"Perfect" for hair: reviews. "Perfectil": price

"Perfect" for hair: reviews. "Perfectil": price
"Perfect" for hair: reviews. "Perfectil": price

Unfavorable ecology, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, the use of chemicals in hair care - all this adversely affects their condition. No shampoos, no balms, no masks can fix the situation. After all, they all work exclusively externally. Only means that influence them from the inside can improve the condition of curls. For this purpose, American and British experts have developed a vitamin complex "Perfectil" for hair. Consumer reviews confirm the beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, as well as skin and nails.

perfectil for hair reviews
perfectil for hair reviews

Unique composition

To create a vitamin complex, all the latest achievements of science and medicine were used. Not surprisingly, the composition of the drug is carefully balanced. "Perfectil" for hair (reviews fully confirm this) has a complex effect on the body. The ingredients in this product complement each other perfectly. In this case, the antagonistic effect of the components of the drug is completely excluded. Such a moment favorably distinguishes the remedy from analogues.

Complex"Perfectil", the price of which averages 602 rubles for 30 capsules, is saturated with 25 useful substances. Includes:

  • vitamins A, C, E, D, H, group B;
  • folic, pantothenic acid;
  • biotin;
  • minerals (iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, silicon, iodine, chromium);
  • antioxidants (vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium);
  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • niacin;
  • methionine;
  • plant extracts (echinacea, burdock).

The big advantage is the complete absence of hormonal and chemical substances in the preparation.

Useful properties

For a long time, this tool is in great demand in the West. Today, in our pharmacies, you can buy the Perfectil complex. The price (consumer reviews emphasize this) is quite acceptable.

perfectil instructions for use
perfectil instructions for use

Multivitamins with regular and proper use work wonders. Capsules have wound healing and antioxidant properties. Vitamins increase the protective properties of the body, the level of hemoglobin, remove a variety of toxins. The complex accelerates cell regeneration, thereby improving blood microcirculation.

It has been observed that Perfectil vitamins, the price of which is not exorbitant, have a beneficial effect on:

  • growth and appearance of hair (eliminate brittleness, relieve hair loss, strengthen the structure of curls);
  • nail condition;
  • integrity of the skin;
  • functions of small vessels;
  • skin color and elasticity;
  • activation of collagen synthesis.

As a result of clinical studies, the high effectiveness of the drug has been fully proven. Cosmetologists, dermatologists and trichologists recommend taking the Perfectil complex for hair. Reviews of these experts confirm that this drug has a positive effect on the body.

Activity Mechanism

Vitamins "Perfectil", the price of which in some pharmacies is only 420 rubles for 30 capsules, are classified as medicines. Such a complex acts on the body at the cellular level. Entering the body, the agent dissolves. All nutrients, together with the blood, are carried throughout all human systems. This is how they are delivered to the hair follicles. As a result, the cells receive excellent nutrition, which contributes to their renewal. The natural consequence is an improvement in the growth of strands, protecting them from falling out.

perfectil price reviews
perfectil price reviews

Using the product

Initially, it is worthwhile to understand that this is a medicine. Therefore, it should be used only for appropriate indications. Without fail, before at least one capsule of the Perfectil complex is taken, the instructions for use must be studied. Otherwise, the consequences can be much worse than beriberi.

Indications for use

Perfectil has been developed to restore and nourish skin, hair and nails. The use of the product is especially recommended for people with brittle, split ends, dry and damaged hair. With the help of a druga normal balance of minerals and vitamins in the body is achieved. It is known that even with alopecia effectively helps "Perfectil". Instructions for use indicate that the medicine is recommended for:

  • treatment and prevention of hypo-, beriberi, lack of minerals;
  • getting rid of skin diseases (including psoriasis, eczematous dermatitis);
  • healing from violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, scratches, burns);
  • eliminate brittle nails, baldness, hair structure disorders;
  • getting rid of peeling and dry skin, cracked lips, jam.

How to use

Recommended 1 capsule per day. Thus, a package of 30 pieces is enough for one month. This is what makes it possible to say that the price of Perfectil is quite acceptable. Reviews indicate that an effective drug saves money on something else: improved skin no longer needs a variety of cosmetic disguises.

perfectil analogues
perfectil analogues

It is recommended to use the drug immediately after eating. It is best to take the remedy in the morning. The capsule should be swallowed whole. You shouldn't chew it. Wash down the medicine with plain water. The duration of one course is 1 month. If necessary, after a break, you can resume taking again.

Side effects

In most cases, the remedy is perfectly tolerated by any organism. However, allergic reactions can sometimes develop.reactions. Very rarely, after the use of the vitamin complex, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach occur.


