Which is better - protein or amino acids: features of use, subtleties of sports nutrition, reviews and recommendations of doctors

Which is better - protein or amino acids: features of use, subtleties of sports nutrition, reviews and recommendations of doctors
Which is better - protein or amino acids: features of use, subtleties of sports nutrition, reviews and recommendations of doctors

A person needs proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for a normal existence. However, those who play sports intensively or create muscle reliefs on their bodies prefer to introduce the maximum amount of proteins into their diet, because they are the “bricks” from which muscle fibers are created.

You can get proteins from ordinary foods. Previously, there was no other way to saturate the muscles. Modern technologies have made it possible to isolate proteins from foods. Now a person does not need to consume kilograms of cheese or meat. It is enough to eat just a couple of spoons of a product called protein to get the daily norm of the cherished "bricks".

Almost simultaneously, another miracle product appeared on the sports nutrition market - amino acids. A potential consumer is faced with a choice of which is better, protein or amino acids. The action of these dietary supplements is approximately the same, but the price is noticeably different. What's the catch here? Why are amino acidsexpensive because they work more efficiently? Can I take amino acids with protein together or are these products mutually exclusive? Let's figure it out.

amino acids and protein together
amino acids and protein together


Let's start our study with the characteristics of proteins. Many have heard that proteins are the same proteins, only in high concentration. They are made up of hundreds of chains of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. When the protein enters the human stomach, the bonds begin to break down, as a result of which the amino acids become independent. Due to their smaller size, they easily seep through the walls of the digestive tract into the blood, which quickly delivers them to the muscles. It turns out that proteins are sets of amino acids. Such information not only does not answer the question of which is better, protein or amino acids, but confuses the novice bodybuilder even more. Indeed, if the general functions of these two products are about the same, then what is the difference?

Amino acids

Consider the second sports nutrition product. Amino acids are organic compounds that mainly contain nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. In total, 20 species are known, among which only 11 can be produced in our body, that is, they are interchangeable. 9 amino acids we can only get from the outside (with food or supplements).

Amino acids consumed in their pure form (BAA) do not need time to break bonds, since they are independent initially. Once in the stomach, they are unusually quickly seeped intoblood and its current rush to the muscles. The whole process takes them 15-20 minutes. For comparison, we note that proteins from the moment of intake to getting into the muscles take an hour or more. It may seem that the answer to the question of which is better, protein or amino acids, suggests itself. But let's not rush. Let's see what functions these two products perform.

can amino acids be taken with protein
can amino acids be taken with protein

Protein benefits

The composition of these substances includes not only amino acids, but also other useful components. The role of proteins in the body cannot be overestimated. They perform the following functions:

  • Reproductive.
  • Hormonal.
  • Transport.
  • Signal (transmit signals between cells).
  • Reserve.
  • Catalytic (provide chemical reactions).
  • Protective (increase and strengthen immunity).
  • Receptor.
  • Motor (for example, they provide muscle contraction).

The most important function of proteins for bodybuilders is that they increase muscle mass, relieve muscle pain, restore strength.

When you look at such an impressive list of advantages, the answer to the question of which is better, protein or amino acids, again becomes unambiguous. By consuming proteins, which contain at least 70% protein, a person gets the opportunity to maintain his body in excellent shape. Slow absorption into the blood is their only drawback, but in some cases it becomes a virtue.

protein and amino acids how to take
protein and amino acids how to take

Benefits of amino acids

This product has practically no additional impurities and additives, so it has fewer functions. However, in bodybuilding, amino acids provide many benefits:

  • Reduce Appetite (Great property for those who need to lose weight and those who are "drying")
  • Relieve muscle pain after heavy physical exertion.
  • Quickly restore strength.
  • Prevent catabolic processes in the muscles.

In addition, these chemical compounds have the same beneficial properties for the body as proteins, but not all at once. Each amino acid, let's say, is responsible for its own area of work.

It turns out that the properties of the two bioadditives under consideration are approximately the same. Now let's try to answer the question of what is better to take, protein or amino acids. If a person only cares about the appearance of his body, while he wants to get results quickly, then he should opt for amino acids.

Those who want to increase their muscles and improve their he alth, while it doesn’t matter to him whether the remedy starts working in an hour or 10 minutes later, you can stop on proteins.

However, not everything is so simple. The fact is that proteins are also different.

Fast proteins

There are some on sale. These include whey protein, considered one of the he althiest foods man can produce. More precisely, nature produces it, and people only extract it from various plant and animal components. This protein in the stomach quickly enoughbreaks down into amino acids and enters the bloodstream.

sports nutrition proteins amino acids
sports nutrition proteins amino acids

Whey protein is commercially available as concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Do not think that concentrate is the most concentrated protein. On the contrary, in this product there are the least “building blocks” for muscles (about 70% of the total composition), which is why it costs less than other supplements. Maximum amount of protein in the isolate (up to 97%).

Hydrodisates are a protein partially broken down into amino acids, which ensures the rate of its absorption into the blood. However, this does not affect the final result.

Fast proteins can get to the muscles as early as 40 minutes after the athlete takes the remedy.

Proteins are slow

It's soy protein and casein. In addition, this group includes all proteins enclosed in a special matrix that prevents their rapid digestion. Slow proteins break down into amino acids for a very long time, while the process of muscle nutrition can stretch for 6-8 hours. Their other disadvantages are that they do not have a high biological value, have a weak anabolic effect when building muscles, and have few amino acids in their composition.

