The article will discuss what it is - corrective massage.
If you want to bring your body shape closer to ideal, you need to resort not only to sports and proper nutrition, although they are certainly important. Many people think that successful figure correction is possible only through surgical intervention. Fortunately, modern beauty salons offer less radical and very effective ways to create the figure of your dreams. One of them is a corrective body massage.

Indications for conduction
In what cases is this procedure prescribed? This massage is shown:
- When there is a lot of fat under the skin in different areas of the body.
- For the prevention and treatment of cellulite.
- To eliminate pain due to overweight, muscle weakness.
- In case of violations of the activity of internal organs, whichlead to the growth of adipose tissue and slow metabolism.
- To speed up slow metabolism.
Any types of corrective massage have contraindications. Procedures are not prescribed for the following problems in the body:
- severe heart disease;
- impaired blood clotting;
- rashes on the skin and other injuries in the area of manipulation;
- significant problems with blood vessels and veins (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.);
- intolerance to external agents used in massage;
- mental pathologies.
Corrective massage technique
In complex body correction programs using non-surgical methods, massage is of paramount importance, accelerating regeneration processes in the body, normalizing lymph flow and blood circulation, and activating lipid metabolism. By means of a specially developed massage technique, the figure will acquire the desired shape, the skin will become elastic and soft. It should be noted that with plastic massage the goal is not to lose weight, but to model the harmonious proportions of the body.

Corrective massage has a technique that combines massage movements in a special way. The masseur captures the skin area and the layer of fatty tissue under the skin and makes slightly vibrating, energetic pressures that are directed into the depths of the bodily tissues. A professional massage therapist alternates pressure with stroking and kneading movements, destroying very dense fat deposits inthe most problematic areas - on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, forearms, lower back, improves muscle tone, eliminates swelling inside tissues.
Already after the first procedures of corrective massage, excess volumes noticeably disappear, the body begins to acquire the desired proportions. The turgor and elasticity of the skin also improves, there is an increase in the tone of the body in general.
Different types of massage differ not only in the specifics of the impact, but also in the means used. Everyone has a common goal: reducing the amount of fat under the skin, stimulating lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.

Manual corrective massage is one of the most common methods of such an impact, as it allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of a woman. It is done in the areas of the abdomen, back, chest, pelvic limbs. You can alternate exposure to different areas by day. The course will require 15-20 massage sessions in total. In the process of this type of impact, kneading, stroking, vibration and rubbing techniques are used. Start with low intensity exposure for 20-30 minutes, then gradually intensify and bring the duration of the session up to 45 minutes.
Lymphatic drainage
Also contributes to the body shaping lymphatic drainage massage, which helps the overall recovery. Thanks to it, excess fluid and toxins are removed. The basis of such manipulation is awareness of the location of the lymph nodes, as well as the direction of the lymph flow. The main actions in such a procedure are pressure andstroking. Lymphatic drainage massage is done once or twice a week, using acupressure, deep or superficial techniques. It is done manually or with the use of appropriate preparations. The course lasts from five to twelve procedures.

With the help of massage, you can adjust the figure, affecting different areas of the body in different ways. The movements of the massage therapist in the sculpting type are aimed at eliminating defects that interfere with the proportionality of the figure. This, for example, asymmetry, "ears" on the hips, the sides are too wide, etc. Such a massage is also used at the initial stage of cellulite, to eliminate excess volume in certain areas of the body.
Other manipulations in the sculpting technique can enhance individual forms by building muscle tissue. This makes it possible to model the figure in general, making it more harmonious. The result is achieved after 8-10 procedures, which are carried out twice a week.
Corrective body massage against cellulite can be done using honey. To do this, honey is mixed with a small amount of oil, applied to a heated body. Massage is initially based on stroking. Then the hands must be pressed tightly against certain skin areas and sharply torn off. Thanks to this, a warm sensation appears, the breakdown of fat cells begins, toxins are released (including from skin cells). Honey massage is carried out for 15-30 minutes on any area every other day. 20 treatments make up one course.

If it is necessary to correct the figure, in some cases, vacuum massage can be considered as the most effective. It is also useful for cellulite, you can carry it out on certain parts of the body yourself. This type of massage is done with silicone cups, which create a vacuum and draw the skin areas inside the containers. This stimulates a local increase in body temperature and irritates the receptors. As a result of such exposure, the following are noted:
- strengthening material metabolism, lymph outflow, blood supply;
- resorption of fat cells;
- improvement of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, more active release of toxins.
Cup massage is especially effective in the fight against cellulite.
You can do it with the help of a special apparatus. In any case, the impact consists in alternately creating a vacuum for different areas of the body (advancing cans) or influencing specific points. The course includes 10-20 procedures that last from 15 minutes to half an hour.
What other corrective massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body is popular?

The use of LPG-massage, which is a novelty, simplifies body shaping compared to manual procedures. Its high efficiency is created due to various types of influence on problem areas. It is carried out by a special apparatus. His maniple has a series of rotating rollers that workat the same time as a vacuum device. The doctor first determines the areas of the body that need correction. The woman puts on a special suit. The masseur sets the required intensity of influence (it can be changed in the process at will). LPG massage is done through sliding, rocking, twisting and grinding techniques, which allow you to fight cellulite, get rid of fat, improve the shape of the figure, and restore the skin. The session lasts up to 45 minutes, they should be from 15 to 20 in total. To achieve the effect, a woman does not need to eat before the procedure, but should actively drink water after it.
Corrective massage in neurology
Massage is the most physiological remedy for the human body, which has been proven by many years of practice in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of pathologies. Massage is a mechanical impact with special tools or hands on the surface of a separate organ or body.
Therapeutic massage is effective for neurological diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Tasks of massage in neurology:
- improvement in the spine and tissues around it of trophic processes, which depends on neurological symptoms;
- reducing muscle tension;
- normalization of the activity of the autonomic nervous system (peripheral motor neurons);
- improvement in muscle tissue of blood flow, in the spinal cord and brain, internal organs, limbs, connected segmentally with the inflamed area of the spinal column;
- decrease in pain syndrome,increase in the range of articular movements of the spinal column, legs and arms.

Patients say that the best and most effective result can be obtained through a complex combination of massage practices. In addition, it is boring to do only one procedure, as the body gets used to it very quickly, it no longer receives pleasure. That is why an experienced massage therapist will advise you to combine different types and techniques so that the client gets both pleasure and results. There are many types of massage, and the patient can decide which one suits her best, you can judge this by effectiveness.
In their reviews of corrective massage of the abdomen and the whole body, women are also advised to correct the contours of the figure additionally with massage by hardware methods and body wraps. To maintain the effect, you need to repeat the course every six months - a year. Sometimes pain occurs during massage, in which case the procedure must be stopped.