Many experts claim that chicory inulin is very useful for our he alth. Not everyone knows what it is. Let's try to understand this issue and find out what are the beneficial properties of the above product for a person.
Chicory inulin - what is it?

Chicory is a plant with cute flowers in a delicate blue color. From its roots, a special substance is obtained - inulin. A bitter drink is prepared from chicory, which tastes like brewed burnt coffee.
Inulin is the energy reserve of the plant. It is carbon. Many people do not know such a thing as chicory inulin. What is it and how is it mined?
This substance is "built" on the basis of fructose residues. During the hydrolysis process under the influence of inulinase, it completely breaks down into fructose.
Inulin is a prebiotic, therefore, it is not absorbed in the digestive system. It is processed by the intestinal microflora.
Inulin: where it is contained, how it is extracted and how it is used

The above substance is found in the following products:
- chicory root - 6% and even more;
- garlic - from 8 to 16%;
- onions - up to 6%.
Inulin is also found in Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, elecampane and dandelion.
The above substance is extracted from plants by cold pressing. It is thanks to this method that all its useful properties are preserved.
Inulin is produced in most cases from chicory. This is done as follows:
- Crushing raw materials.
- Inulin extraction (extraction).
- Bringing the resulting extract to a thick consistency.
- Inulin precipitation and purification.
- Drying.
The above substance is actively used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Food inulin acts as a technological ingredient. It mimics the presence of fats in foods and stabilizes the quality of ice cream, mousses and sauces. In addition, dietary inulin is added to baby food, chocolate, dairy and diet products, baked goods.
In pharmacology, chicory inulin is also actively used. What it is and what is the use of it, pharmacists have long understood. Therefore, today it is added to dietary supplements for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Useful properties of inulin

The above substance affects the human body as follows:
- normalizes blood sugar levels;
- possessesthe ability to remove harmful radionuclides, slags and heavy metals from the body;
- stimulates the growth of bone tissue, thereby preventing the occurrence of a variety of skeletal diseases;
- has a positive effect on the absorption of calcium by the body;
- strengthens the immune system;
- improves the condition of the lymphoid tissue, which consists of the cells of the lining of the intestinal mucosa (this helps to increase the resistance of the bronchial tree, ureters);
- helps maintain a he althy liver;
- regulates heart rate;
- balances the work of the central nervous system;
- increases the activity of the heart.
In addition, inulin has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.
Chicory (drink): benefits and harms

This product is derived from instant chicory. In taste and appearance, it is very similar to roasted coffee. But unlike the latter, the chicory drink does not contain caffeine, so it does not harm human he alth. Caffeine is contraindicated in people with various diseases. It causes vasodilation, provokes heart rhythm disturbances, etc.
Instant chicory has another advantage - a sweetish taste, so it is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes.
Properties of instant chicory:
- improves intestinal microflora;
- suppresses appetite;
- improves metabolism;
- promotes the functioning of the digestive organs.
It is interesting that in addition to inulin, liquid chicory contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectins, resins and trace elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium), as well as carotene, tannins and protein substances, organic acids.
As for contraindications, chicory has few of them. So, you should not drink a drink based on it while taking antibiotics, as this can interfere with the absorption of the medicine. In addition, chicory is not recommended for people suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as these conditions can only get worse. Do not use this product for those who are allergic to ascorbic acid, as well as for spasms of the respiratory system.
Chicory: indications for use

Chicory inulin and a drink from the above plant are recommended by experts for people with diseases such as:
- diabetes mellitus;
- dysbiosis;
- acute and chronic gastrointestinal infections;
- frequent colds;
- bone diseases;
- hepatitis and gastritis.
Instant chicory for pregnant women
If a woman is expecting a baby, but at the same time is a big coffee lover, then the above product will be a real find for her. Useful properties of chicory instant for pregnant women are as follows:
- activation of the heart;
- support for normal liver function;
- promoting the rapid removal of toxins from the body;
- regulation of bowel activity;
- prevent constipation.
This plant can easily replace coffee, because it has a similar taste with it. But in fact, chicory is much more useful, because it has the ability to beneficially influence not only the body of the expectant mother, but also the condition of her child.
Chicory for weight loss

The substance inulin, which is obtained from chicory, is actively used in many diets today. This substance, when it enters the human body, is not absorbed in the intestine. In the stomach, inulin takes on a gel-like state, enveloping the mucous membranes of this digestive organ, and thus protecting it from the effects of alcohol and smoking.
How does chicory inulin affect the body of a losing weight person? Firstly, this substance is an effective probiotic: it contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the development of intestinal microflora, in which microbes and other pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Thus, the human body is cleansed of harmful substances.
Secondly, chicory inulin has the ability to influence lipid metabolism. This results in a person's weight loss.
Thirdly, inulin perfectly regulates appetite. This substance is the correct carbohydrate that does not increase the amount of sugar in the blood and does not cause insulin surges. Therefore, the feeling of fullness remains for a long time.
Fourth, during the diet, the body requires serious protection. Chicory inulin lowers the level of ammonia in the intestine, which provokes the development of oncologyGIT.
In addition, this substance has the ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, which, in turn, is responsible for a slim human figure.
How to use chicory

Chicory can be used to prepare various medicinal products. The drink, the benefits and harms of which have been described in detail above, is, among other things, extremely tasty and aromatic, and is in no way inferior to coffee in these qualities. It is prepared in several ways:
- One and a half teaspoons of soluble chicory pour a glass of boiling water. Add sugar to your taste and add milk or a spoonful of honey.
- Pour a quarter of a teaspoon of instant chicory with a glass of boiled milk. Then add 2-3 dessert spoons of honey.
- Pour a tablespoon of roasted chicory into a glass of hot water and boil for no more than 3 minutes. Then add cream, sugar or milk according to your own taste.
The above drinks not only have an exquisite taste, but also give incredible benefits to the human body: they strengthen it and enrich it with the necessary substances.
It is interesting that even salads are prepared from chicory. For this, the leaves of the plant are pale green. Experts note that the taste of chicory goes well with celery, walnuts, cucumber, yogurt, any leaf lettuce, parsley, apples. It should be noted that the leaves of the above plant are rich in folic and ascorbic acids. Some gourmets prefer root soup for dinner.chicory.
An important rule, if you want to use chicory in cooking, you need to buy it in the store. The plant that grows near the roads is usually poisoned with strontium.
Chicory inulin, the benefits and harms of which are obvious based on its composition, is still not recommended to be taken independently for the treatment of various diseases without consulting a doctor. After all, only a doctor can determine the right amount of the drug and indicate possible side effects.