Pain in the neck is most often associated with being in a draft or osteochondrosis. However, discomfort is not always caused by bodily ailments. It happens that even doctors cannot always determine the exact cause of the pain syndrome. This is where psychosomatics comes to the rescue. Neck pain, according to this science, can be caused by psychological causes. After all, our mental and physical state are closely interconnected.
What is psychosomatics
Psychosomatics is a science that studies the relationship between stress and physical he alth. Experts in this branch of alternative medicine believe that many diseases arise not only for physiological reasons, but also because of internal conflicts and personality traits. A patient who experiences emotional distress becomes more vulnerable to various ailments.

The neck is supplied with many nerves. They are especially sensitive to the psychological state of a person. Often a patient suffering from prolonged discomfort asks the question: "Why does my neck hurt?" The psychosomatics of unpleasant sensations in this area is associated with the conflict between the mind and emotions of a person. Very often, neck pain is difficult to treat with medication. But as soon as a person resolves any life problem, inner peace sets in, and the pain disappears.
Psychological causes of pain
How to find out why a person has a sore neck? According to psychosomatics, such a symptom can have a different origin. It can be caused by the following reasons:
- Lack of flexibility of character. In this case, the pain is associated with a "clamp" in the neck. It becomes difficult for a person to move. This symptom is noted if the patient is in a difficult life situation, but due to stubbornness, he cannot show enough flexibility to solve the problem.
- Reluctance to acknowledge the problem. Some people have a wrong reaction to stress, they begin to deny that they have a serious problem in life. This can result in neck pain.
- A conflict between reason and emotion. There are times when pragmatism dictates one decision to the patient, and feelings suggest a completely different one. Because of this contradiction, pain can occur. It is believed that a person who lives in harmony with himself very rarely suffers from discomfort in the neck.
- The inability to say no. Shy and insecure people find it difficult to deny others anything. If such situations are repeated often, then pain with difficulty in movement may occur. The person can't seem to shake his head in denial.
- Suppression of emotions. If a person constantly restrains himself and does not give vent to his feelings, then he has "clamps" in the muscles of the neck with pain syndrome.
- Fear of judgment. In this case, it is painful for a person to turn around. He subconsciously fears the judgmental looks of others.

It is important to remember that psychological problems should be considered only if the person does not have physical pathologies during the examination. Only in the absence of diseases of the spine and peripheral nerves can we talk about the psychosomatics of pain in the neck.
Pain on the left
It is important to pay attention to the localization of discomfort. The causes of pain in different parts of the neck are different.
There are times when a person's neck hurts on the left. The psychosomatics of the pain syndrome in the left side of the body is associated with the personal life of a person, and in the right - with the social one. Discomfort and discomfort can occur in conflict situations with close people, such as family members or friends. The more a person suppresses their emotions and shows stubbornness, the more pronounced the pain.

Pain on the right side
Sometimes the patient has a pain in the right side of the neck after unpleasant situations at work. Psychosomaticssuch a symptom is most often associated with conflicts in a person's social life. Often people try to hush up such situations and do not want to admit the problem that has arisen. This usually leads to worsening of symptoms.
Often the pain is so severe that it is difficult for a person to turn his head. This may be due to a fear of judgment or a sense of guilt.

It is not uncommon for a person to assume an unnatural body position because his neck hurts. According to psychosomatics, such a manifestation is assessed as the impossibility of giving up bad habits. The patient understands intellectually that he needs to fight against harmful inclinations, but he does not have enough willpower for this. It can be said that the position of a person's body is as unnatural as his habits.
Neck hurts from behind
Why does a person have back neck pain? The psychosomatics of such localization of pain is often associated with the inability to say "no" or "yes".
Usually back pain makes head movement much more difficult. To find out the cause of discomfort, you should perform the exercise. You should try to make an affirmative nod of your head. If it is difficult for a person to perform such a movement, then he probably cannot accept the situation and shows excessive stubbornness. You should also try shaking your head in denial. If there are difficulties, then perhaps it is difficult for such a person to refuse and say "no".

Pain in the shoulder area andneck
It is not uncommon for a person to have neck and shoulder pain. The psychosomatics of these manifestations is associated with neurotic depression. This condition is often observed in people experiencing a difficult life situation. The burden of psychological problems seems to be pressing on the shoulders of a person.

Another reason for such pain can be a conflict between a person's inner desires and the expectations of others. This psychological state is usually accompanied by feelings of guilt. In this case, stoop is noted, the patient feels tension in the neck and shoulders. Movement becomes stiff.
How to find out the psychosomatic cause of pain
It can be concluded that there are many causes of neck pain. The psychosomatics of such a symptom can be associated with various internal problems. How to understand which reason applies to your case? To do this, perform the following exercise:
- Sit in a comfortable position, relax all muscles and close your eyes.
- Try to determine which movements make the pain worse.
- Answer yourself the question: "What habitual actions are impossible to perform because of pain?"

Very often, the pain intensifies precisely with such actions that the patient is afraid or avoids doing on a subconscious level. For example, if a person does not have sufficient flexibility of character, then the pain may increase with an affirmative tilt of the head. And if the patient is afraid of the judgment of others and avoids looking backback, the discomfort becomes stronger when the neck is turned.
Problem Solving
There are cases when a diagnostic examination does not reveal physical pathology, but a person is worried about constant pain in the neck. The psychosomatics of this syndrome is always associated with the internal problems of the individual. Tablets and ointments in this case only briefly stop the pain syndrome. How to get rid of discomfort? Psychologists recommend working out the life situation and their psychological problems. Psychosomatic specialists give the following recommendations:
- We need to try to objectively assess the difficult situation. It is useful to write on a piece of paper all the pros and cons of the current situation. Next, you need to think about what results your actions can lead to and what your inaction can turn into.
- You need to learn to listen to your body. If your neck pain gets worse when you shake your head, then you should learn to say no. If stiffness appears when tilting the neck, then this indicates that you need to accept the situation and not deny the problem.
- You need to try to assess the problem from different angles, taking into account the opinions of other people. At the same time, one should try to be flexible in thinking.
- Don't suppress your emotions. If you feel restless and anxious, then you should not hide these feelings. After all, ignoring a complex problem will never lead to its resolution.
Psychosomatic causes of neck pain are rare. Most often, discomfort in the cervical spine is associated withpathologies. Therefore, you must first undergo a medical diagnosis. And only if the examination did not reveal any violations, you need to think about the psychological causes of pain.
If you cannot figure out the situation yourself, you should contact a specialist. Psychosomatic medicine centers operate in large cities. If it is impossible to find such a specialist, then you can contact a psychotherapist or psychologist.