Vitamins and trace elements from A to zinc. Vitamins: instructions for use, description and reviews

Vitamins and trace elements from A to zinc. Vitamins: instructions for use, description and reviews
Vitamins and trace elements from A to zinc. Vitamins: instructions for use, description and reviews

The body of any person, regardless of his weight and age, should receive all the vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, etc. in the quantities that are necessary. For this, timely and balanced nutrition is important.

from a to zinc vitamins
from a to zinc vitamins

Daily Value for Zinc

This mineral is a participant in all important chemical processes that occur in the human body. The average body's need for zinc is from 10 to 25 mg, the dose depends on weight, age, and lifestyle. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in case of severe physical and mental stress, it is important to increase zinc intake.

vitamins from a to zinc reviews
vitamins from a to zinc reviews

Meaning of zinc

With a deficiency of this microelement, the olfactory and taste buds are dulled. The patient ceases to feel the taste of food, without odors the world becomes absolutely nondescript and uninteresting. Zinc and vitamin E are excellent antioxidants. With the deterioration of environmental living conditions, the amount of zinc in the body automatically decreases. As a result, the human need for the use of foods rich inthis natural trace element. It is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

The liver has a special enzyme that promotes the breakdown of glucose, the release of energy. If iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins B, C are present in a minimal amount, visual processes decrease, fatigue increases, glucose is directed to body fat. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of the hormone insulin in the pancreas, that is, it is necessary for the prevention of diabetes. In addition, it has a positive effect on the skin, giving it a he althy and attractive appearance. Zinc is especially necessary for older people. Thanks to this chemical element, cataracts do not develop, memory improves, and coordination of movements is maintained.

Preparations containing vitamins, calcium, zinc, help fight acne, reduce the risk of colds, inflammation.

vitamins calcium zinc
vitamins calcium zinc

Why do women need vitamins and zinc

Zinc helps the body produce hormones, slows down skin aging. Cosmetologists are sure that the strength of the nail plates, the elasticity of the skin, the density and shine of the hair depend on this mineral. Zinc is especially important for pregnant women. Without it, the expectant mother will not be able to cope with the stresses that arise during the bearing of the baby. In this case, the complex "Vitamins from A to Zinc" is suitable. The reviews of those women who have already tried this pharmaceutical preparation on themselves are mostly positive. The drug helps prevent the development of such a seriousdiseases like preeclampsia.

zinc and vitamin e
zinc and vitamin e

Zinc for real men

This trace element is needed by the strong half of humanity during puberty. In order to produce a sufficient amount of the male hormone testosterone, all trace elements and vitamins are needed - from A to zinc. Reviews of men who have experienced the effect of drugs containing them are direct confirmation of its effectiveness.

With a sufficient amount of such a chemical element as zinc in the body, a man retains sexual activity throughout his life, and the risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced. Impotence is treated with zinc-based preparations.

Vitamin Complex for Children

Children also need all trace elements and vitamins, from A to zinc. Reviews of different pediatricians about this drug converge, experts confirm their effective effect on muscle strengthening, digestive processes, and overall development. The lack of trace elements causes serious nervous disorders, a malfunction in the digestive system, decreased immunity, mental retardation, puberty.

vitamins calcium magnesium zinc
vitamins calcium magnesium zinc

Options for preparations containing trace elements and vitamins

When choosing a drug, pay attention that it contains all trace elements, from A to zinc, vitamins of all groups. It is important for vegetarians to include in their diet foods containing a sufficient amount of micro, macro and minerals. As an alternative to vegetables and fruits, you canconsider biologically active additives. They are not medicines, therefore they are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The "From A to Zinc" complex is ideal for women, it contains vitamins in amounts corresponding to daily consumption norms, but a preliminary consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

iron magnesium zinc vitamins
iron magnesium zinc vitamins

All important elements (from A to zinc), vitamins of all groups are contained in the Doppelherz Active complex. Here there are 27 components necessary for a person, guaranteeing normal processes, full activity. The drug is suitable for hypovitaminosis, decreased physical and mental activity, metabolic disorders, insufficient amount of mineral s alts, constant stress. In addition, taking effervescent tablets helps fight depression, boosts immunity, and restores lost strength and energy to the body.

Almost all elements (from A to zinc), vitamins B, C, D are in the right quantities in the preparation "Evalar Zinc + Vitamin C". The complex is especially relevant during the epidemic of colds. With its help, you can fully satisfy the body's need for ascorbic acid and saturate it with zinc by 80%. The instructions for this drug say that it should be taken throughout the entire epidemiological period. With the systematic long-term use of this complex, all the body's defense systems will work fully and smoothly.

Zinc, minerals, vitamins are contained in sufficient quantities in the preparation"Blueberry Forte". It contains blueberry anthocyanins, zinc, vitamins, which allow maintaining normal vision with increased eye strain.


Currently, pharmacies offer many pharmaceutical preparations containing all vitamins and minerals, including zinc, iron, copper. When choosing a complex, it is important to first get professional advice from your doctor in order to avoid negative consequences from an overabundance or lack of chemicals important for the body.

In addition to including dietary supplements, it is important to review your daily diet. Dairy products, fish, nuts, seafood, and whole grains can be used as excellent sources of beneficial trace elements, including zinc. In this case, the products used must be used in certain proportions. It is important to use all the complexes and supplements containing the components necessary for the body in a strict order. Otherwise, there may be problems with the compatibility of chemical elements, and you will not get the desired result.
