Medicine 2024, October

MRI angiography of cerebral vessels: features of the procedure, interpretation of indicators

MRI angiography of cerebral vessels: features of the procedure, interpretation of indicators

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most promising methods for studying internal organs in modern medicine. In terms of its diagnostic value, it significantly exceeds the X-ray examination. What is the essence of the technique and what does MRI angiography of cerebral vessels show? This, as well as many other things that you wanted to know about MRI diagnostics, is described in our article

Infrared sauna: benefits and harms to the body, indications and contraindications

Infrared sauna: benefits and harms to the body, indications and contraindications

Today, in the age of modern technology, a unique invention has appeared that has become a strong competitor to the usual saunas and steam rooms, but has nothing to do with water procedures. This invention became known as the infrared sauna. It brings benefit or harm to the body, what kind of procedure it is, described in this article

Intestinal x-ray: preparation that shows the result

Intestinal x-ray: preparation that shows the result

Despite the active development of modern computer diagnostic methods, X-ray examination remains indispensable for identifying pathological conditions of various organs and systems. It allows you to study the features of the morphology and structure of the human body and evaluate the occurrence of any changes. X-ray of the intestine allows you to determine the shape, position, condition of the mucous membrane, tone and peristalsis of some parts of the colon

Intravenous urography: preparation, contraindications for the study

Intravenous urography: preparation, contraindications for the study

The term "intravenous urography" refers to the X-ray method of diagnosis, during which the patient is injected with a contrast agent. The result of the study is a series of images by which the doctor can identify even the slightest disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system. Another name for this diagnostic method is excretory urography

Flavonoid - what is it? What are flavonoids and what is their effect on the human body?

Flavonoid - what is it? What are flavonoids and what is their effect on the human body?

The ability of certain fruits and vegetables to improve the functioning of certain organ systems has long been known to mankind. As a result of research, it became known that these beneficial properties are possessed by a special substance that is contained in plants and plays a crucial role in their life. And this substance is called "flavonoid". What it is and how it affects the human body, you can learn from this article

Hemoglobin 150 in a woman: reasons for the increase, normalization of the level and recommendations of doctors

Hemoglobin 150 in a woman: reasons for the increase, normalization of the level and recommendations of doctors

You can talk about high hemoglobin when its amount is 20-30 g / l above the upper limit of the norm, although this situation in most cases is not yet considered dangerous. If the content of this protein is 180–190 g/l, then we are talking about a serious violation

X-ray of the lumbar spine: purpose, features and interpretation

X-ray of the lumbar spine: purpose, features and interpretation

According to statistics, the majority of young people at least once in their lives had to feel pain in the lumbar region. In fact, most often this problem is faced by the elderly. To establish the causes of discomfort in the lumbosacral spine, an x-ray examination is required

What does contraction feel like

What does contraction feel like

The initial period of labor is perhaps the longest, especially if the birth is the first. It can last up to 12 hours and even drag on for up to a day and a half. In such situations, doctors are forced to use labor induction. The goal of the first stage is to open the cervix up to ten centimeters

How to measure blood pressure at home?

How to measure blood pressure at home?

The article provides information on how to measure pressure using special devices, as well as how to measure pressure without a tonometer, using folk methods. General recommendations about measurement rules are given

How to thin the blood in the body?

How to thin the blood in the body?

The main two groups of drugs that reduce blood clotting are anticoagulants, which increase the time required for clotting, and antiplatelet agents, which prevent platelets from sticking together and thereby prevent the formation of blood clots

How do AIDS symptoms manifest in women?

How do AIDS symptoms manifest in women?

AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. For 20 years, the disease has claimed about 20 million people. How does it manifest itself and what do you need to know about it?

Is there protein in semen? How much protein is in semen?

Is there protein in semen? How much protein is in semen?

Sperm of a man is an organic liquid, which is a rather complex substance, which has more than 30 components in its composition. Important elements for human he alth are found in the chemical composition of sperm: vitamins B12, C and others, citric acid, calcium, zinc, copper, highly concentrated potassium, sulfur

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements: description of the procedure, features of the study and reviews

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements: description of the procedure, features of the study and reviews

The hair provides the most reliable information about the state of the body - being a storage material, they can store information about microelements for a long time

Osteophytes - what is it? Osteophytes of the hip and knee joint, osteophytes of the spine

Osteophytes - what is it? Osteophytes of the hip and knee joint, osteophytes of the spine

