In the ranking of multivitamin complexes that have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, the top lines are often occupied by the drug "Revalid". Analogues of this popular remedy, which improves the nutrition of the skin, nail plates and hair follicles, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and increases their regenerative capacity, are produced today by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. How effective are these drugs, do they differ in cost from the original and how do consumers rate them?
Composition and properties of a unique drug
Components of plant origin, which are rich in the Revalid multivitamin complex, analogues may not be fully contained, but some of them (depending on the recipe and manufacturer) can be replaced with other natural ingredients.

This productrestores strength and beauty to hair by saturating the body with vitamins and microelements, amino acids and extracts of organic origin. The Revalid multivitamins contain L-cysteine and methionine (antioxidants), which are involved in the synthesis of the main protein - keratin, which ensures the regeneration of skin, hair and nails cells. In addition, these sulfur-containing amino acids protect the cells of the body from toxins and free radicals, preventing its aging. Pantothenic acid (B5), which is one of the components of the Revalid preparation, stimulates metabolism and tissue repair, thiamine (B1) serves as a protection of cell membranes and a conductor of nerve impulses; pyridoxine (B6) is actively involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism; vitamin B10 has an antiviral and antioxidant effect, promotes the development of natural microflora in the body, improves skin and hair he alth.

an active participant in metabolic processes and provides persistent hair pigmentation. Natural ingredients such as yeast extract or B vitamins nourish the skin, hair and nails, provide tissue renewal and hair growth; millet extract is a concentrate of silicon necessary for the synthesis of collagen and keratinconnections; wheat germ extract is a source of a rare element in nature - selenium and carotenoids, which strengthen skin turgor and protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. The excipients that are part of the drug help to eliminate toxins from the body, improving human he alth and well-being.
Very different opinions about the original vitamin complex
Reviews of satisfied women, praising the result of the use of multivitamins for hair "Revalid" (analogues of which also deserve a variety of ratings), are not far from the truth: hair loss, as a rule, stops, the condition of the skin and nails improves. Neutral and negative comments are much less common, they are most often associated with high expectations or self-medication. A visit to a trichologist will allow a woman to conduct a comprehensive hair examination, find out the cause of the problems and get professional advice.
What can replace the Revalid complex? Similar in composition
Dermatologists call Pantovigar (MerzPharma LLC, the Russian branch of MerzPharmaGroup) one of the closest drugs in terms of the set of components and the effect on the human body to the Revalid vitamin remedy. The product of the German-Swiss cooperation provides the hair with favorable conditions for growth, thickness and beautiful appearance.

This analogue of "Revalid" in terms of composition for hair is the best way to replace the original. However, its cost is much higher than that of the main vitamin preparation. Trichologists speak positively about him, but warn that it will take a long time to take Pantovigar to achieve the expected result: from two to four months or more. So, for example, a girl who was fond of frequent hair extensions and thereby worsened the he alth of her native curls discovered the first result of their restoration only after taking vitamins for two months.
This analogue of "Revalid" from hair loss is also effective, but before taking "Pantovigar" on your own, you need to consult a specialist. Not always the abundance of dead hair on the comb is associated with a lack of nutrients in the body. Hormonal disorders and other causes cause deterioration of the hair and require adequate treatment.
Advantages and disadvantages of the drug "Pantovigar"
Consumers consider the high cost and long-term use to achieve the result as a minus of this Revalid analogue. Pluses - a noticeable strengthening of hair and nails, their recovery after exposure to ultraviolet rays and chemicals, and even a therapeutic effect from diffuse and intense loss of strands (alopecia). Despite the availability of cheaper analogues of multivitamins for hair - "Revalid" and "Pantovigara", consumers often prefer to get an excellent result from the original product than to save money.
Foreign drugs to restore hair he alth
Everyone who is not indifferent to the latest achievements of science and medicine likes the English analogue of "Revalid" for hair - the drug "Perfectil" (Vitabiotics,UK).

