We are often frightened by some incomprehensible slags and heavy metals that accumulate in our body, poisoning it and causing diseases. The pharmaceutical market claims that ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA, which has antioxidant properties, will help get rid of them. What is this drug?

Pills or mayonnaise?
First of all, let's ask the question: "EDTA - what is it and how common is it?" You may have already seen advertisements for preparations of this substance, which are positioned as a dietary supplement. Should I buy these pills? In fact, EDTA is an acid that is widely used in the food industry and is designated as E-385. Look in your refrigerator, read the composition of mayonnaise and other products, it is quite possible that you will see this designation on the package. Thus, it can be argued that each of us consumes, albeit in small quantities, the substance EDTA. Let's find out what it is and how it works.

Chelating Therapy
Such a terrible word as "chelation" refers to the process of binding harmful substances in the body. ExactlyEDTA works, an acid that is used for medical purposes in a 5% solution. Once in the blood, the molecules of this substance seem to envelop heavy metal ions, even such dangerous ones as mercury, preventing them from reacting with cells. In such a bound state, toxic substances can no longer remain in the body and are safely excreted. Due to this effect, EDTA is often used in medicine to more effectively treat many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.
Multiple observations, both in Russia and abroad, have shown that EDTA brings pronounced benefits, patients taking this acid preparations note a significant improvement in their condition.
In addition, E-385 is used in dentistry. Since EDTA is inherently acid, it is able to soften some tissues and increase their permeability, which is necessary for the treatment of narrow root canals in the tooth.

What does mayonnaise have to do with it?
Why is the medical drug EDTA used in the food industry? What is it like when medicine is added to our food without our knowledge! But the whole point is that E-385, by binding metals, prevents their oxidation, thereby increasing the shelf life of products. In addition, this substance is often added to cosmetics, as it creates a thick, durable foam. In fact, EDTA (EDTA) was discovered back in 1935 and almost immediately received a very wide application in many industries, from canning to paper production. Every year this amino acidproduced in huge quantities, but for some reason no one talks about what harm can be from an EDTA supplement. Is this substance safe?

Critical mass
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid has one unpleasant feature - it does not break down in nature. The toxicity of this acid is very weak, it is not capable of causing pronounced harm to a person, but, as you know, the same substance can be both a poison and a medicine, depending on the dose. Although EDTA binds heavy metal ions, it itself is almost unaffected and can accumulate both in the human body and in the environment. In large doses, this compound has a cytotoxic effect, that is, it suppresses the work of cells. It is especially important to remember this when choosing cosmetics, as they penetrate the skin. As a rule, when describing the substance EDTA, in the column "side effects" they write only "individual intolerance", but doctors do not recommend giving this drug to children, which already makes you think. Environmentalists are increasingly saying that if EDTA continues to be used so widely, then an ecological catastrophe cannot be avoided, because even if the drug does not harm humans, it accumulates in the soil, interfering with natural processes.
To drink or not to drink?
So let's ask again: "EDTA - what is it? A drug or another potentially harmful chemical additive?" Both. EDTA has both beneficial and harmful properties, so take this amino acid assupplements without a doctor's prescription is definitely not worth it. If you suffer from any diseases that lead to metabolic disorders, no doubt, EDTA will be very useful, as it removes harmful compounds from the tissues. And even more so, this drug is indispensable for heavy metal poisoning.
But, despite the low toxicity, in large doses this substance can be very dangerous (rats, for example, die at a dosage of EDTA at 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight). Being an acid, it is able to soften, albeit slightly, even the tissues of the tooth, and when accumulated in the cells, it inhibits their work. Another point - EDTA binds almost all free ions, including iron and calcium, which are so necessary for us. Therefore, if you are doing well with your he alth, then EDTA is best avoided. In the end, our body is a self-regulating system, and often the main thing is not to interfere with unnecessary care.