But don't rush to put them on the list of unnecessary products. All proteins and amino acids in sports nutrition have their value. The main thing is to take them correctly. Do not think that only amino acids need to be consumed in order to get a gorgeous body. Proteins, even slow ones, will also come in handy.

what's bettertake protein or amino acids
what's bettertake protein or amino acids

When and why to take amino acids

Above we found out how amino acids differ from protein. These differences are not disadvantages, but determine the appropriateness of taking each product.

Because amino acids start working in the muscles very quickly, they should be consumed immediately after the workout. They will quickly restore strength, relieve tension in muscle tissues. You can also drink them twice a day - before and after training. In this case, they will actively help to gain muscle mass.

If you decide to lose weight with amino acids, you need to consume them 4-5 times a day, replacing any meal with them. Remember, if these substances quickly begin their work, they quickly finish it. That is, the body will not have enough of them for a long time.

How to take amino acids

Amino acids and proteins for sports nutrition have different forms of release. So, the first can be purchased in powder, in tablets, in capsules and in ready-made solutions. All forms of release are good and work the same way. Therefore, you can choose the one you like best. There is no consensus on dosage. Some believe that it should be 2 grams per 1 kilogram of a person's weight, but not more than 20 grams at a time. Others raise the bar to 30 grams once. Unanimity was reached only in the fact that a single dose should not be less than 5 grams. You can drink the drug or dilute the powder in water, juice or milk. If you are not allergic to lactose, then it is preferable to choose milk. So the body receives additionalvitamins.

which is better protein or amino acids
which is better protein or amino acids

How to take fast proteins

They are produced mainly in cocktail powder. The rules for using these drugs depend not only on whether you are taking fast or slow proteins. It also matters what you decide to use them for. So, if you need to lose weight or do "drying", you will need fast proteins. The ideal option is whey protein in the form of an isolate. It should be consumed in the morning and before training. The dosage is ½ of the usual norm, that is, 10-15 grams at a time. It is desirable to prepare such cocktails on the water. In addition, it is useful to take them during the day, replacing them with 1-2 meals. Proteins are especially useful for people on diets, as they supply the body with the substances necessary for its work, which are usually not enough in the diet menu.

To gain muscle mass, you need to take protein, like amino acids, before and after sports. The difference is only in the time before training. So, amino acids are taken 30 minutes before it starts, and proteins - 60 minutes, so that they have enough time to reach the muscles and start working. In this case, you need to take the standard dose - 20 grams.

How to take slow proteins

You may be surprised that these proteins can be used to reduce weight, and to increase muscle, and to improve overall he alth. You only need to take them once a day - before going to bed. Your body will rest, and slow proteins at this time will graduallybreak down into amino acids and supply them to the muscles. This process will take them about 8 hours - just before you wake up. Dose - 20 grams.

Can I eat amino acids and protein together

This is the ideal solution for both weight loss and to give the desired relief to the body. Combining these two products is not only possible, but necessary. Protein is great for taking in the evening and during the day. You need amino acids after waking up, before and after sports. If you do not have a scheduled visit to the fitness room or the stadium, you can not take amino acids on this day.

vitamins amino acids proteins
vitamins amino acids proteins

Only your material possibilities can become an obstacle to such a wonderful schedule. The fact is that amino acids are quite expensive - from 969 rubles for a package containing 20 doses. The price of a jar depends on the set of amino acids and the number of doses. Protein can be bought a little cheaper - from 750 rubles for 60 doses, but the price of this product depends on which proteins are in the composition. So, some isolates cost over 3,500 rubles for 60 doses. Therefore, the financial side of the purchase depends entirely on your preferences and capabilities.

Consumer reviews and doctors' opinions

Doctors constantly repeat the common truth that the body needs amino acids, proteins, and vitamins for normal functioning. Many dietary supplements include not only a loading dose of proteins, but also vitamins, which increase their usefulness. In the reviews, professional athletes and amateurs seeking to impress everyone with theirmuscles, about protein dietary supplements respond only positively. Consumers like the taste of supplements, the pleasant sensations during their use, excellent results. So, many write that with the help of dietary supplements (both proteins and amino acids) it is possible to increase muscles faster, it is easier to recover after training. There are only complaints about the price, which many consider unreasonably high.

Doctors' opinions are not so unanimous. There are experts who share the point of view of athletes. However, many foreign and domestic doctors believe that drinking protein and amino acids is harmful. It is much better to use natural products that contain a complete set of substances necessary for a person. Most protein is found in beef and eggs. If these products are eaten in the right quantities, they will have the same effect as dietary supplements, but without the destructive consequences for the body.

Doctors warn that amino acids are the most dangerous to he alth, as they enter the blood without activating the process of protein breakdown in the stomach, which triggers many pathological processes. It turns out that their main advantage and advantage turns out to be a big disadvantage.

The amino acid lysine is especially dangerous. Dietary supplements with it are more expensive than others, since this substance is advertised as the most effective. However, it, having entered the body in large quantities, activates the mTOR enzyme, which affects growth hormone. Doctors have established a direct relationship between an increase in the amount of this enzyme and the development of cancerous tumors. That is, lysine promotes the growth of not only muscles, but also malignantformations.

There are negative effects on he alth and other amino acids that enter the body in large quantities. Doctors believe that proteins are somewhat safer, since their use preserves the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, so all the necessary hormones are secreted in the way that is inherent in us by nature.
