Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

Vitamins and trace elements from A to zinc. Vitamins: instructions for use, description and reviews

Vitamins and trace elements from A to zinc. Vitamins: instructions for use, description and reviews

Without vitamins and microelements, a person will not be able to fully live and work. Each of these chemicals has its own functional tasks

"Fortiflora for cats": instructions for use

"Fortiflora for cats": instructions for use

The article describes the instructions for using the drug "Fortiflora for cats". It is also indicated in which cases it is worth using this drug

Edta: what is it, benefits and harms

Edta: what is it, benefits and harms

Can a food supplement be useful and why is medicine added to food? E-358, aka EDTA, a very ambiguous substance that surrounds us everywhere

"Spoolan" for men: reviews and description

"Spoolan" for men: reviews and description

In today's market there is a huge amount of funds that promise to improve a man's sex life. One of these is the dietary supplement "Spulan" for men. Reviews about it are mostly good, and the composition is completely natural. So how does this remedy act on the body and what effect can you expect?

Yantarlife: the key to peace

Yantarlife: the key to peace

All components in the "Yantarlife" complex, in the right proportions, complement and enhance each other's action. The complex action of the components of "Yantarlife" by cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals that destroy cells, maintaining the proper synthesis of nucleic acids that prevent aging, slows down the aging process

Vitamins "Revalid": analogues and reviews about them

Vitamins "Revalid": analogues and reviews about them

In the ranking of multivitamin complexes that have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, the top lines are often occupied by the drug "Revalid". Analogues of a popular remedy that improves the nutrition of skin, nails and hair, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and increases their regenerative capacity, are produced today by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. How effective are these drugs, do they differ in cost from the original and how do consumers evaluate them?

"Thiamin-Vial": instructions for use

"Thiamin-Vial": instructions for use

The article describes all the nuances of the use of the drug "Thiamin-Vial", as well as the importance of vitamin B1 for the human body

"Femibion 2": composition, analogues and reviews. Vitamins for pregnant women "Femibion": instructions for use

"Femibion 2": composition, analogues and reviews. Vitamins for pregnant women "Femibion": instructions for use

Recently, many gynecologists have been prescribing Femibion 2 vitamins to their patients during pregnancy and lactation. The composition of this drug is selected in such a special way that the body of the expectant mother receives all the necessary nutrients. In addition, women taking the above complex of minerals and vitamins did not experience such problems during pregnancy as brittle nails, cross-section and hair loss, skin peeling

"Perfect" for hair: reviews. "Perfectil": price

"Perfect" for hair: reviews. "Perfectil": price

Only means that influence them from the inside can improve the condition of curls. For this purpose, American and British experts have developed a vitamin complex "Perfectil" for hair

Vitamins for hair and nails: customer reviews. How to choose vitamins for hair and nails

Vitamins for hair and nails: customer reviews. How to choose vitamins for hair and nails

Any vitamin that enters the body or synthesized by it, improves certain processes. Some stimulate metabolism. Others support the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, there are special vitamins for hair and nails. Reviews prove that it is not for nothing that they are called beauty complexes. After all, they are able to make nails strong, hair - shiny, and skin - elastic and smooth

Beta-carotene - what is it? beta carotene in foods

Beta-carotene - what is it? beta carotene in foods

Experts say that it is especially important for every person to daily enrich their body with a substance such as beta-carotene. What it is? Read more

Zabrus: medicinal properties and benefits of the product. What is useful honey zabrus?

Zabrus: medicinal properties and benefits of the product. What is useful honey zabrus?

Alternative medicine recommends chewing zabrus to improve immunity and eliminate the symptoms of many diseases. The healing properties of this bee product were actively used by our ancestors. With its help, a cold was effectively treated and the oral cavity was disinfected. And zabrus helped to cope with allergies and constipation. Interesting? Read more about the healing properties of this unique bee product

Chicory inulin - what is it? food inulin

Chicory inulin - what is it? food inulin

Many experts claim that chicory inulin is very useful for our he alth. Not everyone knows what it is. Let's try to understand this issue and find out what are the beneficial properties of the above product for humans

The benefits of fish oil for women: recommendations, contraindications

The benefits of fish oil for women: recommendations, contraindications

Everyone knows the benefits of fish oil: before, when the remedy was not produced in capsules, every schoolchild and a very small child knew this phrase firsthand. To date, it has become very easy to use it - just drink the capsule with water. The drug is widely distributed among girls, since the substance in itself has he alth benefits, as well as beauty

Finnish most popular vitamins

Finnish most popular vitamins

Many of us have already appreciated or have only heard about the quality of dietary supplements and vitamins that are produced and sold in Finland. Even our doctors often recommend purchasing drugs there if possible. There are a lot of Finnish vitamins at the moment, let's try to figure out the benefits of some of them

