Bioflavonoids: what is it, where are they found

Bioflavonoids: what is it, where are they found
Bioflavonoids: what is it, where are they found

The theme of he althy eating is relevant at all times, and the benefits of vitamins and minerals have always been emphasized. Everyone has heard about the most important micro and macro elements today, but do you know about substances such as bioflavonoids? What it is and why your body needs them, we will tell you in detail today in our article. Let's start with a brief description. So what are these connections?

General characteristics

Vitamin-like compounds, or substances with P-vitamin activity, have a specific name - bioflavonoids. What it is? In scientific terms, these are compounds that have a polyphenolic nature. They can only be synthesized in plants. It is thanks to them that we can see mouth-watering fruits painted in all the colors of the rainbow on the table. To date, scientists have isolated about 5,000 different bioflavonoids that have the same chemical structure and have similar biological activity. That is, despite some differences, allbioflavonoids have similar biological effects, although their intensity may vary.

vitamin bioflavonoids
vitamin bioflavonoids

Complex composition

Why do we need bioflavonoids? We have already briefly told you what it is from the point of view of science, and in our body they are primarily responsible for capillary permeability. It was this property that scientists first identified, after which vitamin P was recognized as a necessary element, extremely important for the nutrition system. However, this short digression did not end, because vitamin P is a generalizing name. It includes a group of substances, which include rutin and zinc, flavones and quercentin, flavonals and hesperidin. However, the list does not end there. About 120 more substances form a unique compound, which received the appropriate name - bioflavonoids. What it is, we will continue to consider using examples of the direct effect of a substance on the organs and systems of our body.

In fact, we can even visually notice the bioflavonoids around us. It is thanks to them that citruses become so bright, yellow and orange. And not at the expense of the mentioned compounds themselves, they simply act as catalysts. And if we talk about the substance in its pure form, then it is a crystal of yellow, green and orange. Bioflavonoids have a specific taste, but do not have a characteristic smell. Most are soluble in ethyl alcohol and benzene.

what are bioflavonoids
what are bioflavonoids

Effect on the body

Let'snow let's discuss in a little more depth the benefits that our body derives from these compounds. So why do we need this vitamin? Bioflavonoids come into the body from plant foods, they are quickly absorbed. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are converted into active forms already in the mucous membranes and on the intestinal walls. These substances are very important and necessary, as they are actively involved in cellular regulation. However, this is a very general definition, so we will dwell on its decoding in a little more detail.


At first glance, this question may seem complicated, but we will try to explain everything as simply as possible. So, bioflavonoids themselves are neutral, they do not have any biological effect, like, for example, other vitamins. However, you remember that these are polyphenolic compounds, and in our body a lot of substances are synthesized that have phenolic rings in their molecules. These are hormones and mediators such as adrenaline and serotonin, tryptimine and thiamine. It should be well understood that the body is always trying to save resources. Therefore, most often these animal polyphenols are synthesized from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. And only as a fallback the body considers the possibility of synthesizing them from bioflavonoids.

what are bioflavonoids
what are bioflavonoids

Cell renewal

Indeed, this is the main purpose of these substances. Thanks to bioflavonoids, elasticity and elasticity of capillaries are maintained. This is extremely important for the he alth of our circulatory system. But that's not all: vitamin p (bioflavonoids)acts as a structural component in the synthesis of collagen. Thus, the intake of a normal amount of this substance in the body helps to keep your hair, nails and skin in good condition.

Antioxidant effect

As antioxidants, bioflavonoids have proven themselves well. We will not describe this process in detail, we will only say that antioxidants are substances that bind and remove free radicals. Moreover, the latter are not something dangerous in themselves, they are just molecules that have lost an electron and are looking for someone to take it away from. Moreover, the free radical that returned the molecule becomes stable, and the molecule that gave it away changes its structure. Now transfer this mechanism to your body. Essential proteins and nucleic acids, hormones and enzymes can be attacked by free radicals. And here they are in a modified form become dangerous. Bioflavonoids, on the other hand, bind to a molecule of radicals, and they leave our body.

vitamin p bioflavonoids
vitamin p bioflavonoids

Requests of the body

What is Vitamin P? Bioflavonoids are substances that our body needs regularly. An adult who leads an active lifestyle should consume at least 50-70 mg of flavonoids daily. However, this does not mean that you need to urgently start taking special drugs. If you follow a he althy diet, then there will be no problems. The fact is that there are a lot of products around us that are sources of this substance. Bioflavonoids are found in all plant foods.- These are vegetables and fruits, berries and citrus fruits, herbs and natural juices. But animal products, as well as flour products, do not contain them at all. Based on this, we can say that it is very important to regularly have vegetable salads and fruits on the table, just then you will not experience a deficiency in the substances we are considering.

bioflavonoids are contained
bioflavonoids are contained

How Vitamin P Deficiency Manifests

In fact, the lack of these substances is felt only by residents of the Far North, whose diet is poor in vegetables and fruits. But in this case, there will be a lack of other important substances, so the lack of vitamin P alone is very rare. This can manifest itself in general weakness and malaise, fatigue and pain in the limbs.

What products can contain bioflavonoids

If you suspect a lack of vitamin P in your body, you should first of all enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables. If for a number of reasons this is not possible, then the doctor may prescribe an additional source that will supply your body with bioflavonoids. Preparations for the treatment of varicose veins almost all contain flavonoids. These include "Venoruton" and many others. If you are interested in the source of vitamin P in tablets, then pay attention first of all to dietary supplements, it is their composition that most often includes bioflavonoids.

bioflavonoid preparations
bioflavonoid preparations

Summarizing, I would like to say that these substances are not vital, but at the same time they have certain benefits. They are easyexcreted by the body from plant products. That is, you only need to fully eat - and you can not worry about your own he alth. Most bioflavonoids are found in onions, apples and cranberries, spinach, citrus fruits. Berries should not be discounted: apricots and blueberries, grapes and raspberries, blueberries and cherries - all these are not only delicious desserts, but also sources of vitamin P.