Osteophytes are a common pathology that affects the human musculoskeletal system. What it is? This article will tell you how to correctly determine the diagnosis and resist the disease

City Hospital No. 68 (Moscow): departments, maternity hospital, reference, address and patient reviews

City Hospital No. 68 (Moscow): departments, maternity hospital, reference, address and patient reviews

City Hospital 68 is famous for its strong scientific base, diverse departments and qualified staff. The structure and features of the institution are described below

Reproduction of viruses: stages, features, stages of development and cycles

Reproduction of viruses: stages, features, stages of development and cycles

Viruses do not reproduce by binary fission. These processes occur in different parts of the cell of the so-called host (for example, in the nucleus or cytoplasm). This disjointed method of virus reproduction is called disjunctive. This is what we will focus on in our article

Scrotum - what is it? Its structure and functions. Diseases of the scrotum and their prevention

Scrotum - what is it? Its structure and functions. Diseases of the scrotum and their prevention

Consider everything that can be connected with the scrotum. We start with the structure and functions performed and end with all the problems that this vital organ may have

When is hysteroscopy necessary?

When is hysteroscopy necessary?

Hysteroscopy of the uterus is a method that allows you to examine and, if necessary, cure the uterine cavity. It is performed using an ultra-sensitive instrument - a hysteroscope

How to prepare a child for an ultrasound of the abdomen and kidneys?

How to prepare a child for an ultrasound of the abdomen and kidneys?

How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound of a child? Many experts advise starting a training course a few days before the examination. For this purpose, a dietary course is carried out. The main task of the diet is to exclude from the diet any foods that can cause increased gas formation

Leeches: reproduction, breeding features, life cycle and use in medicine

Leeches: reproduction, breeding features, life cycle and use in medicine

Leeches are representatives of annelids. They are widely used in medicine. Leech reproduction is an interesting process. These creatures can form pairs, take care of their offspring. How to organize the cultivation of leeches at home. What to consider in this business

"Goryachinsk" (resort): description, treatment, reviews

"Goryachinsk" (resort): description, treatment, reviews

They have the same name - Goryachinsk - a resort, village and sanatorium on the shores of Lake Baikal, not far from the capital of Buryatia. The extraordinary energy of this place and its beauty truly work wonders, restoring he alth to people. Goryachinsk has another healing natural factor - mineral springs, on the basis of which this balneological resort was created. What kind of life and service is established here, what medical procedures are carried out, what conditions for recreation are, read in the article

Is one ppm of alcohol a lot or a little?

Is one ppm of alcohol a lot or a little?

For about ten years, our entire country has been arguing about how much per mille of alcohol a driver can have in his blood. Drivers, the government, doctors and traffic police inspectors - everyone has their own point of view and everyone thinks that he is right. Where is the truth? How these disputes will end, no one knows until the end. And, in the end, is 1 ppm of alcohol a lot or not so much yet?

White blotches in feces: causes, possible diseases, tests and diagnosis of the disease

White blotches in feces: causes, possible diseases, tests and diagnosis of the disease

White blotches appearing in the feces are almost always a sign indicating a deviation from the norm. What could be the reasons? What possible diseases does this symptom indicate? How is the diagnosis carried out, what is the further treatment? This and much more will now be discussed

Fetal monitor: size, instructions, manufacturers

Fetal monitor: size, instructions, manufacturers

The fetal monitor is the most effective tool for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of the fetus in the womb. It is easy to use, compact and allows you to monitor the heartbeat and movement of the fetus, as well as uterine contractions for a long time. That is why dopplers and fetal displays are widely used in maternity hospitals and obstetric departments

Prolapse is Definition, classification, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Prolapse is Definition, classification, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Prolapse is a protrusion, omission of something. In medicine, this term refers to the prolapse of the entire organ or part of it through natural openings. Let's try to figure out what this phenomenon is

Nose wash solution: how to prepare and apply at home

Nose wash solution: how to prepare and apply at home

Today, there are many drugs and techniques to combat nasal congestion. One of the most popular ways is to irrigate and wash the sinuses with various solutions. This procedure is effective and can be done at home. In addition, a solution for washing the nose can be prepared independently

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland: features of the study, medical advice

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland: features of the study, medical advice

Several decades ago, only a visual examination of the thyroid gland by palpation was carried out. Now with the help of ultrasound it is possible to assess its size, structure, and also to identify neoplasms. The procedure is an indispensable diagnostic method for studying the functioning of the organ and making an accurate diagnosis. Consider how to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, are there any features for men and women, is it possible to make a diagnosis using this method during pregnancy