It is not recommended to use the drug "Perfectil", the price of which, as noted above, is quite acceptable, with the following factors:

  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy in women prone to uterine hypertonicity;
  • kidney failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • sciatica;
  • AIDS.

Variations of the complex

The vitamin preparation is available in four forms: "Perfectil" classic, "Plus", "Platinum", and "Tricholjik". Each remedy is slightly different in composition and effect on the body. Consider them.

Perfectil classic

The product contains carotenoids, vitamins B, C, D, H, PP, minerals (iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, iodine), folic acid and echinacea extract. The tool has a general strengthening effect. The drug does not have a specific "target" of exposure. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on all systems.

perfectil platinum reviews
perfectil platinum reviews

Perfectil Plus

The instruction of the drug shows that, in addition to all the ingredients included in the classic version, this variety has additional components. These are Omega-3 fatty acids, esters, citrus oils, and several other plants.

This complex is the best solution for women who have noticed hair aging, the adverse effects of coloring orchemical perm. The use of vitamins leads to the rejuvenation of the strands, protects them from gray hair, gives strength to brittle and overdried curls, stimulates the processes of regeneration and growth. The cost of this complex, which includes tablets in the amount of 28 pieces and 28 capsules, averages 904 rubles.

"Perfectil Tricholojik"

This variety has the richest composition. The main ingredients are supplemented with cystine, methionine, niacin, grape seed extract, oilseeds. This vitamin complex mainly affects the hair. This option is great for people who have a problematic condition of the strands. The tool provides curls with a serious correction, as well as intensive care. Such a drug can be purchased for about 1000 rubles for a package that includes 60 tablets.

Perfectil Platinum

Consumer reviews assure that this remedy is the best solution for problem skin. It is noted that the drug is able to deal with age-related changes (wrinkles). At the same time, the natural smoothness and elasticity of the skin returns. This effect is due to additional ingredients that make up the vitamin complex. These are seaweed collagen, alpha lipoic acid, currant seed extract, pine bark.

This drug affects not only the skin. It improves the condition of other systems as well. The tool perfectly strengthens the immune system, speeds up the metabolism in the body. The price of the drug is an average of 724 rubles for a package of 30 pieces.

vitamins perfectil price
vitamins perfectil price

"Perfectil": analogues

Amazing tool and really can work wonders. However, this drug is not the only panacea for hair. Therefore, it can be replaced by other more suitable means (for example, in the event of an allergic reaction to the Perfectil complex). Analogs-drugs:

  • "Biovital";
  • Gerimax;
  • Vitamax;
  • "Pantovigar";
  • "Vitrum beauty";
  • "Merz";
  • "Ribovital";
  • Revalid.

Reviews about the drug

It is unlikely that there will be another such remedy, about which so much good has been said. Based on the opinions of consumers, we can safely conclude that a truly unique miracle drug has been created - Perfectil for hair. Reviews of many women describe how futile attempts were made to restore the damaged structure of curls or nails with various masks, shampoos, varnishes. As a result of the use of such funds, the beneficial effect was temporary.

The reception of the Perfectil vitamin complex radically changed the situation. According to consumers, the result after taking this remedy is simply magnificent. Dry skin becomes soft and velvety. The structure of the hair is restored. This makes it possible for the strands to shine with he alth and natural brilliance. In this case, the mass fallout stops. No less benefit from taking the complex and nail plates. Young ladies who had soft and layered nails achieve a beautiful manicure

The same rave reviews befelldrug "Perfectil Plus". Consumers say that the amazing remedy returned silkiness to the strands, relieved seborrhea. Nails have gained strength. White spots have disappeared from their surface. Once-flaky skin is soft and smooth.

Incredibly delights consumers with the Perfectil Platinum complex. Reviews of people who have tested the remedy on themselves prove that an amazing drug is able to perfectly fight wrinkles. At the same time, women who have dark circles under their eyes, after using the panacea, note that these unpleasant phenomena have significantly decreased. And, of course, the drug "Perfectil" (vitamin complex) perfectly restored the silkiness and shine of the hair, significantly strengthened the nail plates.

perfectil price
perfectil price


Skin, nails and hair are a kind of indicator of your state of he alth. Improper nutrition, stress, hormonal disruptions, and sometimes a banal vitamin deficiency adversely affect their appearance. Unfortunately, they are not protected from the harmful effects of the environment. In this regard, hair, skin and nails are constantly in need of careful care and attention. Just do not forget that the choice of the necessary remedy should be discussed with the doctor.
