Unfortunately, many men face a variety of problems in their sexual life, including erectile dysfunction. The inability to achieve and control an erection can occur as a result of diseases, as well as emotional exhaustion and psychological trauma.
Of course, there are a huge number of products on the modern market that promise to improve a man's sex life. One of these is the dietary supplement "Spulan" for men. Reviews about it are mostly good, and the composition is completely natural. So how does this remedy act on the body and what effect can you expect?
Description of release form and composition

Dietary supplement to increase potency in men "Spulan" is available in the form of capsules. On the market there are packages consisting of 2 or 8 capsules. This remedy has an exclusively natural composition. According to the manufacturer's data, one capsule of the drug contains 132 mg of Chinese dereza extract, 96 mg of medicinal rootmorinda, 36 mg ginseng extract.
How does a dietary supplement affect the body?
Each of the components of this tool has a positive effect on the he alth of the male genital area:
- Chinese Goryanka - a plant that has a general strengthening effect. It improves blood circulation, acts as an antioxidant, eliminates chronic headaches, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys, and slows down the aging process.
- Morinda extract activates the male reproductive system, has a tonic effect, fights hypertension, increases libido.
- Ginseng is a plant that has long been known for its beneficial properties. In particular, its extract rejuvenates the body, stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands and is a powerful natural aphrodisiac.
When is it appropriate to take the drug?

In what cases do experts recommend taking the Spoolan dietary supplement for men? Reviews, as well as instructions and research results, confirm that this remedy is effective in various forms of erectile dysfunction (if a man is not able to achieve an erection or maintain it for the required time). In addition, the supplement helps to prolong the time of sexual contact and enhance the pleasant sensations. A full course of therapy increases a man's libido and stamina.
By the way, sometimes the supplement is recommended as part of complex therapy for infertility. This tool helpsnormalize the level of male sex hormones, which improves the processes of spermatogenesis.
Dietary supplement "Spulan": instructions for use

In fact, there is nothing complicated in using this tool. The capsule should be swallowed with a glass of water or other liquid (but not hot). As a rule, the medicine is taken 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. Depending on the purpose of therapy, the dietary supplement can be taken every few days, immediately before sexual intercourse (in such cases, erection problems disappear, and the act itself becomes more pleasant), or daily, for 1-2 months. (gives longer lasting results, helps to eliminate erectile dysfunction).
It is worth saying that experts do not recommend drinking alcohol during the course of treatment with dietary supplement "Spulan" (for men). Reviews indicate that alcoholic beverages significantly reduce the effect of taking the capsule.
Adverse reactions during therapy

Of course, for many representatives of the stronger sex, the issue of the safety of taking these capsules is important. As already mentioned, the food supplement is made from natural raw materials. Spulan rarely causes side effects or allergic reactions.
However, if the patient has hypersensitivity to any component, as well as when using too high doses, some disorders may occur. Side effects include nausea, dizziness, pain instomach, migraine, skin rash. As a rule, these symptoms go away on their own after the dose is reduced. But if you continue to feel worse, it's best to stop taking the supplement and see a specialist.
This dietary supplement to increase potency in men has not so many contraindications. However, the list of restrictions is worth reading:
- presence of individual intolerance to any of the constituent components;
- ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract;
- atherosclerosis;
- severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- chronic insomnia;
- epilepsy;
- blood pressure problems;
- liver and kidney failure;
- leukemia;
- female;
- under the age of 18.
Despite the fact that the food supplement is considered harmless, it is still better to consult a doctor before taking it. By the way, experts do not recommend drinking alcohol, and eating too much fatty foods, as this reduces the effect of the Spulan capsules.
Means for potency "Spulan" for men: reviews

Before starting therapy, of course, you need to familiarize yourself with the official data. But it is also useful to learn about what they say about the Spoolan dietary supplement. Reviews of doctors are mostly neutral. This remedy does have some useful properties, but the effect is better manifested with complex long-term treatment.
Men talk aboutadditive is positive. The tool really helps to gradually minimize erection problems, and sex life becomes more vibrant and exciting. Adverse reactions are extremely rare.
Does Spulan have any disadvantages? Its price is not too low. For example, a package of two capsules costs about 300-450 rubles. But for 8 capsules you will need to pay about 1300-1600 rubles. Of course, you will need more than one package to complete the full course of treatment.
It should be understood that Spulan does not give instant results, and in the presence of serious physiological problems or serious illnesses, it may even be powerless. This is a dietary supplement that improves overall he alth, but is not a panacea at all.