Cowing for antibiotic susceptibility: deciphering. Antibiotic sensitivity: the essence of the analysis

Cowing for antibiotic susceptibility: deciphering. Antibiotic sensitivity: the essence of the analysis

Diseases, both serious and not too serious, unfortunately, are by no means uncommon. In the fight against some diseases, it is impossible to do without antibiotics. Their use is evaluated differently. Doctors were divided into two camps: their supporters and their opponents. If you have a need to use antibiotics, then first of all you need to find out how your body will perceive them. This can be done by seeding for antibiotic susceptibility. Deciphering the analysis will clarify everything

Segmented neutrophils in the blood: the norm in women, men and children

Segmented neutrophils in the blood: the norm in women, men and children

Neutrophils are the group of the most numerous leukocytes, the main function of which is to fight pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that penetrate the human body. Unlike red blood cells and platelets, neutrophils have a nucleus. Neutrophils are produced by the bone marrow and, depending on age, have different sizes and shapes of the nucleus

What is the Hippocratic Oath, text with comments

What is the Hippocratic Oath, text with comments

Written in antiquity, the Hippocratic oath continues to be given by physicians in many countries of the world to this day. But few people know what provisions are contained in it, how much the original meaning of the original text was distorted

Palliative care. Palliative care for cancer patients

Palliative care. Palliative care for cancer patients

Tens of millions of people die every year in the world. And many of them experience monstrous suffering. Palliative care is designed to improve the quality of life of people suffering from various forms of chronic diseases in the terminal stage, when all the possibilities of specialized treatment have already been exhausted

Analysis of feces for helminths: indications for research, preparation, delivery, decoding

Analysis of feces for helminths: indications for research, preparation, delivery, decoding

It is formally impossible to approach the delivery of fecal analysis for helminth eggs. The person to whom he was appointed should be aware that it is important to determine the helminthic invasion primarily for his own he alth. Parasites are seriously harmful to he alth, certain types of them can enter the heart, brain, liver and other organs

Normal glucose level - what is the meaning? High and low blood sugar

Normal glucose level - what is the meaning? High and low blood sugar

Why do you need to know your glucose level? This is a substance that plays a huge biological role in the human body. About what is its norm in the blood, we will tell in the presented article

Multiple sclerosis: what is it?

Multiple sclerosis: what is it?

Multiple sclerosis occurs in many patients these days. Let's try to figure out how sclerosis appears, what it is and how to deal with it

Elven ear - description, structure and preparation for surgery

Elven ear - description, structure and preparation for surgery

How to make elf ears? The easiest way is to buy a plastic nozzle and put it on whenever you want. But not everyone is ready for such compromise options. Surgeons will help to make an elven ear, although the operation will cost a lot of money

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on humans. Sources, properties of electromagnetic radiation

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on humans. Sources, properties of electromagnetic radiation

In recent years, due to the development of technology, the human body is exposed to high levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which could not but cause serious concern around the world

Vologda regional hospital №2 (Cherepovets)

Vologda regional hospital №2 (Cherepovets)

Regional Hospital No. 2 of Cherepovets is the largest medical and preventive institution in the city, which provides professional medical assistance not only to residents of Cherepovets, but to everyone living in the North-Western district of the Vologda region

Tests for pregnancy planning for men and women: list, features and recommendations

Tests for pregnancy planning for men and women: list, features and recommendations

This article discusses a rather sensitive topic - tests for pregnancy planning for men. The fact is that at present this issue is relevant. Increasingly, modern men are becoming conscious and take family planning very seriously, taking tests and consulting doctors first. This makes it possible to avoid deviations in the development of the child, premature birth and miscarriages

Who is physiotherapy-magnet indicated for? Useful properties and contraindications

Who is physiotherapy-magnet indicated for? Useful properties and contraindications

Physiotherapy magnet is a method of treatment using high and low frequency magnetic fields. These fields (variable and constant) are generated in intermittent or continuous mode with different shapes, frequencies and pulse durations. Under the influence of a magnet, electric currents appear in the tissues, as a result of which biophysical and biochemical processes begin to activate in our body

Pneumothorax on x-ray: signs

Pneumothorax on x-ray: signs

Pneumothorax is a dangerous disease that, if not diagnosed and treated incorrectly, can lead to a patient's death. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs of pathology and take an X-ray of pneumothorax, so that it will be possible to detect the disease in time and save the patient's life