Reviews: "Alphabet "Mom's He alth". Vitamin complex for women "Mom's He alth"

Reviews: "Alphabet "Mom's He alth". Vitamin complex for women "Mom's He alth"
Reviews: "Alphabet "Mom's He alth". Vitamin complex for women "Mom's He alth"

Conception, pregnancy and childbirth is a great happiness for any woman. But in order to prepare the female body for such hormonal and physical changes, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes both at the planning stage and during pregnancy. Vitamins "Alphabet Mom's He alth", reviews of which are positive, have the whole set of necessary substances. In this article, you will learn why taking vitamins and what benefits the Alphabet vitamin complex provides.

Why take vitamins

Any woman of childbearing age needs a special set of vitamins that can be obtained both from food and from special vitamin complexes. This is necessary for the normal functioning of the female body, regular menstruation and ovulation, conception and gestationchild. Otherwise, complications may arise due to a lack of essential substances.

After childbirth, the use of the vitamin complex, as a rule, does not stop. This is due to the fact that during lactation, through milk, the child will receive all the necessary substances to maintain immunity, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

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mom's he alth alphabet price reviews

"Alphabet Mom's He alth" is able to preserve youth and beauty and delay the onset of menopause, so doctors often prescribe this drug to women after 40 years.

Composition of the vitamin complex "Alphabet Mom's He alth"

reviews alphabet mother's he alth
reviews alphabet mother's he alth

The complex for women, which is produced in Russia, is available in the form of tablets of different colors, designed for three daily use. The composition of each tablet is thought out by pharmacists taking into account the best absorption by the body at different times of the day, as evidenced by medical reviews. "Mom's He alth Alphabet" consists of the following components:

  • Iron pink tablet contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, copper, iron, folic acid, taurine and beta-carotene.
  • Antioxidants blue tablet includes magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine, nicotinamide, molybdenum, selenium and vitamins C, B6, B2, E.
  • Calcium white tablet contains phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, chromium, biotin and vitamins B12, K1, D3.

It is recommended to take vitamins in courses from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months, dependingfrom a doctor's prescription. In no case should you self-medicate and prescribe vitamins yourself! An excess of certain substances in the body can lead to hypervitaminosis.

The drug "Alphabet Mom's He alth": price, customer reviews

The advantage of the domestic production of the vitamin complex lies in the relatively low price for the drug. This is evidenced not only by the price lists of online pharmacies, but by numerous reviews. "Alphavit Mom's He alth" in different regions of Russia can be bought at a price of 220 to 370 rubles per pack of 120 tablets. This amount is enough for more than a month of daily use.

vitamins alphabet mom's he alth reviews
vitamins alphabet mom's he alth reviews

Reviews are generally positive. Most women report an improvement in well-being after a course of the drug. Some even manage to subdue their appetite thanks to the vitamin complex and not gain extra pounds during pregnancy. In addition, buyers are very attracted by the price, which, unlike the cost of imported counterparts, is an order of magnitude lower.

Vitamin complex "Alphabet Mom's He alth": reviews of doctors

Regarding the composition and form of release of the vitamin complex, doctors agree that the drug "Alphavit Mom's He alth" contains the optimal balance of all the necessary substances for women, which are necessary for the body during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

mom's he alth alphabet doctors reviews
mom's he alth alphabet doctors reviews

Vitamin complexrecommended by many doctors for the reason that its effect can be regulated. In other words, the use of different vitamins from the set at different times, with the right approach, can give the desired effect. The doctor, having examined the patient, can prescribe an individual regimen for taking vitamins "Alphabet", which will differ from the one indicated on the package of the drug. This approach allows you to control the amount of substances entering the body and their effect.

Contraindications to the use of the vitamin complex

The main contraindication to the use of vitamins "Alphabet Mom's He alth" is the individual intolerance of its components. That is why all doctors recommend taking the necessary tests and in no case prescribe a vitamin complex on your own.

Vitamins with hyperthyroidism should be taken with great care. Before use, it is recommended to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist and take tests for the general hormonal background.

If you experience any side effects while taking vitamins, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or increased pressure, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor. In case of individual intolerance, the doctor will prescribe another vitamin complex. But, as the reviews show, Alphabet Mom's He alth rarely causes side effects and is very well tolerated by women.
