White diet: stick to it?

White diet: stick to it?
White diet: stick to it?

Many dream of a beautiful smile. It won't work without white teeth. But they don't always come naturally. In most cases, they are exposed to external factors and turn yellow. This leads to excessive consumption of coffee and tea, taking antibiotics, smoking and much more. To cope with the problem, dentists offer whitening. But after the procedure, a white diet is necessary to consolidate the result. What is it, we'll talk in the article.

white diet
white diet

Do I need a diet after whitening?

Many people after the whitening procedure ask the main question: how to keep the result as long as possible? To do this is quite simple. The following rules must be followed:

  1. White diet.
  2. Quit smoking.
  3. Exclusion from the diet of tea and coffee.

Actually, the white diet is quite simple. Only light-colored foods are allowed to be eaten. You don't even need special brochures with recommendations for this, just look at the appearance of the food and draw a conclusion.

Especially strictly adhere todiets need the first 24 hours. After that, minor indulgences are allowed. But we are not talking about coffee, ketchup, black tea. These products, if possible, should be excluded from the diet for 7-10 days.

white diet for whitening
white diet for whitening

Allowed Foods

Allowed white diet foods are roughly as follows:

  1. Be sure to include milk (cottage cheese, kefir) in the menu. Ryazhenka should not be used. Dairy products contain a sufficient amount of calcium, which is useful for teeth after the whitening procedure. After all, no matter what anyone says, the enamel is still depleted and becomes more sensitive.
  2. Fruit. Among them are bananas, green apples, pears. They contain useful acids and vitamins.
  3. Any seafood. It is desirable to use fish boiled or baked on a fire. If it is fried, just do not eat the baked skin.
  4. In addition, quite exotic foods are recommended for food, which not many people include in their daily diet: asparagus, celery, avocado, cauliflower.

The list can be adjusted by adding light foods.

white diet after whitening
white diet after whitening

Strictly banned

White diet for whitening is shown to absolutely everyone. Not adhering to it, you can lose the result in the first days. Your teeth will just darken. There is a list of foods that are strictly prohibited. Among them:

  1. Red sauce. It can be replaced with white garlic or sour cream.
  2. Black tea. For the secondyou can drink green for a day, but only through a straw.
  3. Coffee. It is banned for the first 14 days. Cocoa, cappuccino, latte and other types of drink are also better not to use.
  4. Chocolate. This product is also on the banned list.
  5. Red juices, wine.
  6. Vegetables. Among them, beetroot can be especially distinguished.
  7. Fruit: plums, pomegranate.
  8. Berries: raspberries, blackberries, strawberries. But you can eat watermelon.

Remember, what foods you consume in the first days after whitening determines the result and color of the teeth.

white diet foods
white diet foods

Dental recommendations

In addition to the white diet, other recommendations must be followed:

  • Stop smoking. This makes the teeth yellow. It won't be easy to get rid of her.
  • Use the right toothpaste. After the procedure, the tooth enamel becomes sensitive. There may be pain when interacting with hot and cold.
  • Always have dental floss handy. Food should not be allowed to remain between the teeth.
  • Do not use bright red lipstick and gloss for the first week.

As for the white diet, there is a little more clarification. Any carbonated drinks are not recommended. They contain harmful acids that destroy enamel, and dyes can also be included that can leave an unpleasant gray tint.

Many people ask, and if you follow a white diet and do not do the whitening procedure, is it possible to achieve positive results and get rid of yellowness?Dentists claim that this is a rather lengthy process, and besides this, the effect will be little noticeable. You need to consume as many fruits as possible so that the acid removes the tarnish on the enamel.

Patient testimonials

White diet after whitening is a must. Many appreciate it positively. Some women even rejoice that thanks to her, you can lose a couple of extra pounds. But it's not that important. After all, the initial goal is perfectly white teeth.

From the minuses can be identified:

  • Cost of products. Agree, seafood is not cheap. But, on the other hand, dentists are in a hurry to say that they can be replaced with boiled or baked chicken. The main thing is not to use spices when cooking.
  • Coffee lovers can't cheer up without a drink. Some try to replace it with green coffee, this cannot be done. Remember, the drink in the first 7-10 days is contraindicated even through a straw.

The white diet is a common occurrence after teeth whitening. Millions of people coped with the task without any problems and ate only light foods. There is nothing difficult about it.

Teeth whitening has become such a popular procedure that perhaps every seventh inhabitant on planet Earth has done it at least once. For the result to be fixed, you need a white diet. It not only helps to fix the result, but also benefits the body!
