"Thiamin-Vial" is a preparation containing vitamin B1. They will be used for hypovitaminosis, as well as diseases associated with a lack of this element.
Pharmacological action
Vitamin B1 belongs to the group of water-soluble substances. In the human body, it turns into cocarboxylase through phosphorylation processes. This element plays a very important role in the human body, providing carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Also involved in the process of the appearance of excitation in synapses.
"Thiamin-Vial" is applied orally and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it is released from the bound state due to digestive enzymes. Within fifteen minutes, the vitamin enters the bloodstream, and after half an hour - into other tissues of the body.

Thiamin is distributed to all cells. A particular predominance of the element is seen in the myocardium, muscles, liver and nervous structures. This is due to the fact that these tissues use the vitamin in the largest amount. At the same time, half of the substance is located directly in the striated muscles and about forty percent - in the internal organs of a person. The end products of thiamine breakdown are excreted through the kidneys.and intestines.
Product properties
"Thiamin-Vial" has a positive effect on the body:
- capable of normalizing all metabolic reactions;
- considered to be an excellent immunomodulator;
- increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission;
- neutralizes dangerous elements of fat oxidation;
- has N-chlorine blocking properties.
Indications for use
"Thiamin-Vial" is used in different areas of medicine, as the drug has a positive effect on the body and can help with many diseases.

In dermatology, this vitamin is actively used in the treatment of dermatitis, scaly lichen, as well as non-inflammatory infections and skin diseases.
B1 will help with poisoning by mercury, arsenic, carbon disulfide, methanol, and other toxic substances.
A cardiologist will definitely recommend thiamine to patients suffering from coronary heart disease and circulatory disorders.
Thiamin-Vial will also come to the aid of people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines. Reviews about this drug confirm the effectiveness and safety of use.
Body digestibility
If the drug is administered parenterally, then the bioavailability of its active elements is absolute. When taken orally, thiamine will be absorbed from the small intestine. That is, only after fifteen to twenty-five minutes in the blood will increase its concentration. The largest amount of the drugenters the heart, muscles and internal organs.

The remains of the substance will be excreted from the body with urine and bile. Please note that the drug is not stable and may degrade when exposed to high temperatures and sunlight.
"Thiamin-Vial": instructions for use
Do not immediately inject high doses of the drug into the body. It's better to start small. After the doctor is convinced that you are well tolerated, higher doses can be used. It is best to administer the drug intramuscularly, once a day. The course of treatment lasts from ten to thirty days.

If you use the drug in the form of tablets, then you need to do this after a meal, drinking a small amount of liquid. The recommended rate is 1-4 tablets per day, depending on the purpose of use.
"Thiamin-Vial" can be used by pregnant and lactating women. However, in this case, consultation with a specialist is required.
Adverse reactions may be found in the form of urticaria, pruritus, edema and increased sweating. In very rare cases, there is anaphylactic shock, tachycardia and soreness.
Drug interactions
Do not mix the drug solution with sulfites, as they contribute to its complete disintegration. It is also not recommended to administer thiamine with pyridoxine or cyanocobalamin at the same time, since these substances increase allergic reactions and do not allow the vitamin to pass into its active form.
Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to the medicine.
Also pay attention to these diseases and symptoms:
- chronic hypertension;
- climax and premenopausal state;
- Wernicke's encephalopathy;
- formation of too much hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
- pain when administered intramuscularly.
Important to know
There are different ways to administer Thiamine-Vial in ampoules. The most painful of them is the subcutaneous injection. Such a procedure is prescribed only if other methods are impossible.

People suffering from allergic reactions should treat the drug with extreme caution.
For polioencephalitis, be sure to take the vitamin thiamine before dextrose.
Importance of vitamin B1 in the human body
This element is an indispensable part of enzymes that regulate carbohydrate metabolism. If the body suffers from a lack of thiamine, then it begins to accumulate lactic and other acids, leading to disruption of the heart and neuritis. The presence of the vitamin in the body will guarantee good vision.
Thiamin is an antioxidant, therefore it is able to protect the human body from the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and destructive premature aging. Promotes good blood circulation and participates in hematopoiesis. Excellent effect on growth, development, normal appetite and learning ability.
It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as it is able to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, as well as improve the activity of the digestive system. Performs a protective function, protecting the body from infections.
Every human cell needs thiamine. This is especially true of the nervous system. This element perfectly stimulates the brain.
During the course of treatment with Thiamine-Vial, you should pay attention to the body's function of absorption of nutrients. Perhaps a very serious disease is hiding behind the lack of one vitamin.