"Omeganol": reviews of doctors and patients, description, price

"Omeganol": reviews of doctors and patients, description, price
"Omeganol": reviews of doctors and patients, description, price

The bulk of the population tend to think about the state of their he alth only when something began to bother. In the diet of modern people, as a rule, foods containing a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats predominate. Such food does not promote he alth in any way. To help a modern, active and dynamically living person maintain their well-being at the proper level, there are a lot of all kinds of vitamin kits and dietary supplements. One of these tools is worth a closer look. We are talking about the drug "Omeganol". Feedback from consumers and medical professionals characterize it as a very effective tool for maintaining the normal functioning of the body.

Main Components

Omeganol reviews
Omeganol reviews

The drug contains fish oil, allicin, palm oil (red) and vitamins A and E. Fish oil contains a fairly large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. This component stimulates the expansion of blood vessels and,as a result, reduces the likelihood of blood clots. This substance also positively affects blood circulation in the brain, thereby stabilizing blood pressure and reducing the likelihood of arrhythmias.

Another component of the drug "Omeganol" - allicin - obtained from finely chopped garlic and is a powerful natural antibiotic. This substance also takes an active part in the cleansing of blood vessels from accumulations of cholesterol. Palm oil effectively strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems of the human body, minimizes the likelihood of developing cancer. Vitamin E prevents thrombosis and takes part in the resorption of existing blood clots. Thus, this component makes blood microcirculation more efficient and reduces the manifestations of arterial hypertension. The presence of vitamin A in the preparation is important for those who suffer from angina pectoris. Reduces the risk of heart and arterial disease. And for the eyes, this nutrient will not be superfluous.

The most popular series of the drug are "Forte", "Allicin", Vision, "Coenzyme Q10" and "Junior".

Who should apply?

"Omeganol forte" instructions for use recommend taking people who have a predisposition to the appearance and development of diseases provoked by atherosclerosis. This group of he alth problems includes ischemia, manifested in myocardial infarctions, angina pectoris, various sleep disorders, memory problems, dizziness, frequent abnormalities insystem of cerebral circulation, obliterating disorders of the state of the arteries of the legs. The vitamin complex will also be useful for those who suffer from arterial hypertension, since its components have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, relieve vascular spasms, which, in turn, helps to activate blood flow. People with high cholesterol should also pay attention to "Omeganol", the components of which can prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and promote the resorption of already formed vascular problems.

Omeganol forte instructions for use
Omeganol forte instructions for use

Allicin Series

The drug "Allicin" has two components: fish oil and allicin itself. This substance is the bioactive ingredient in garlic. As mentioned earlier, supplements in this series are able to keep cholesterol levels under control. The undoubted advantage of allicin is a well-pronounced antitumor effect. This series of the drug "Omeganol" reviews of doctors characterize as a good tool for lowering blood pressure in hypertension, moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels of the heart and brain.

In addition to the above, "Allicin" can be called a powerful adaptogen and immunomodulator, which can significantly increase the body's resistance to stress and disease.

Vision Series

omeganol reviews of doctors
omeganol reviews of doctors

Omeganol vision contains blueberry extract, sea buckthorn and red palm oil, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, Eand D3. Doctors' reviews of these vitamins are positioned as a good tool for supporting the eyes during work related to visual stress. This drug is prescribed by specialists to improve visual acuity, treat and prevent a number of eye diseases, which include myopia, conjunctivitis, impaired color perception and adaptation in the dark. The Vision series will be effective for the prevention and treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, and will support the vision of diabetics and atherosclerosis patients.

Coenzyme Q10 Series

omeganol coenzyme q10
omeganol coenzyme q10

The drug consists of a number of components that reduce the risk of heart disease, stimulate metabolic processes in the body, its regenerating abilities. The main components of the complex "Omeganol coenzyme Q10" are fish oil and coenzyme Q10.

Taking this drug will strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems of the body, reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and enhance the dissolution of cholesterol plaques. This series is able to increase exercise tolerance. In addition, Omeganol is also effective as a means of slowing down the aging process in the human body. Consumer reviews confirm its effectiveness in this regard.

