Nikolai Peichev is known as a folk healer and parapsychologist, a specialist in physical rehabilitation and bioresonance therapy.
Studied at the International Academy of He alth (PFUR, Moscow); studied oriental medicine in India (yoga therapy, ayurveda).
Author of three books: "Subtle human nature", "Complete he alth recovery system", "Energy-informational causes of diseases".

Healer's Star award - for the author's method "Complete He alth Recovery System" (International Congress of Psychologists, Doctors, Spiritual and Traditional Healers, Practitioners of Traditional Medicine, Moscow, 2010) and the title of "Best Healer of the Year" (World Forum of Doctors, Psychologists, Complementary Medicine Specialists, Moscow, 2013).
Becoming a Master
As Nikolai himself assures, since childhood he was interested in philosophical questions related to the meaning of human existence, the origin of the Universe, the laws of the Universe, and most importantly, the causes of diseases. He wanted to make sure that he would never get sick, live long andhappy.
And there were reasons for that. Nikolai Peychev writes in one of his books that he literally lived in a hospital, repeatedly approaching the line between life and death. The doctors did everything in their power, but the disease did not go away.
And then one day his mother took him to a clairvoyant healer, who managed to cure Nikolai in several sessions. From that moment a new stage of his life began. And he was only 10 years old.

First, Nikolai re-read all the books of the healer, then he began to read everything he found on the topic of esotericism, psychology, parapsychology, occultism, magic and Eastern philosophical systems. Studying all these sciences, he came to understand the importance of knowledge, especially practical, to achieve the desired result.
On his personal experience, he was convinced that, assimilating true knowledge, a person stops getting sick. Understanding and accepting the laws of the universe, he no longer violates them, and he alth and a happy life are only consequences of a correct worldview.
Nikolai decided to find ways to develop psychic abilities in himself, which he did not possess at first. He set about looking for a practical system to do this as quickly as possible. Moreover, he wanted to find such a method, having learned which, everyone could restore their he alth and part with diseases forever.

Nikolai Peychev studied with leading esoteric practitioners and traditional healers, traveled to India, where he studied Ayurveda and practiced yoga. And byreturned to his homeland began teaching others.
BO-LE-ZN - "God Heals with Knowledge"
The author's system of healing is primarily a training program, the purpose of which is to learn how to heal yourself and others, until people all over the Earth change illness for he alth. To implement such training, the Academy of Nikolay Peychev was organized.
On the website of the Academy, Peychev immediately declares that he is not going to treat anyone in the conventional sense. Instead, he invites those who wish to do the following with him:
• consistently restore your he alth so that diseases go away naturally and in the shortest possible time;
• learn the skills of self-regulation at the energy-informational level;
• having restored yourself, start helping others heal;
• Having learned by yourself, pass this knowledge on to others.
This system, according to Nikolai Peychev, has been tested on a large number of people, showing that its use can cure almost any known disease. At the same time, the speed of real healing, confirmed by medical reports, is impressive.

At the Academy of Healers, each applicant is being worked on several levels:
• correction of the biofield and opening of energy centers, healing with spiritual energy (thin plan);
• the use of the most effective methods of cleansing the body of parasites and toxins, proper nutrition, yoga practices, manual correction of the spine,breathing exercises (physical plan).
In addition, meditation techniques for pain relief are taught; methods of dowsing and radioesthesia to obtain information about any object in a non-contact way; other techniques useful for the healer.
Important nuances
A person is a single system, each element of which can be disassembled separately in order to identify the causes of diseases and get rid of them. To this end, the educational process is divided into the following stages:
1. Teaching the skills to diagnose the true causes of the disease - the causal relationship of the blocking of energy centers with bodily pathology.
2. Activation of the entire chakra system, removal of the blockage of energy centers in order to eliminate the corresponding diseases.
3. Correction of the shape of all subtle bodies to eliminate the causes of diseases at the field level.
4. Purification of subtle bodies from parasitic entities in order to exclude unauthorized outflow of energy and eliminate possible causes of diseases that occur during a “blackout”.
5. Selection of an individual diet to speed up the recovery period.
6. Teaching methods to prevent visual impairment.
Peichev Nikolai: books also heal
The program of self-healing Peichev outlined in his book "Multidimensional model of man." According to the author, when a person simply reads it, his life is already beginning to change for the better.
He arranged the educational material presented in it in such a way that by the time the book is read in its entirety, the reader reveals allenergy centers, and his biofield is cleared of all negative programs.

The book is provided with tables with recommendations for independent work with the main types of diseases at the energy-informational level.
Secrets of soul and body
In the book "The Complete System of He alth Recovery", according to Peychev, the most effective means are collected that really help to quickly and forever part with their illnesses. He suggests not wasting time looking for information about cleansing the body and proper nutrition - all this is already in his text.
The book “Secrets of the soul. Rapid Healing of the Body also contains recommendations for the final and irrevocable deliverance from diseases using a systematic approach.
The author reports that for about 9 years he has been practicing, daily accepting people who want to be healed. And the most effective for curing all bodily ailments is, according to his observations, the awakening of the soul. Freed from the burden of unresolved problems, it changes all the attitudes of a person who parted with selfishness and meets love in his soul. Only through love does he alth return to him.

Nikolai Peychev: reviews
On related forums, there are many reviews of people who have been trained by appointment, read books or healed at the master's face-to-face seminars. The practice of Nikolai Peychev is stunning. People write that they adopted his system with great enthusiasm.
Those who study itaccording to the books, they start with cleansing the body: they drink soda, do prakshalana. After that, they move on to more complex things and thank the author for the simple presentation of such important material.
In addition, as Nikolai Peichev himself emphasizes, books can be downloaded for free. You can also use other materials for free. When passing training seminars, there is a donation system - Nikolai does not require payment for what he does.

It can be said that Nikolai Peychev is a Healer with a capital letter. Meeting him made many happy. He gave people a simple and at the same time really effective tool for self-healing and putting their lives in order. Judging by the reviews, despite his youth, in relations with others, he behaves like a sage, not gaining fame and not demanding awards … And as a result, he has both.