A good half of the world's population has broken something at least once in their life. Fracture is hard, recovery is slow. In addition to all kinds of medicines and procedures that are prescribed to the patient in this case, he can also take vitamins for a speedy recovery. What vitamins are needed for fractures?
Where to get vitamins
First of all, it is necessary to understand that vitamins are also present in food, and if you do not eat hamburgers, french fries and Coca-Cola, but whole foods - fish, vegetables, meat, fruits, then everything you need for he alth components can be obtained in full. However, let's be honest and frank: a fairly small percentage of people lead a truly he althy lifestyle, eating the right food and abstaining from what is so tasty, but so harmful. That is why there are various special vitamin formulations designed to help those in need. There are many of them, and before analyzing any specific ones, it would be nice to understand what vitamins the body needs in case of a bone fracture and what, in fact, is generally useful in them.
Why you need to take vitamins
To answer the question,why the body needs vitamins, you should first remind yourself what it is - a vitamin? This word has two meanings, but the main thing is one: it is a substance of organic origin, necessary for normal human life. The second meaning is connected with the first - it is a drug (but not a medicine!), containing these same substances. So, vitamins are necessary for a person for normal life. Accordingly, in case of a fracture of any kind, the victim needs them even more - like air! Why?

At least, because with the help of various useful trace elements, our bones become not so fragile, they get stronger, harden. Vitamins regulate how bones grow after injury, form collagen in them (a special protein that is at the heart of connective tissues and is responsible for their strength and elasticity). In general, without vitamins, our skeleton would crumble into dust.
Vitamins for bone fractures: what are needed
There are a lot of vitamins required by the body to recover from a fracture (now we are talking about vitamins in their main meaning). This is the main building block calcium, and vitamin K2, without which calcium is simply washed out of the body, as well as phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D and B vitamins. Each of them has its own role, and without any of them, the human skeletal system will be fragile and inferior. What preparations containing these substances can be drunk for recovery?
Vitamin complexes
Complexes of vitamins andMinerals can contain either one component or several. Each case is individual, and only a doctor can correctly determine which vitamins are best for fractures to be taken by a particular patient. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, despite the fact that, once again, vitamins are not a cure.
As an example of a one-component complex, one can name "Calcimin" - as you might guess from the name, it contains only calcium. An example of a multicomponent drug is Vitrum Osteomag.
Vitrum Osteomag
One of the vitamin complexes that are allowed for use in fractures is Vitrum Osteomag. In addition to calcium, it contains zinc, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, vitamin D3 and various auxiliary substances and elements. The drug is available in tablet form, is intended for the treatment of osteoporosis (a disease of the skeletal system, when the bones become thinner due to metabolic disorders and a high risk of fractures) and is aimed at regulating calcium-phosphorus metabolism.
In addition to the treatment of osteoporosis, it is also used for its prevention, as well as to replenish calcium and / or vitamin D3 deficiency in the body. The drug is popular because it can be used by both pregnant women and nursing mothers. But people suffering from kidney problems and / or urolithiasis, with high levels of calcium in the blood, as well as children under the age of twelve, should not be used.

Take "Vitrum Osteomag" once or twice a day, and you should be aware of possible side effects - constipation, diarrhea, nausea. The cost of the drug is from three hundred rubles and more (depending on the number of tablets in the package).
Vitrum Calcium with Vitamin D3
Another answer to the question of what vitamins to drink for fractures is "Vitrum Calcium with vitamin D3". It is also available in tablets, it has the same effect on the body as the above drug, only in its composition, unlike Osteomag, it contains only calcium and cholecalciferol (in other words, vitamin D3). Indications for the use of this complex include replenishment of calcium and / or vitamin D3 deficiency in adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, as well as the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.

Side effects and contraindications for this drug are the same as for the previous one, with only one small exception: "Vitrum Calcium with vitamin D3" should also not be drunk by people suffering from tuberculosis. The mode of use is one or two pieces a day, the cost is around three hundred and a little rubles.
In the composition of the vitamin complex "OsteoSanum", in addition to calcium, there are also vitamins of group B, vitamins K2, D3, folic acid and even mumiyo extract. In addition to all that was stated regarding the two previous complexes and which can also be successfully attributed to OsteoSanum. Its highly recommendedalso taken by women in the postmenopausal period, and also by everyone who wants to strengthen their nails, hair and teeth. Compared to the previous complexes of vitamins for fractures, "OsteoSanum" is their expensive analogue, its cost is more than two thousand rubles.
Collagen Ultra
Unlike all the complexes described above, "Collagen Ultra" is available in bags with a powder of various flavors (orange, lemon, and so on). A gel and cream of the same name are also produced. The basis of the drug, as you might guess, is calcium and collagen, as well as vitamin C. "Collagen Ultra" is shown to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to prevent the development of arthritis and similar unpleasant diseases.

