At present, a new type of diagnostics of the state of the body has appeared in medical science - a mineralogram (or spectral analysis of hair for trace elements). It allows you to identify the ratio of about 40 substances necessary for he alth, as well as determine the degree of their excess or deficiency in order to select the most appropriate way to correct the imbalance. Hair is analyzed for microelements according to the patented method of A. V. Skalny.
Why do we need a mineralogram
This type of diagnostic is required to obtain accurate information about the patient's he alth status. He evaluates:
- nutrition balance;
- effect on the body of bad habits and ecology;
- state of internal organs;
- quality and completeness of metabolic processes;
- excess and lack of nutrients when prescribing dietary supplements.
As a rule, the time of analysis does not exceed 10 days. In some cases, the period may be reduced to 7 days or extended to 2 weeks.
Why hair?

For this type of diagnosticsdifferent types of biological material are suitable - urine, blood, hair or nails are usually used.
In the first two cases, the analysis may give distorted results due to the instability of the state of the substances mentioned - even the product eaten the day before affects the reporting data. In addition, the shelf life of such materials is extremely low - research should be carried out immediately after sampling.
Nails are similar in nature to hair but are less commonly used in spectrometry. Often their surface is covered with varnish, which, along with its removal liquid, can reduce the accuracy of the output.
The most reliable information about the state of the body is given by hair - being a storage material, they can store information about substances for a long time. Also, this type of material is quite resistant to the influence of random factors. For the reliability of the data, it is better to choose this type of diagnosis and do a hair analysis for trace elements.
Features of collecting material for research
Hair must be clean at the time of sampling. The presence of any care or styling products is undesirable. 14 days before the proposed study, you should stop using shampoos with additives. Be sure to indicate in the questionnaire the condition of the hair - whether it was bleached, curled, dyed or subjected to other significant effects (at least 30 days must pass from the moment of the procedure). If it is impossible to deliver the analyzed material from the scalp, you can make a selection from any other place - for example, the chest,armpits or pubis.

To analyze the hair for vitamins and microelements, part of the material is cut from the root (the length is preferably from 3 cm). Tips are usually not required. The sample is taken from several places 5 times, and it is preferable that the cut hair is on the back of the head closer to the neck. The resulting strands are combined into a bundle, which in girth should be 3-5 mm in size. When selecting short hair, you need to provide a volume of about a dessert spoon for analysis. Be sure to indicate the direction of hair growth.
Indications for the procedure
The most common reasons for needing spectral hair diagnostics include:
- compromised immunity;
- frequent manifestation of respiratory and viral diseases;
- presence of allergic reactions;
- insufficient effectiveness of therapies used to treat circulatory system problems;
- nerves:
- deviations in the digestive tract;
- infertility;
- impotence;
- malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- increased stress on the body of any nature;
- unbalanced diet;
- danger or harmfulness of labor activity;
- being in a place with high radioactivity or bad ecology;
- osteoporosis;
- deterioration of the hair and epidermis.
It is also useful for those who are on a diet, have insufficient body weight and vision problems.
Substances determinedSpectrometry
A hair analysis for microelements can give an idea of the content of 40 elements in the body, including: aluminum, iron, iodine, gold, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, silver, phosphorus, zinc, antimony, selenium, nickel, tin, sodium, rubidium, boron, beryllium, vanadium.
The presence of elements such as barium, tungsten, bismuth, cadmium, cob alt, silicon, lithium, lanthanum, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, arsenic, platinum, tin, nickel, rubidium, mercury, strontium, antimony, lead, chromium, thallium and zirconium.
Execution technology
In laboratory conditions, the sample is cleaned of fat with acetone, washed with distilled water and dried twice. The prepared material is weighed, transferred to a special container, where nitric acid and water are added in certain proportions. The mixture dissolves the hair. The resulting mass will be placed in the spectrometer, while simultaneously bringing it into contact with argon gas.
The study is carried out at high temperatures, and when exposed to the plasma sample, the material burns. The signal received by the analyzers is converted into an electronic diagram by special programs. The results obtained are compared with normal results.
Analysis report
A mineralogram is built in the analytical report, reflecting the real ratio of microelements in the body in comparison with the reference one.
When finding small discrepancies, doctors can adjust the diet and, if necessary, supplement it with dietary supplements. In case of a significant imbalance, as a rule, a referral tothe doctor in charge of the particular case (most often an endocrinologist, cardiologist or toxicologist).

Degree of deviation from the norm
The significance of the detected deviation from the norm is set separately for each of the elements. So, usually a score is given on a 4-point system (1 - minimum, 4 - maximum), depending on the neglect of the condition and the difficulty of its treatment.
It is important to be accurate when putting down the number, as each element can cause different reactions in the body. For example, exceeding the norm of sodium content is 2 times less significant than the same situation with phosphorus.

If a 1 or 2 degree is marked next to the element, then the deviation does not disturb the correct functioning of the systems too much. This suggests that the body does not have reserves of this substance, which increases the likelihood of disease. Therapy for the condition comes down to changing the diet and taking dietary supplements.
For grades 3 and 4, we are talking about chronic pathological processes that require a long recovery. For treatment, they use appropriate dietary supplements, adjust the diet and use medications prescribed by highly specialized doctors.

1 The degree of deviation is not investigated further due to its insignificance, and if a higher score is obtained, attention should be paid to the above therapeutic measures.
After completing the prescribed treatment, the study is repeated. It should be at least 10-11 months after the first hair analysis.
Cost of procedure
The cost of the procedure in clinics depends on the amount of substances detected - you can choose between 25, 40 and 70 minerals. The latter option is less common due to the fact that there are few institutions offering such a service as a hair analysis for trace elements. The price for 25 positions starts from 2500 rubles, for 40 - from 3400.
The spectral analysis of hair for microelements is gaining more and more popularity among patients. Reviews of the procedure are mostly positive, as it gives highly accurate results, which can be used to identify missing and excess substances in the body. From the reports, it is easy to determine how to change the diet in order to balance the mineral composition of the body, as well as to select supplements that meet a specific problem. When the procedure was repeated, many patients did not reveal the previous problems.

Doctors share a similar opinion. Many specialists, especially toxicologists and cardiologists, give direction to this type of diagnosis in order to establish the causes of the condition and select adequate treatment. In addition, the results of spectrometry in some cases are the basis for a visit to a specialist doctor.
Hair analysis for trace elements and minerals is gaining more and more popularity in medicine due tousing it with highly accurate data about the current state of the body. This type of diagnostics is quite simple: samples can be stored for a long time without damaging the material and distorting the results. The advantage of spectrometry is that it cannot be affected by random factors related to human nutrition or the environment.

Knowing the real ratio of trace elements can help a person adjust his lifestyle to replenish deficient substances and reduce the concentration of excess ones. This will make it possible to prevent the development of diseases in almost all body systems. That is why every person should take a hair analysis for trace elements.