Calcium for hair. Vitamins for hair growth and strengthening

Calcium for hair. Vitamins for hair growth and strengthening

Calcium is a vital trace element for hair. After all, this microelement is responsible for their he alth and active growth. Lack of this mineral can lead to symptoms of afforestation

"Biovital Kinder" - a multivitamin complex for children: instructions for use, reviews

"Biovital Kinder" - a multivitamin complex for children: instructions for use, reviews

"Kinder Biovital" - a complex of vitamins, which should be prescribed by a doctor for the excellent resistance of the child's body to viruses and infections. Also, this food supplement is used in other cases, in which cases - will be discussed in the article. We will also find out in what form the drug is sold, as well as what parents think about it

Vitamins "Pikovit": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins "Pikovit": reviews, composition, instructions for use

“Pikovit” is a complex of important vitamins and minerals that the child’s body needs for normal functioning, maintaining the nervous and musculoskeletal systems in order

"Omeganol": reviews of doctors and patients, description, price

"Omeganol": reviews of doctors and patients, description, price

"Omeganol" is a drug with a fairly wide spectrum of action. The most popular series of the complex are "Forte", "Allicin", Vision, "Coenzyme Q10" and "Junior". The main component of the drug is fish oil, saturated with omega fatty acids

"Spirulina Val": reviews of doctors. "Spirulina Val" for weight loss: how to take

"Spirulina Val": reviews of doctors. "Spirulina Val" for weight loss: how to take

The problem of losing weight is relevant for many today, and manufacturers of various dietary supplements and drugs widely use this. According to the advertisement, the drug "Spirulina Val" for weight loss, which you will learn about in this article, helps to cope with the problem of excess weight

"Sideral" from hair loss: reviews, instructions for use, composition and price

"Sideral" from hair loss: reviews, instructions for use, composition and price

Hair loss is a very sensitive issue. Especially for the fair sex. Lack of vitamins and nutrients, poor ecology, hormonal failure and many other negative factors cause a weakened immune system and, as a result, hair loss

Reviews: "Alphabet "Mom's He alth". Vitamin complex for women "Mom's He alth"

Reviews: "Alphabet "Mom's He alth". Vitamin complex for women "Mom's He alth"

Conception, pregnancy and childbirth is a great happiness for any woman. But in order to prepare the female body for such hormonal and physical changes, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes both at the planning stage and during pregnancy. Vitamins "Alphabet Mom's He alth", reviews of which are positive, have the whole set of necessary substances. In this article, you will learn why take vitamins and what benefits the vitamin complex "Alfavit&qu" has

Lack of which vitamin leads to rickets: C or D?

Lack of which vitamin leads to rickets: C or D?

Do you know what vitamin deficiency leads to rickets? If you do not have this information, we will provide it right now

Composition of "Undevita", reviews of doctors and analogues

Composition of "Undevita", reviews of doctors and analogues

"Undevit" is a multivitamin preparation known since the second half of the last century. It was designed for middle-aged and elderly people. Despite the abundance of ultra-modern vitamin complexes, Undevit is in demand among consumers

Analogues, reviews and composition of "Elevit"

Analogues, reviews and composition of "Elevit"

With the help of food products alone, it is not always possible to satisfy the body's needs for a sufficient amount of biologically active components. Specially designed vitamin-mineral complexes, which are intended for pregnant women, come to the rescue. One of these complexes is the drug "Elevit Pronatal", the composition of which meets the needs of the body of the mother and the unborn child

Fish oil for children: reviews, instructions, contraindications

Fish oil for children: reviews, instructions, contraindications

Fish oil is well known to almost every person of the older generation. At one time, our parents, and even earlier grandparents drank it regularly. If we recall the specific taste, smell and texture, we can safely say that the event was unpleasant. But if we discard the unpleasant sensations, then we can confidently say that fish oil brings colossal benefits to children. Reviews confirm how effectively the body is supplied with useful substances

Protein shakes for weight loss: reviews. Composition and preparation of protein shakes for weight loss

Protein shakes for weight loss: reviews. Composition and preparation of protein shakes for weight loss

Running in the morning, going to the sauna, the use of pharmacological drugs, acupuncture - what do those who want to get rid of excess weight resort to. Naturally, now fashionable protein shakes for weight loss, reviews of which are spreading very quickly in the media, have attracted the attention of a third of the country's population. Can a miracle cocktail solve a perennial problem once and for all? This is to be sorted out

"Bangshil": reviews, instructions for use, description, composition

"Bangshil": reviews, instructions for use, description, composition

Drugs containing only natural ingredients is a unique direction within the modern pharmaceutical industry. It is this line that Alarsin is engaged in. Today we want to tell you about two medicines, these are Bangshil and Fortezh

Bioflavonoids: what is it, where are they found

Bioflavonoids: what is it, where are they found

The theme of he althy eating is relevant at all times, and the benefits of vitamins and minerals have always been emphasized. Everyone has heard about the most important micro and macro elements today, but do you know about substances such as bioflavonoids? What it is and why your body needs them, we will tell you in detail today in our article. Let's start with a brief description. So what are these connections?

