Professional athletes understand that it will be possible to achieve results in sports only by actively training. But the body is not always able to withstand severe stress. Currently, there are special drugs for endurance that will help and support. It is better to give preference not to harmful steroids, but to organic products that can be freely bought in sports equipment and nutrition stores for athletes. In addition, there are drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, which have been tested by many athletes and are nothing more than doping.
Before you decide on any drug to increase endurance, it is better to consult a doctor.
Types of drugs
There are several types of specialized tools that will help the athlete become more enduring. They are all classified in this way:
- debilitating;
- non-debilitating;
- combined action;
- with secondary effect.
To make it easier to choose the right drug, it is important to learn to understand all types andget to know the features of each.
Depleting and non-depleting
Examples of this type are Caffeine, Pyridrop, Mesocarb. They act on fatigue, adhering to the principle of activating the body's energy reserves.

This group of endurance drugs has the effect of providing an increase in physical performance, but only they have a number of undesirable manifestations. One of them can be considered a long recovery time after taking them. All these funds are divided into:
- steroids;
- non-steroidal anabolics;
- nootropics;
- actoprotectors;
- energy-suppressing substrates.
Among a number of advantages of funds that do not deplete, or as they are also called metabolic, one can single out the main thing: they can be used for a long time without losing reserve forces. There are no general contraindications for this type of drugs, only individual ones.
Stamina drugs with a mixed mode of action function on the basis of stimulating gluconeogenesis in the liver, forming glucose. An example of this type is "Dexamethasone". This remedy slows down the transport of amino acids, which ultimately provides an anti-anabolic effect. It is worth remembering that there are also negative effects from its use: immunity is reduced or muscular dystrophy may develop. The drug is often prescribed not only to athletes, but also to maintain the body duringchemotherapy.
With secondary action
Medications with a secondary effect on the body remove symptoms that impair performance. This type is assigned only after the history of overwork of the body has been carefully studied. Only after that you can start taking a specifically selected remedy.
Based on the foregoing, we can say for sure that the most effective and safe drugs for endurance with metabolic action are considered. There are many medicines available in different forms: capsules, powder and tablets.
Drug List
Many products available in speci alty stores or pharmacies not only increase stamina, but also:
- improve mood;
- increase vitality;
- reduce pain;
- normalize blood pressure;
- increase exercise time;
- accelerate oxidative and reduction reactions;
- have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart;
- support liver function;
- saturate body cells with useful components;
- normalize oxygen supply to cells.
Most of the modern drugs that increase endurance have a minimum of contraindications and have unique features. Before using the product, it is better to read the instructions, learn about side effects and contraindications.
This stamina booster contains magnesiumand potassium. And the minerals are presented in a form that allows them to be absorbed easily and quickly. These substances help regulate metabolic processes in the body. This drug is mainly used by athletes who want to quickly lose weight.

It also helps prevent cramps and makes it easier to train during extreme heat. The product is available in the form of tablets, and it is better to take them in the morning and afternoon, because magnesium and potassium are poorly absorbed in the evening.
This is an active stimulant of biochemical processes, which has a beneficial effect on the athlete's heart. "Riboxin" has antiarrhythmic, anabolic and other beneficial effects. Due to the fact that the force of contractions of the heart increases, it helps to increase the stroke volume. During its use, there is an improvement in blood flow, energy metabolism, enzyme activity and metabolic processes in the myocardium. In addition, the drug improves muscle regeneration. This explains the frequent prescription of the drug to patients with cardiac pathologies.
How to take "Riboxin" in sports so that it shows the best effect? Take it before meals from 1.5 to 2.5 g. But it is better to start taking it with a minimum dosage of 0.6 g, divided into three doses. The course lasts a minimum of four weeks, but no more than three months.

You can also take "Inosine" - thismetabolic agent, stimulant of biological processes. Just like "Riboxin", "Inosine" improves energy balance, normalizes blood flow and metabolic processes in the myocardium, and has an antihypoxic effect.
"Inosine" is a derivative of purine, and this is the most important source of energy. It stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances the activity of enzymes. The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.
How to take "Riboxin" / "Inosine"? 0.6 - 0.8 g several times a day, if no undesirable manifestations are observed, then the dose is increased, but more than 2.5 g per day should be taken not recommended.
Vitamin complex
Each person has his own characteristics of the body, so it happens that a number of drugs can cause unwanted manifestations or allergies in them. But what if you want to play sports and make your body more resilient? This is where vitamins come in handy. Especially popular is Complivit, which must be taken three times a day, one tablet after meals. If you want to choose your own vitamins, then special attention should be paid to the following:
- B1 helps to regulate the work of the main systems of the human body: cardiovascular, nervous and digestive. It also affects growth and energy balance. If this vitamin is not enough in the body, then a person experiences irritability, increased fatigue, and no appetite.
- B12 enhances synthesisand accumulation of proteins, produces the strongest anabolic effect.
- B6 is an essential element for metabolic processes in the body and the normal functioning of the central nervous system.
- Vitamin C.

