accurate method that must be carried out in the laboratory. An important condition can also be called the correctness of the collection of analyzes. The definition of foreign DNA and RNA occurs during the examination of variousbiological fluids. An exception to this rule is the detection of a sexually transmitted virus: in this case, the analysis of secretions from the genital tract is carried out.

Not everyone knows how a PCR test is taken for 12 infections.

In other cases, for example, when pathogens of HIV, herpes, hepatitis, etc. are detected, the patient's blood is taken. A urine or oral swab may also be required. In case of dangerous pathological conditions or suspicion of them, cerebrospinal fluid can be taken for research.

take a PCR test 12
take a PCR test 12

Transcript of the results of this study

PCR quantification for 12 infections is quite easy. Only a specialist can decipher the results. In the case when it is necessary to obtain the result as quickly as possible, within five hours, it is necessary to carry out this particular diagnostic method. An important point is that studies for latent infections can give a negative or positive answer. Negative indicates that there is no infectious agent in the body. In the case of a positive study, the doctor should prescribe antiviral therapy - antibiotics, as well as treatment aimed at strengthening the immune system.

The PCR method makes it possible to identify pathogens that are in the inactive phase of their life. These are, for example, herpes and HPV. By evaluating the number of cells of pathogens, it is possible to establish the fact how active a particular pathological process is in the patient's body. The quantitative result of the analysis allowsfind out the exact stage of development of a certain disease.

pcr 12 how to take the analysis
pcr 12 how to take the analysis

In some cases, a questionable result may be obtained when the number of copies determined by the study corresponds to the upper limits of the norm. In order to identify the cause of the development of the disease as accurately as possible, it is necessary to repeat the analysis, paying special attention to the collection of biological material.

What materials are examined in this analysis?

Biomaterial for PCR research for 12 infections, in which foreign DNA of a pathogenic bacterium or RNA and DNA of a virus can be determined, various human biological fluids and environments can serve:

  1. Blood, serum, plasma. Used for PCR of hepatitis B, D, C, G, herpes, HIV, CMV, human genes.
  2. Urine. It can be used for infectious lesions of the female urinary organs and urogenital canals of men (the use of urine as a biomaterial can replace epithelial scraping).
  3. Sputum. It is used to diagnose tuberculosis and, in some cases, to diagnose respiratory types of mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. Sputum in the amount of 20 milliliters is collected in a disposable sterile vial.
  4. Other biological fluids. Pleural, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, articular fluid, prostate juice, saliva, bronchoalveolar lavage - are taken only if there are strict indications.
  5. Biopsies. The most commonly used biopsy specimens of the duodenum and stomach to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection.
  6. Epithelial scrapings from mucous membranes. They are usually used to diagnose sexually transmitted pathologies, such as, for example, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, herpetic and other infections that affect the mucous membrane.

To take a PCR test for 12 infections, you need to prepare in advance.

take a PCR analysis 12 quantitative
take a PCR analysis 12 quantitative

Preparing for the test

The reliability of the results of the PCR study depends directly on the correctness of the delivery of biological material. The material must not be contaminated, otherwise the results of the laboratory study will not be objective. The list of the most important recommendations before taking a PCR laboratory analysis includes the following:

  • urine must be taken in the morning in a sterile container;
  • blood for infections should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • It is not recommended to be sexually active the day before this study.

The result of such an analysis can be ready in five hours, but most often the time for deciphering the results depends on the technical equipment of the medical laboratory and the workload of the staff and ranges from one and a half to two days after the procedure. There are also situations where the patient can receive the results on the same day.

So, does it make sense to take PCR?

take PCR
take PCR

How accurate is this diagnosis?

The PCR technique is specific,high precision and sensitivity. This means that this laboratory test is capable of:

  • reliably determine the presence or absence of infection;
  • precisely indicate the type of infectious agent (specificity);
  • detect infectious disease even at extremely low levels of pathogen DNA in the biological material subjected to the study (sensitivity).

PCR analysis for 12 infections in "Hemotest"

Hemotest is a network of medical laboratories founded in 2003 and providing services to corporate clients and individuals. Today it is the leader of the domestic market among diagnostic laboratories.

The following types of services are provided in franchised and own establishments of the company:

take a PCR test 12
take a PCR test 12
  • PCR testing (including twelve infections);
  • consultations of doctors in order to decipher the necessary studies;
  • collection of biomaterials with personal barcodes;
  • registration of clients in the common system;
  • issuance of test results.

The quality of laboratory research is confirmed by international certificates.