"Supradin Energy": instructions for use, price, reviews

"Supradin Energy": instructions for use, price, reviews

Agree, it would be great if a person could get all the necessary minerals and vitamins exclusively from food. Unfortunately, in today's world this is almost impossible

"Complivit", vitamins "11 vitamins, 8 minerals": composition, instructions for use

"Complivit", vitamins "11 vitamins, 8 minerals": composition, instructions for use

Complivit is a series of vitamins and minerals produced by the Russian pharmaceutical plant UfaVita. This is one of the most common vitamin complexes that are popular among the population, which makes it possible to consider Complivit as a real folk product. Vitamins "11 vitamins 8 minerals" provide the body with the most necessary substances for normal functioning

Vitamin-mineral complex "Vitacap": instructions for use, composition, prices, reviews

Vitamin-mineral complex "Vitacap": instructions for use, composition, prices, reviews

For the normal functioning of the human body, the presence of certain vitamins and minerals is extremely important. Their deficiency, even if we are talking about tiny doses, can lead to the development of various diseases and failures. Unfortunately, vitamin deficiencies are by no means uncommon, given the modern lifestyle and malnutrition. It is in such cases that doctors often recommend taking Vitacap. Instructions, contraindications and recommendations, prices and reviews, pharmacological properties - these

Inositol - what is it and where is it found? Inositol in a pharmacy: instructions for use, indications

Inositol - what is it and where is it found? Inositol in a pharmacy: instructions for use, indications

For the proper functioning of the body, a constant supply of vitamins of different groups is necessary. After all, they perform many functions: they take part in metabolic processes, increase the activity of enzymes, trace elements and amino acids, and so on

"Strombafort": application reviews, description, side effects

"Strombafort": application reviews, description, side effects

Sports nutrition is becoming more and more popular these days. It is already considered the norm to take not only protein shakes, but also steroids. Today we will talk about the most modern and popular drug from this class called "Strombafort"

Vitamin complex "Evalar" ("For skin, hair and nails"): reviews, composition and instructions for use

Vitamin complex "Evalar" ("For skin, hair and nails"): reviews, composition and instructions for use

Vitamins and minerals in a modern person in the body are usually in short supply. Only sometimes you can make up for this deficiency with the help of additional medications. And, of course, you should not exclude biological additives. These are unsurpassed leaders who are usually paid attention to. Today we will find out what reviews "Evalar for skin, hair and nails" receives

Dietary supplement "Siberian he alth. Lymphosan basic": reviews, indications, application

Dietary supplement "Siberian he alth. Lymphosan basic": reviews, indications, application

Biological additives are a very interesting product for buyers. Many literally sweep them off the shelves, not understanding what exactly the component is in front of them. What can you say about the dietary supplement "Siberian he alth. Basic Lymphosan"? How safe is it?

Why drink fish oil? Why do athletes take fish oil? Why should you take fish oil capsules?

Why drink fish oil? Why do athletes take fish oil? Why should you take fish oil capsules?

In the middle of the 19th century, the Norwegian pharmacist P. Möller noticed that the inhabitants of his country, who constantly ate cod liver oil, almost did not complain of he alth problems. After much research, he learned how to produce oil from freshly caught fish, which was very soon recognized all over the world. Why drink fish oil? You will learn about this by reading the article

"Femilak" for pregnant women: reviews of doctors

"Femilak" for pregnant women: reviews of doctors

Pregnancy nutrition is a very complex issue. The diet of a woman should be balanced and correct. Therefore, many doctors prescribe Femilak. What is this remedy? How effective is it? Is it worth it?

Opti-Men (vitamins): description and reviews

Opti-Men (vitamins): description and reviews

Biological supplements and vitamins play an important role for many. But only before starting the use of a particular drug, it is advisable to study opinions about it. What can you say about a product called Opti-Men? How good are these vitamins?

Vitamin E is good for women? Instructions, indications for use

Vitamin E is good for women? Instructions, indications for use

Tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the body, while promoting fertilization, a smooth pregnancy and the birth of a he althy and strong child. In addition, the supplement strengthens the walls of all blood vessels, preventing the appearance of blood clots and accelerating the increase in muscle mass