A whole line of this vitamin complex: from the classic version to "Platinum", "Plus" and the "Tricholjik" series allows you to rejuvenate strands and restore them after dyeing or perm, moisturize and nourish brittle rods with strength, stimulate regeneration processes and activate their growth. "Perfectil Tricholodzhik" incorporates the same useful ingredients for strands - cysteine and methionine, as well as red grape seed extract and oilseed extract. Reviews of many women sincerely praise these expensive, but very effective drugs that can radically improve the he alth of the skin, nails and hair.

Solgar tablets (Solgarvitamin&Herb, USA) get no less optimistic comments, many girls restore the he alth of their hair and nails with the help of this dietary supplement formula. Often, consumers believe that hair density can be provided with Inneov vitamins - a product of the joint development of L'Oréal and Nestlé (France). Judging by the reviews, they prevent hair loss and the activation of "sleeping" bulbs, which contributes to the growth of rods and increase the splendor of the hair. "Doppelgerz asset" - dietary supplement that helps to resist the aggressive effects of external factors. It optimizes metabolic processes, judging by the reviews, it strengthens hair and nails well, stimulates their growth.
How to find the best budget alternative
The price of most foreign vitamin complexes significantly exceeds the costdrug "Revalid". Analogues are cheap, which are as close as possible to the original composition - the patented formula of the Italian company Biotinax (Laval hair he alth preparation), which also contains methionine, cysteine and biotin, which keep hair and nails he althy; Vitrum Aterolitin (Unipharm, Inc, USA), Merz vitamins (Merz Pharma, Germany).

Reviews of dietary supplements "Laval" are advised to take vitamins in courses of 30-60 days with equivalent breaks. In this mode of taking the patented drug, hair stops falling out, they acquire elasticity and he althy shine, become strong and obedient. The effect is observed after a couple of weeks of use. The convenience of taking (once a day after meals) and the effectiveness of Laval vitamins for hair and nails became the main advantage in choosing an inexpensive analogue of Revalid.
Other vitamin complexes available
Means for strengthening and growing hair "Merz Beauty" and "Vitrum Beauty" nourish the hair follicles and rods, strengthen them while saturating the whole body with vitamins and minerals. They also contain L-cystine, beta-carotene and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the appearance of hairstyles, skin and nail plates. Unlike Russian analogues, there is no yeast extract in the Merz Beauty dragee, which is welcomed by most girls who carefully monitor their weight.
Domestic hair he alth products
Top Russianvitamin complexes to maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails, you can find tablets "Alerana" (manufacturer "Vertex"), "Vitasharm" company "Veropharm", a product for hair, skin and nails (new from "Evalar"), "Complivit Radiance" and others. Any Russian analogue of "Revalid" provides the body with valuable nutrients that help restore the natural beauty of curls from the inside. In addition, they contain sulfur-containing amino acids, which are the basis for maintaining he alth, normal growth of nails and hair.

There are many grateful reviews on the forums about the vitamin complexes "Vitasharm" and "Alerana". Restrained and negative comments about these drugs are associated with a short course of taking them, when after a week or two the girls refuse dietary supplements.
Russian novelty from the company "Evalar"
Shining skin, shiny and thick hair, elastic, strong nails are promised by a domestic manufacturer, producing a high-quality and inexpensive analogue of Revalid vitamins.

The components of the Evalar hair product include: methylsulfonylmethane (the richest source of natural sulfur), cystine and lysine (important amino acids), vitamin C, copper and zinc, as well as bubbly fucus - a real "storehouse" of micro- and macronutrients. It contains: iodine, silicon, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, sulfur, selenium and zinc. Trichologists, experts and active buyers of this product positively evaluated its targetedaction that reduces hair loss and improves their condition. A two-month course of taking this drug was enough to get an excellent result. Many women positively assessed the low cost of the drug, its effectiveness and the ability to repeat the course after a short break.