Junior Series

Omeganol junior
Omeganol junior

Activity and curiosity of a he althy baby knows no bounds. In order for a child to grow up he althy, he needs various biologically active substances, in particular trace elements and vitamins. Reviews of doctors recommend a special complex for childrenOmeganol Junior. It contains vitamins A, E and D, lecithin and iodine. The drug provides the necessary daily intake of these substances for the baby. The complex stimulates the processes of growth and active metabolism in the child's body, provides nutrition to the nervous system and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevents thrombosis and improves color perception, promotes the saturation of bones with calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to all these properties, Omeganol Junior is a very effective drug that can be taken by children from the age of five.

Price range

The drug is offered to consumers in packs of 30, 90 and 120 gelatin capsules. In general, the price for "Omeganol" varies depending on the series of the drug and the volume of the package. For example, the Forte series in a package of 30 capsules can be purchased for 210-230 rubles. The Junior series can often be found in a package of 90 capsules, and the price for it can range from 225 to 280 rubles. The Allicin and Coenzyme Q10 series of this volume (90 capsules) can be found in pharmacies at a price of 290 and 240 rubles, respectively.


The dosage of the vitamin complex depends on the series of the drug. For example, "Omeganol forte" instructions for use recommend taking one capsule per day with meals. This applies to adults and children over the age of fourteen. As a rule, the duration of the course is 30 days. At the direction of a specialist, it is possible to extend the course of admission up to 90 days with a repetition not earlier than in 1, 5-2 months.

Omeganol Junior is taken two capsules daily. Reception course - 4-8weeks. You can repeat the course only with the permission of a specialist. Exceeding the dose may cause skin rashes and redness.

Omeganol Vision, like Forte, is taken one capsule once a day, with meals. Course - 4 weeks. To be taken by adults and children over 14 only.

"Omeganol coenzyme Q10" is prescribed to the same age group of people as "Forte". Reception mode - three times a day, 1 capsule during a meal. The course is 20 days. You can repeat taking the drug after 10 days, but in this case it is better to enlist the advice of a doctor. The allowed number of courses in one year is no more than 3-4.

Who should refrain from taking?

vitamins reviews doctors
vitamins reviews doctors

As with any drug, this complex has contraindications. For example, the “Forte” series of the drug “Omeganol” is not recommended by doctors for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also, people who have an individual intolerance to any component of Omeganol should be refused admission. The Vision series has the same contraindications as Forte, and it should not be taken by children under 14 years of age. The Coenzyme Q10 series is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, you should not prescribe the drug yourself - it is better to consult a doctor. The Junior series is contraindicated for children under five.

Opinion of specialists and consumers

omeganol price
omeganol price

"Omeganol" is in rather high demand among consumers. Medical experts also consider the drug to be quite effective. A fairly large percentage of buyers prefer "Omeganol" due to its effectiveness in the fight against overweight and high cholesterol. And the results are usually quite pleasing to consumers. In the fight against hypertension, the use of the drug "Omeganol" is also justified. Customer reviews are inspiring: after 2 weeks of taking the complex, blood pressure tends to stabilize and normalize. Many buyers take the drug to improve the condition of blood vessels, increase immunity, and in most cases it is possible to achieve the desired effect. Justified use and to maintain the body in a good physical and stable emotional state. In children, "Omeganol" (reviews of medical specialists confirm this) stimulates mental and physical development appropriate for age. Buyers speak positively about the drug as an effective regulator of the level of bad and good cholesterol, which is very important for people prone to thrombosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Conclusions and suggestions

Sufficiently wide consumer demand for all series of the drug "Omeganol" is evidence of the high quality of this complex, the effectiveness of its use in achieving a positive result. And bearing in mind the fact that Omeganol, the price of which is available to a buyer with any financial capabilities, affects a fairly wide range of physical and emotional processes in the human body, we can hope that he tookthe market of medicines deserves a worthy place and will collect positive feedback from consumers for a long time to come.
