How to explain the phenomenon when hands and feet turn blue? This is usually observed in the case of prolonged exposure to the street in cold weather. If the trouble is noted indoors, it means that pathological disorders occur in the body. What to do if hands turn blue? Causes, symptoms and effective solutions to fix the problem will be discussed in our article.
Causes of blue hands and feet

Why do my arms and legs turn blue? A common prerequisite for the occurrence of this effect is malnutrition. The intake of an insufficient amount of calories, essential trace elements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates leads to tissue starvation. A person begins to freeze even with a slight decrease in ambient temperature.
Why do my hands turn blue? The reason is circulatory disorders. The problem may be caused by wearing too tight clothing. The effect is often caused by regular stress, anxiety, addiction to alcohol and smoking.
If the hands and lower limbs turn blue, the phenomenon may signal the developmentserious ailments. This happens when the thyroid gland, the nervous system suffers, there are malfunctions in the work of the heart muscle. However, most often the cyanosis of the skin is due to the formation of cyanosis. With a disease, the blood is not able to fully saturate the tissues of the limbs with oxygen and nutrients. Violation leads to the development of hypoxia. Skin gradually darkens.

Remove the effect of cyanosis of the limbs potentially gives the performance of several exercises:
- Adopted the supine position. A series of circular movements are performed with raised arms and legs. Regular exercise can disperse the blood in the limbs and eliminate the effect of blue areas of tissue.
- Fingers and toes alternately clenched. The exercise is done slowly. As practice shows, daily training makes it possible to significantly reduce the area of cyanotic areas on the limbs within a month.
- Helps remove blue spots from walking on toes. It is necessary to gently rise and slowly lower back on the toes. Along with the bluish areas, the feeling of tired limbs will also disappear.
How to speed up the blood flow?

If your hands turn blue, you should resort to measures aimed at restoring blood vessels and saturating tissues with oxygen. Along with daily activities, it is useful to consume foods fortified with iron. Benefits include taking supplements that contain calcium and magnesium,vitamins of groups B, C and E. An excellent product would be fish oil, which acts as a source of omega-3 acids.
To eliminate blue spots on the limbs, you need to follow a certain diet. All kinds of cereals should be included in the diet, which will serve as a good source of fiber. An excellent solution is the regular use of bran, rich in trace elements that contribute to the normalization of the state of blood vessels.
When cooking, it is recommended to use only unrefined oil. The composition of the product does not contain cholesterol, which provokes difficulty in blood flow.
Folk recipes

To restore the proper functioning of the vessels when the hands turn blue, the following folk method of therapy will allow:
- Take a few tablespoons of sea s alt and mustard powder.
- A pod of red pepper is poured with alcohol in an amount of 0.5 liters.
- All ingredients are mixed in one container and infused for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
- The product is applied to a cotton pad, lubricated with bluish areas of the limbs.
- Then lie down under a warm blanket.
- The procedure is performed for a month.
Helps eliminate blue spots on the skin ginger infusion. The tool perfectly warms the body due to improved blood circulation. Prepare the healing composition as follows. Ginger root is carefully crushed and poured with a glass of boiled water. Wait until the drink cools slightly to a comfortable temperature. Consumeinfusion as a substitute for regular tea.
Prevention measures

How to prevent the formation of bluish areas of tissue on the limbs? First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits. Quitting alcohol and tobacco products will reduce the risk of malfunctioning of the heart and lungs, as well as the organs that are responsible for removing toxins from body tissues.
Proper nutrition is important. It is recommended to exclude products with a high content of fats from the daily diet. It is necessary to refuse all kinds of semi-finished products, smoked meats, s alty foods. It is better to switch to eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink at least one and a half liters of high-quality fresh water throughout the day.
The likelihood of blue hands and feet decreases with an active lifestyle. It is advisable to be outdoors more often, pay attention to regular jogging, cycling, and gymnastic exercises. Such actions contribute to the normalization of the heart, the acceleration of metabolism.
In conclusion
As you can see, in order to eliminate the effect of blue spots on the arms and legs, it is important to change the habitual way of life. Playing sports and daily activities are of decisive importance. Proper nutrition plays an important role. It is better to forget about bad habits. After all, alcohol and nicotine cause vasospasm, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the limbs. Dress appropriately for the weather, avoiding tight clothing and shoes.