Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

Vitamins "Selmevit": reviews of doctors, composition, prices, photos

Vitamins "Selmevit": reviews of doctors, composition, prices, photos

Support the body in the autumn-winter period, restore strength after an illness, and simply increase immunity will help vitamins "Selmevit". This complex contains all the elements necessary for a person. Affordable and effective

"Pentavitin" (vitamins): instructions, indications for use

"Pentavitin" (vitamins): instructions, indications for use

"Pentavitin" is a complex of vitamins that are necessary for a full human life. It contains B vitamins and nicotinic acid. This is due to the beneficial effect of taking the drug

Drug "Ascorbic acid" (dragee): instructions for use and description

Drug "Ascorbic acid" (dragee): instructions for use and description

Drug "Ascorbic acid" (dragee) instructions for use for therapeutic purposes recommends taking, if necessary, additional intake of vitamin into the body

Vitamins for hair and their analogue - "Pantovigar"

Vitamins for hair and their analogue - "Pantovigar"

I propose today to talk about Vitrum. It is also worth mentioning its analogue - "Pantovigar". Such medicinal formulas include Antioxycaps, Velmen, Revalid, and many others. Analogues are drugs that contain different substances, but treat the same diseases

Vitamin A is so important for the body. What does it contain?

Vitamin A is so important for the body. What does it contain?

The human body functions normally only with sufficient intake of vitamins. They play a major role in metabolic processes and other functions of organs. Vitamin A is considered one of the most important. It strengthens the immune system, is involved in the renewal of skin cells and in the synthesis of proteins

The drug "Novomin" ("Siberian He alth") - a new remedy for protecting the body

The drug "Novomin" ("Siberian He alth") - a new remedy for protecting the body

The drug "Novomin" ("Siberian he alth") is a new tool that allows you to normalize metabolic processes in body tissues. This is a dietary supplement, which is currently used for the prevention of cancer

Vitamins "Biotin": reviews, instructions for use, properties, analogues

Vitamins "Biotin": reviews, instructions for use, properties, analogues

Vitamin preparation "Biotin" (or vitamin B7 and vitamin H) is a remedy that is designed to compensate for the lack of vitamins from group B in the body. A course of vitamin intake can significantly improve the condition of hair and nails

Complex vitamin preparation "Aevit": what is used for

Complex vitamin preparation "Aevit": what is used for

Complex inexpensive drug, which is often prescribed for vision problems, various skin, cardiovascular and some other diseases - this is the medicine "Aevit". Why is it needed, why should it be taken solely as directed by a doctor, and what harm can self-medication with its use cause - all this further

Lecithin: benefits and harms, effects on the body

Lecithin: benefits and harms, effects on the body

Lecithin is a phospholipid substance that is vital for the human body. The benefits and harms of this substance for a long time remained not fully understood, but now we can say with full confidence that it performs many very important functions

Vitamins "Angiovit": reviews of doctors and buyers, composition, analogues, indications

Vitamins "Angiovit": reviews of doctors and buyers, composition, analogues, indications

Vitamin complex "Angiovit" is a very useful drug, despite the small amount of its constituent elements. It helps to alleviate the course of the disease that has arisen due to hypovitaminosis and improves overall well-being

GNC vitamins are quality at an affordable price

GNC vitamins are quality at an affordable price

Are you looking for quality nutritional supplements at a reasonable price? Then pay attention to the products of the American company General Nutrition Corporation. Experience and an extensive distribution network are the main advantages of this manufacturer. GNC vitamins have been in great demand for decades among applicants in many countries of the world who use sports nutrition as vitamin supplements

Vitamins "Ultra Vumen": instructions for use, reviews

Vitamins "Ultra Vumen": instructions for use, reviews

VP Ultra Womens Multivitamin Formula is an innovative product ideal for active women. This dietary supplement takes into account the characteristics of the female body. Vitamins "Ultra Woman" are enriched with natural mineral elements and other nutrients. The ratio of these ingredients is carefully selected in the ideal ratio

Calcemin-zitra: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Calcemin-zitra: instructions for use, composition and reviews

The drug "Calcemin-zitra" is used as a biological supplement that can compensate for calcium deficiency during a period of intensive growth, during diseases of the musculoskeletal system, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? What foods contain vitamin K? Vitamin K deficiency: consequences

What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? What foods contain vitamin K? Vitamin K deficiency: consequences

Vitamin K is not the most popular micronutrient, although it is important in blood clotting. The human body receives it with animal and plant products. Its lack leads to various consequences. And to which ones, you can find out from the article

Garlic tablets: instructions for use, properties, indications and contraindications

Garlic tablets: instructions for use, properties, indications and contraindications

What are garlic tablets? What properties do they have? How to take garlic tablets and for what diseases? Are there contraindications?

