Stress plays a significant role in modern life. They affect a person's behavior, his relationships with others and in the family, his appearance, performance, memory, attention, sleep, general emotional and physical well-being, and he alth. How to deal with them? How to prevent early withering of the body, caused, among other things, by the pace of modern life and the number of problems that arise?
Stress is our body's response to overstrain, fuss, and negative emotions. Undoubtedly, stress in small amounts is useful, since adrenaline is produced at this moment, and a person begins to think differently and find non-standard ways out of the situation.

Stress experienced by the body constantly, entails a feeling of irritation, poor sleep, physical weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, attention, and in the future, the development of a nervous tic, obsessive habits, and sometimes addiction to alcohol.
To relieve stress, nervous tension andto increase mental activity, a unique complex "Yantarlife" was developed.
How to deal with stress?
The composition of "Yantarlife" combines components aimed at increasing the body's resistance in stressful situations, improving mood and increasing mental activity, replenishing vitamin deficiency that occurs against a background of stress.
Succinic acid has an antioxidant effect, neutralizes free radicals, has a strong healing effect, has an undeniable rejuvenating effect. Due to its properties, it relieves accumulated fatigue, improves immunity, raises the tone of the whole organism.
Glycine has a sedative, mild tranquilizing and weak antidepressant properties, reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, reduces psycho-emotional stress. It increases mental performance and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system. Glycine is used in stressful situations (the period of exams, difficult life, conflict, and other situations), with reduced mental performance, emotional instability, increased excitability and sleep disturbances. Improves memory and associative processes. Has an antioxidant effect.

B6 plays an important role in the metabolism necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Improves the use of unsaturated fatty acids, lowers cholesterol and blood lipids, improves myocardial contractility.
B1 (thiamine) is involved in carbohydratemetabolism and has a regulatory effect on the activity of the nervous system. Thiamine improves blood circulation and is involved in hematopoiesis. It optimizes cognitive activity and brain function. It has a positive effect on energy levels, growth, normal appetite, learning ability and is necessary for the tone of the muscles of the digestive tract, stomach and heart. Thiamine acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body from the damaging effects of aging, alcohol and tobacco. Allows you to maintain mental and emotional he alth and stay young.
All these components in the complex "Yantarlife", in the right proportions, complement and enhance each other's action. The complex action of the components of "Yantarlife" by cleansing the body of toxins and free radicals that destroy cells, maintaining the proper synthesis of nucleic acids that prevent aging, slows down the aging process.
Results of application
Complex "Yantarlife" improves memory and physical endurance, optimizes regulation mechanisms and metabolism, eliminates insomnia. Thus, it serves as a prophylactic against senile diseases. "Yantarlife" well neutralizes alcohol in the blood and reduces the harmful effects of tobacco. The composition is effective for alleviating the consequences of both accidental, one-time use of alcohol, to eliminate the consequences of a drunken evening, and with regular use and is an indispensable component of complex treatment and recovery. Long-term use of "Yantarlife" reduces the motivation to drink alcohol in personssuffering from alcoholism.

Yantarlife is easy to use: 1 capsule 2 times a day. The optimally selected form of release (capsules) helps the components dissolve in the stomach. Feedback on the action of "Yantarlife" is positive.
If you experience:
- high neuropsychological stress and stress,
- mental disability,
- vitamin deficiency due to stress,
- quickly get tired physically,
- take care of preserving and maintaining your youth,
- want to strengthen immunity,
- you can't fall asleep for a long time at night and wake up hard in the morning,
- drink alcohol (regardless of quantity),
then the Yantarlife complex is designed especially for you!