However, it is forbidden to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to those people who have a personal intolerance to the components. The method of taking the powder is in solution, once a day for three months. The cost of the complex - around three hundred rubles - judging by the reviews, is affordable for many.
This drug is monocomponent, it contains only calcium and is prescribed when it is necessary to increase the level of this particular substance in the body. You can not use "Calcimin" for people with individual intolerance to the components, kidney disease, hypercalcemia, and a tendency to thrombosis. It is also prohibited for children under fourteen years of age.
Methodthe use of this vitamin for a fracture - one little thing twice a day with meals for a month. According to the hosts, the scheme is simple and convenient. The cost of the complex is from three hundred to eight hundred rubles.
What about the kids?
All of the above drugs should not be taken by babies. But then what vitamins can be used for fractures in children?
There are special children's complex preparations. For example, mothers speak well of the preparations "Calcium D3 Nycomed" or "VitaMishki Calcium +" - chewable lozenges that can be given to babies from the age of three.
Vitamins in food
All the above vitamins, minerals and other useful micro- and macroelements are also, as previously mentioned, in food. Where exactly can you find this or that vitamin?
For example, calcium - and this will probably not be a secret to anyone - is found in fish, as well as sesame and cottage cheese. Any of the B vitamins can be obtained from buckwheat, bananas, legumes (peas, beans, and so on), wholemeal bread and, of course, meat. Vitamin C is citrus fruits, but not only. It is also found in rose hips, sea buckthorn, peppers, black currants, Brussels sprouts, parsley.

It is possible to find phosphorus without problems in home-made cottage cheese, peas, beans, nuts - walnuts or hazelnuts. These nuts, as well as others, as well as honey, figs, apples and green tea, contain the right amount of zinc.
As for vitamin D, which is also useful for fractures, thenit is problematic to get it from food, but it can be easily absorbed with the sun's rays. So you need to be more in the sun, in the fresh air (if the nature of the fracture allows you to move at least along the perimeter of the balcony).
It is important that all vitamins in case of bone fractures enter the body in equal proportions. An excess of one and a lack of another will not help the body in any way, on the contrary, they will only lead to the fact that these vitamins will no longer be absorbed.
Helpful tips
For those who have just suffered a fracture, there are some recommendations for a faster recovery. They are about building a he althy lifestyle. Firstly, without exception, everyone who is “broken”, regardless of what exactly has suffered and what vitamins the body lacks, is strictly forbidden to drink coffee and drink alcoholic beverages during the recovery period. The thing is that both coffee and alcohol remove calcium from the body, and without it, as mentioned above, you cannot form a normal skeletal system. For the same reason, you should not eat anything that can reduce the amount of calcium in the body. It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice every morning (this is not forbidden throughout the day), but it is best to refuse carbonated water.

What about smoking? Alas, heavy smokers with fractures will also have a hard time - after all, they will have to abstain from nicotine. During smoking, a substance such as cortisone is released in large quantities, the excess of which in the bodycontributes to the reduction of bone strength. Nicotine also destroys osteoblasts (cells that form bones) and disrupts the balance of estrogen, which is responsible for strengthening bones.
In addition to vitamins for fractures in formulations or in edible form, it is also permissible to use folk methods of recovery. Shilajit is very popular among them, which is recommended to be mixed with rose oil and consumed orally twice a day for twenty-five days. In addition, traditional healers advise drinking a decoction from such an interesting remedy as comfrey, or rather, from its roots. Of these, by the way, they also produce an ointment that can be applied to a damaged area.
And for the most lazy and suffering, there is also such a way: rub any item made of copper, mix shavings with bread crumb and eat until you get better. The following advice is similar: a rubbed silver product is mixed with eggshells and taken orally half an hour before meals.

Which vitamins are best for fractures and which are not, it is impossible to say. To each his own, as they say. However, the pharmaceutical market today provides a large selection of products, which means that anyone can find something that will satisfy him.