Vitamins for diet. What are vitamins for? Complex of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins for diet. What are vitamins for? Complex of vitamins and minerals

During diets, the body does not receive a large amount of vitamins and minerals. And they are so necessary for its normal functioning

Vitamins "Complivit Selenium": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Vitamins "Complivit Selenium": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Many doctors prescribe vitamins "Complivit Selenium" to their patients. Instructions for use will help to understand the action of this drug in more detail

Vitamins "Daily Formula" (Daily Formula): composition, instructions for use, reviews

Vitamins "Daily Formula" (Daily Formula): composition, instructions for use, reviews

In most cases, a proper and balanced diet is not enough to eliminate the deficiency of these nutrients. Then medicines will help to cope with the problem. A popular vitamin and mineral complex is the "Daily Formula"

Calcium citrate with vitamin D: benefits and harms

Calcium citrate with vitamin D: benefits and harms

Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D has many he alth benefits. However, its uncontrolled use can do more harm than good. Before use, you should consult with an experienced specialist

Vitamins "Complivit". Analogues of the drug and reviews about them

Vitamins "Complivit". Analogues of the drug and reviews about them

Children and adults are helped to improve their he alth by the vitamin-mineral complex "Complivit". An analogue of this drug should have a similar composition and perform a similar pharmacological action. Now pharmacies offer vitamins Angiovit, Selmevit, Revalid, Pentovit and dozens of others. Consider their advantages and disadvantages

Vitamins for dry skin: which are better

Vitamins for dry skin: which are better

In order for a girl to have beautiful and he althy skin, you need to make a lot of efforts. It will also take time to carry out the necessary procedures. But first, we will try to figure out why dry skin appears

"Aevit Meligen": instructions for use, composition, contraindications, reviews

"Aevit Meligen": instructions for use, composition, contraindications, reviews

Combined drug "Aevit Meligen" instructions for use recommends using for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, as well as for strengthening, growth and improving the appearance of skin, nails and hair. But before taking these healing capsules, you need to consult a specialist

Sports vitamins and their positive impact on the lives of athletes

Sports vitamins and their positive impact on the lives of athletes

Every athlete needs vitamins and minerals to keep him in good shape. The best sports vitamins are selected specifically to achieve excellent results

"Trijeks" (vitamins): reviews, description and instructions for use

"Trijeks" (vitamins): reviews, description and instructions for use

It is difficult to maintain the necessary level of essential vitamins and minerals that ensure normal he alth. The lack of these trace elements causes beriberi, which leads to malfunctions in the body. To prevent this, it is recommended to take various drugs, the best of which is now considered Trigex (vitamins)

Laminaria tablets: reviews, instructions for use

Laminaria tablets: reviews, instructions for use

What is kelp? This is an algae that lives in the seas. A lot of it grows along the coast of Japan. It is used to reduce high blood pressure, weight loss, treat radiation sickness, and also as an ideal remedy for constipation

"Glucosamine Maximum": reviews of doctors and instructions

"Glucosamine Maximum": reviews of doctors and instructions

Dietary supplement "Glucosamine Maximum" has very good reviews from doctors and patients, as it allows you to quickly eliminate pain and restore damaged cartilage tissue

Vitamins "Pikovit" for adults: reviews

Vitamins "Pikovit" for adults: reviews

Who said that Pikovit vitamins for adults are not suitable? It's a shame! Many, to the depths of their gray hairs, refuse to acknowledge the fact that they belong to the category of "adults". Some simply ignore the intake of vitamins. But how pleasant it was to drink bright, tasty vitamins, which, in addition to external attractiveness, also support he alth! In general, discrimination in such a matter should and can be canceled by prescribing "Pikovit" to adult uncles and aunts

At what temperature is vitamin C destroyed: experts' conclusions

At what temperature is vitamin C destroyed: experts' conclusions

Scientific studies have shown that about 90-95 percent of the total amount of vitamins the human body receives through a balanced diet. The actual question, at what temperature vitamin C is destroyed, often arises during the period of colds due to the need to strengthen the immune system and effectively fight viruses. The conclusions of experts about what temperature destroys vitamin C are described in the article

"Gerbion ginseng": instructions and reviews

"Gerbion ginseng": instructions and reviews

Ginseng is a medicinal plant that has a positive effect on the entire body. The extract of the plant is used for the preparation of various medicines. One of the effective medicines is "Gerbion ginseng". Let us consider in more detail the indications for the use and benefits of this drug

Hematogen during breastfeeding - good or bad?