Vitamins belonging to group B are produced in the form of a solution for injection in each ampoule of 1 ml, and the concentration is 5%. You can’t enter them together, on the first day the body receives one of them, on the second the next, and on the third more, and so continue alternating.
"Bemitil": instructions for use
This remedy can be considered unique, because the main effect it has on the body is to increase energy balance and endurance. According to its properties, it is a drug, an actoprotector with nootropic, regenerative and antihypoxic activity. If we compare it with analogues, then it is "Bemitil" that is the only tool that increases efficiency. This improvement is due to the binding of lactic acid in the working muscles and transferring it to the glucose production cycle. It's no secret that it is lactic acid that can limit the duration of muscle activity, causing fatigue during physical exertion.

That is why the instructions for the use of "Bemitil" say that it must be used by professional athletes. After application, the drug begins to act quickly. It absorbs well intointestines, actively metabolized in the liver.
The drug has a number of side effects that you need to know about before you start taking it. But it is important to remember that "Bemitil", which is available in the form of capsules and tablets, should not be taken in the evening and at night, as it can cause insomnia. Therefore, it is better to drink tablets in the morning or in the afternoon. But it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it in order to get a really positive effect. Any serious drugs that affect the energy potential of the body cannot be used at your own discretion, when and how much you want. Such therapy can end badly.
"Sidnocarb": instructions for use
This is a very popular drug that many athletes have been using since the early 70s of the last century. It belongs to the group of psychostimulants. It is similar in structure to amphetamine, but it also has a difference: there is no free amino group.
Experts do not advise athletes to use it, as it can cause serious harm to a person, which will block all the advantages.

In the instructions for use for "Sidnokarb" you can find out about numerous side effects: irritability, headaches, lack of appetite, even anorexia, high blood pressure, allergies can develop. In rare cases, hallucinations and exacerbation of mental disorders are observed.
This is another performance and endurance drug that is a nerve After its introduction into the body, the feeling of fatigue decreases, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and vigor, the need for sleep decreases, and the recovery period after increased sports activity is shortened.
The duration of its effect is short, from two to eight hours. Long-term use is impossible, because the risk of unwanted manifestations increases. After use, chills, insomnia, nausea, loss of appetite, tachycardia and arrhythmia are observed. This drug to increase endurance has one significant disadvantage - addiction can develop, and subsequently a painful withdrawal syndrome.
Recently, many other more gentle remedies have appeared, so Phenamine is not recommended for use to increase endurance, and all because it has a lot of contraindications and side effects.
This drug is presented in several forms: drops and tablets, there is also a remedy with the prefix forte, which is distinguished by a high concentration of the main substance. The price of "Kudesan" is affordable for every person. This medicine, which helps to normalize metabolic processes in the myocardium, reduces hypoxia in the tissues. In its origin, it is a coenzyme, very similar to vitamins. Throughout the entire period of its use, a high synthesis of ATP is observed, which takes an active part in the respiration of cells and the energy supply of the whole organism as a whole.
In pharmacies you can buy different forms of "Kudesan". The price varies between 250-500 rubles. There is even a formula fortified with potassium and magnesium, making it even more effective for athletes.

"Kudesan" has indeed proven to be effective in increasing performance and endurance, but it also has other features. So, for example, it has an antioxidant effect that protects cell membranes from damage by harmful lipids. During its use, ischemia zones in the myocardium decrease, exercise tolerance increases.
"Kudesan" is indicated for use in the following diseases:
- heart failure;
- cardiomyopathy;
- heart rhythm disorder;
- ischemia;
- heart attack during recovery;
- arterial hypertension;
- in preparation for surgery - coronary artery bypass grafting.
The drug for endurance in sports is indicated for children and adults. It is recommended to use it to increase adaptation during high loads, as well as to normalize the level of coenzyme.
Today, pharmacology offers a wide range of tools that will help the professional and the beginner in sports to reach maximum heights. Drugs for endurance in a pharmacy can be purchased without a prescription, but it is better if a specialist selects it individually for each patient. Many drugs have a lot of contraindications and undesirable manifestations that can cause serious harm to human he alth. Firstdays of admission, you should monitor the condition of the body, do not exceed the dosage and follow the instructions exactly. Particular care must be taken when prescribing such funds to young athletes. The reaction of a fragile organism can be unpredictable.