Removal of spider veins on the legs is not only an aesthetic necessity

Removal of spider veins on the legs is not only an aesthetic necessity
Removal of spider veins on the legs is not only an aesthetic necessity

Small dilated capillaries on the face, looking like red dots, is a malfunction of the blood vessels. On the legs and arms, this problem is hidden under clothes, so people are in no hurry with treatment, while there are many visits to the doctor with the face - aesthetic discomfort makes itself felt. But such connivance is dangerous! And the removal of spider veins on the legs is not only a cosmetic improvement in appearance. Such stars are a visual sign of impaired blood flow in the body. Damaged vessels do not function fully and will not return to normal on their own. In addition, if the venous asterisks on the legs are not treated, physical ailments will appear: swelling, pain, cramps.

Removal of spider veins on the legs or face can be done in several ways, and they are applied depending on the stage, location and characteristics of the organism. So, let's get acquainted and consider everything:

Laser removal

how to get rid of stars on legs
how to get rid of stars on legs

Effective, time-tested method, also called laser photocoagulation, does not adversely affect the skin. Bonding of the affected vesselIt is produced using a laser and gives not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect. A small mesh disappears completely, and large vascular formations are significantly reduced and lose their brightness. As a rule, the course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days and is selected by a phlebologist on an individual basis.


Removal of mesh on exposed parts (face, neck, chest) without damaging the skin. Produced with the help of a device that with one flash will remove the stars on an area of 2 square meters. see And radio wave coagulation is a method when an electrode is inserted into the vessels, which narrows them using a radio wave.


venous stars on the legs
venous stars on the legs

This is a common method of how to get rid of stars on the legs and other parts of the body, the essence of which is the introduction of a medicine into a vein to glue the walls of the vessel - a sclerosant solution. Then, to increase the pressure and improve the effectiveness of the procedure, compression stockings are used: special stockings, stockings or elastic bandages. The procedure is carried out with a thin needle that leaves no marks and is completely painless. The conditions are outpatient, that is, the patient is not in the hospital, but goes home on the same day. Removal of spider veins on the legs, arms or face in this way will require several injections of the drug (from 2 to 10), depending on the stage of the disease, and will require restrictions on physical activity.

Fine foam sclerotherapy

A kind of microsclerotherapy method, the main difference of which is thatThe sclerosant is used in the form of foam with air bubbles and is able to cover a large area of the affected vessel or vein. Removal of spider veins on the legs is absolutely safe, since the air will not penetrate further, but will completely dissolve in the medicine at the injection site.

As you can see, solving the issue of removal is not a problem, the phlebologist will tell you the best method. And as a preventive measure, you can be advised to take a contrast shower and take vitamins to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