Hematogen during breastfeeding - good or bad?

Many new mothers are interested in whether it is possible to use hematogen during breastfeeding. Indeed, during this period, women especially carefully monitor their diet. The quality of milk directly affects the well-being of the crumbs. Let's try to understand the beneficial properties and safety of this drug

Vitamins "Natalben Supra": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins "Natalben Supra": reviews, composition, instructions for use

It is especially important for a woman to ensure good nutrition and receive the necessary active substances during pregnancy. One of the complexes that cope well with the task is vitamins "Natalben Supra"

"Doppelhertz Nervotonik": composition, instructions for use, contraindications, analogues and reviews

"Doppelhertz Nervotonik": composition, instructions for use, contraindications, analogues and reviews

Almost every day a modern person has to feel a sense of anxiety, a constant fear of making a mistake somewhere and in something. He is often irritable, cannot relax, and suffers from insomnia. All these conditions are a consequence of stress, which has a psychological basis

Dietary supplements "Biafishenol": "Fish oil (omega 3)". Reviews, composition, instructions for use

Dietary supplements "Biafishenol": "Fish oil (omega 3)". Reviews, composition, instructions for use

What is fish oil good for? Benefits of dietary supplements "Biafishenol", its varieties, application features, customer reviews

Vitamins "Selenium Forte": types, instructions

Vitamins "Selenium Forte": types, instructions

After the positive properties of selenium were discovered, its ability to prevent aging and the development of cardiovascular diseases, this trace element began to be included in many vitamin complexes. Individual preparations containing only it are also produced. The most popular has recently become "Selen Forte", produced by the company "Evalar"

BAA "Our lecithin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

BAA "Our lecithin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

French chemist Theodore Nicolas Gobley for the first time in 1846 managed to isolate lecithin from egg yolk. Later, the scientist B. Rewald discovered that essential phospholipids (another name for lecithin) are found in both soybeans and sunflower seeds

Tocopherol: instructions for use, price. Tocopherol acetate: description

Tocopherol: instructions for use, price. Tocopherol acetate: description

Vitamin E and its use in medicine. Forms of release of tocopherol and indications for its use. Possible Side Effects and Contraindications to Vitamin E Treatment Natural Sources of Alpha-Tocopherol

Vitamin E capsules: how to take. Vitamin E capsules: dosage. Instruction, cost

Vitamin E capsules: how to take. Vitamin E capsules: dosage. Instruction, cost

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful antioxidant that can effectively eliminate free radicals and prevent the development of various abnormalities in the functioning of the whole organism. What is the benefit of vitamin E capsules? How to take it correctly? Let's talk about it in the article

What vitamins are better to take in spring: customer reviews and expert recommendations

What vitamins are better to take in spring: customer reviews and expert recommendations

What vitamins are better to take in the spring? Reviews of certain drugs will be presented a little lower. In addition, from this article you will learn about the signs by which you can determine the lack of vitamins in the body, how to choose the right complex, and other information

"Revidox": reviews. Revidox (capsules): negative reviews

"Revidox": reviews. Revidox (capsules): negative reviews

The vast majority of those who take care of their he alth and want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible take vitamins and various dietary supplements (dietary supplements). One of them will be discussed in our article. We will talk about the drug "Revidox": reviews about it, characteristics and other information will also be discussed in detail. Separately, we will find out why many buyers rate this tool with a minus sign

Reviews: "Berocca". The positive and negative aspects of the vitamin complex according to doctors

Reviews: "Berocca". The positive and negative aspects of the vitamin complex according to doctors

Each of us in life there are situations that, superimposed on one another, give rise to long periods of nervous tension and physical fatigue. The problem needs to be de alt with comprehensively. If we take into account the numerous reviews, "Berocca" is just such a comprehensive tool. We will analyze its composition and effect on the body in this article, and also consider the opinions of doctors about the advisability and effectiveness of using this drug