Man has long gone from those times when everyone grew crops, meat, vegetables and fruits for their livelihood. In the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to devote time to a balanced diet. In addition, the quality of products on store shelves is poor.
The result is an increasing number of diseases, a weakening of the immune system. And no matter how advanced medicine is, it is much better to prevent a disease than to spend thousands of rubles on treatment later.
To do this, you should use additional food supplements in the form of vitamin complexes. In this article you will find all the information about the wonderful Pikovit vitamins, people's reviews, composition and instructions for use.
Introducing Vitamins
They are produced in Slovenia, and, judging by the reviews, there are no complaints about the quality of the products.

"Pikovit" is a complex of important vitamins and minerals that the child's body needs for normal functioning, maintenance of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
They also help improve memory and speed of thinking, perception of information. Daily usequite well supports almost all body functions, including protective ones, increasing immunity.
All this becomes possible thanks to the combined composition of Pikovit vitamins. The price is another advantage of the drug, which is available to people with different incomes.
What does Pikovit consist of?
Vitamins are produced in several versions - in the form of syrup and tablets. Based on 5 ml of syrup, the composition of the drug is as follows:
- vitamin A (900 ME);
- vitamin D3 (100 IU);
- vitamin B2 (1mg);
- vitamin B6 (0.6mg);
- vitamin B12 (1 mcg);
- vitamin B1 (1 mg);
- vitamin C (50 mg);
- vitamin PP (5 mg);
- d-panthenol 2 mg.
There are also excipients: agar, sucrose, tragacanth, flavor, glucose, orange oil, polysorbate 80, orange and grapefruit concentrate flavors, citric acid, dye E124, sodium benzoate, distilled water.
Why do we need these vitamins?
Not everyone understands what these B1, PP and other elements of the “Pikovit” composition mean. We will try to briefly describe why they are needed and what improves in the human body with their regular use.

First of all, consider vitamin A. It is involved in all the synthesis processes that take place in the body all the time. In addition, thanks to it, the condition of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes improves.
Vitamin B1improves heart function and has a positive effect on the nervous system. B2 is involved in the regeneration of cells and all tissues in general. B6 is responsible for maintaining the structure and he alth of teeth, gums, and the nervous system. Thanks to vitamin B12, erythropoiesis is normalized. This B-vitamin complex helps the body produce metabolic enzymes.
All the advantages of vitamin C simply cannot be counted - this is the regulation of processes that occur in the connective tissue, and the oxidation of biologically active substances. It is responsible for blood clotting and helps the regeneration of body tissues. It also stimulates the production of steroid hormones, regulates carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, it improves immunity and enhances the protective functions of the body. Vitamin C is also used to reduce the effects of inflammation.
Vitamins of groups B and C are excreted naturally from the body in case of an overabundance. Due to the fact that they do not accumulate in large quantities in the body, they should be taken regularly.
Vitamin D3 is needed by the body to maintain a balance of calcium and phosphorus. If a person has a lack of D3, then there is a high probability of osteoporosis (decreased calcium levels in bone tissue).
Vitamins A and D are absorbed in the body in the small intestine. The excess accumulates in the liver, so the doses indicated in the instructions should not be exceeded.
Without a sufficient amount of vitamin PP and d-panthenol, normal functioning of the central nervous system and energy production is impossible. They are also involved in the synthesis of fattyacids and protein metabolism.

What is “Pikovit” like?
Given that children are constantly growing and developing, the line of these vitamins is presented in several forms, depending on age.
“Pikovit 1+” is designed for kids from 1 year old. The fruity taste is achieved by mixing orange and grapefruit extracts. You can use "Pikovit" from a year both for the prevention of various diseases, and for a faster recovery. It is also used to restore the body after increased stress.
Vitamins are produced in the form of syrup, which allows you to feed Pikovit to children without any problems.
The instruction says that it is worth taking vitamins in the following doses:
- if the child is 1 to 3 years old, then 10 ml per day (two teaspoons);
- from 4 to 6 years - 15 ml per day;
- from 7 to 14 years - 15-20 ml per day.
Do not exceed the indicated doses. Otherwise, side effects from taking Pikovit vitamins may be more pronounced. Reviews say that syrup can be given to a child both from a spoon and by adding it to tea or juice. This greatly helps in taking the drug.
"Pikovit" for children from 3 years old
"Pikovit 3+" is available both in the form of syrup and in the form of chewable tablets. The syrup is enriched with fish oil, which is necessary for children after reaching 3 years. It should be consumed one teaspoon a day in the morning and always after meals. Course - 1 month.

"Pikovit" for children from 3 years in the form of chewable tablets, in addition to the above vitamins, contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, selenium, copper, magnesium and zinc. Such a set of useful substances will help with rapid physical development, increased stress, lack of appetite. In the event that the child does not like to eat fruits and vegetables, “Pikovit” will also be a good supplement.
The instruction says that you need to take vitamins two tablets a day with meals. If you exceed the dose, then a laxative effect is possible. Duration of use - 1 month.
"Pikovit" for children from 4 years old
"Pikovit 4+" is available in the form of chewable tablets or colorful lozenges. It is recommended to use it for children who have poor appetite, underweight. It is also advisable to take the course at the beginning of the school year, when the child is just getting used to the big school workload. It is also suitable as a prophylaxis for asthenic syndrome “Pikovit”.
Instructions for use indicates that the use of vitamins in the form of chewable tablets is as follows:
- if a child is 4 to 11 years old, then 1 tablet a day;
- 11 to 14 years - 2 tablets per day.
If you bought "Pikovit 4+" in the form of lozenges, the child should use them in this way for one month:
- aged 4 to 6 years, 1 tablet 4-5 times a day;
- from 7 to 14 years - one tablet 5-7 timesper day.
"Pikovit 7+" is available in the form of lozenges with tangerine flavor. Its difference from previous preparations is the increased content of B vitamins, as well as the absence of sugar.

Every year the child needs more vitamins. This is specially designed for children with such a need "Pikovit". Instructions for use says that vitamins should be consumed within 1-2 months, 1 tablet per day.
"Pikovit 7+" will help if the child has:
- decrease in concentration;
- fatigue;
- poor appetite.
In addition, when playing sports, it will help the body to more easily endure the received loads “Pikovit”. Tablets are also convenient to take during school hours.
Unlike the previous types of Pikovit vitamins, this one can also be consumed by diabetics, as it does not contain sugar.
What are the contraindications and how to store?
Vitamins can cause allergic reactions in case of hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug. All types of “Pikovit”, except for the last one, should not be consumed by diabetics, as they contain about 3 g of sugar.

It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with other preparations containing vitamins, as there will be a high likelihood of hypervitaminosis.
In case of an overdose, you should take activated charcoal orwash out the stomach. Store vitamins out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 degrees. Also, do not put Pikovit syrup under the direct rays of the sun.
Vitamin Reviews
Judging by the experience of parents, Pikovit does not cause side effects in 99% of cases. Some mothers write that the urine of their children becomes orange. But there is nothing wrong with that - this is how the body gets rid of excess vitamins: vitamin C and fish oil affect the color of urine.

Even one course of taking Pikovit vitamins has a rather good effect on the well-being of children. Reviews suggest that children's memory improves and the desire to learn increases. In addition, fatigue is reduced.
Vitamin prices
The cost of the drug is quite democratic and depends on the form of release. In pharmacies you can find Pikovit syrup at a price of 220 to 249 rubles. The price of tablets ranges from 230 to 282 rubles.