Agree, it would be great if a person could get all the necessary minerals and vitamins exclusively from food. Unfortunately, in today's world this is almost impossible. Lack of time for good nutrition and diets or lack of money - these are the factors that do not have the best effect on good nutrition and, as a result, he alth in general. In addition, you need to take into account the time of year. After all, in winter we get much less vitamins when compared with the summer period.

That is why special vitamin complexes were developed, one of which is Supradin Energy. The price of the drug is within 500 rubles per pack. Let's take a closer look at its main characteristics and customer reviews.
General product information
The manufacturer of vitamins "Supradin Energy" is the world-famous Bayer company, which is located in Germany.

One pack contains 30 yellow oval coated tablets. In addition, the kit comes with instructions for use with all the necessary information: composition,indications, contraindications, method of application and so on.
The shelf life of the drug is two years. Upon completion, the use of the product is strictly prohibited.
Supradin Energy should be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
Composition of the drug
"Supradin Energy" is a multimineral and multivitamin preparation at the same time.

It contains 13 active ingredients, which include several types of B vitamins, as well as C, D3, A, E, K, folic and panthenolic acids, nicotinamide and biotin.
In addition, the preparation contains a variety of trace elements and minerals.
As auxiliary substances, vitamins "Supradin Energy" contain sodium croscar-metallose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc.
Pharmacological action
The combination of microelements and vitamins in the preparation improves the processes of carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of energy reserves, and also promotes the synthesis of neurotransmitters and collagen, the metabolism of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
Calcium, which is contained in the Supradin Energy vitamin complex, ensures the normalization of blood clotting processes, is involved in the formation of bone tissue and strengthening teeth.
Zinc is present in about 70 enzymes and is involved in the synthesis and metabolism of hormones, as well as in the processes of division and interactionimmunocompetent cells.
Iron is one of the constituents of hemoglobin and simultaneously takes part in erythropoiesis.
Phosphorus contributes to the improvement of energy metabolism and the formation of strong teeth and bones.
Copper ensures the normal functionality of red blood cells and iron metabolism.
Manganese is essential during the bone mineralization process.
The body's redox reactions help regulate molybdenum.
In addition, due to its balanced composition, the drug "Supradin Energy" affects the processes of tissue metabolism in the body and belongs to the group of medicines.
Indications for use
"Supradin" is recommended for use in case of deficiency in the body of minerals and vitamins, which occurred as a result of:
- malnutrition (including during a diet);
- presence of gastrointestinal diseases, such as malabsorption of various origins;
- significant mental and physical stress that provoked a state of severe fatigue;
- decreased immunity after suffering chronic or acute diseases;
- complex treatment, which included chemotherapy or antibiotic therapy.
"Supradin Energy": instructions for use
Before using the vitamin complex, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

"Supradin" (vitamins) must be taken one tablet a day duringor immediately after a meal.
The product is approved for use by adolescents over 12 years of age and adults.
Contraindications and side effects
Who is contraindicated in "Supradin"? Vitamins of this type should not be taken by people with kidney failure, hypervitaminosis, hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity to lactose, as well as during treatment with retinoids.
Side effects from taking "Supradin Energy" may manifest as allergic reactions.
Reviews on the use of the vitamin complex
Reviews about the drug are completely different, although most of them are still positive.

Buyers note the following pluses of the product:
- convenient and economical packaging that lasts exactly one month;
- medium-sized oval-shaped tablets are easy to swallow and can be taken at any time of the day, although it is preferable to take it in the morning for an energy boost throughout the day;
- excellent combination of trace elements and vitamins;
- the effectiveness of the drug, which is manifested in improving well-being, increasing strength and energy, reducing irritability;
- improved condition of nails, hair and skin;
- visibly strengthening immunity.
Cons in most cases are associated with individual intolerance to the drug, which manifested itself in the form of insomnia a few months after the course of vitamins. In addition, sometimes the effect oftaking "Supradyn Energy" became noticeable only over time.
Another important point is the cost of the drug. It is well above average compared to the means of this type of action.