"Kinder Biovital" - a complex of vitamins, which should be prescribed by a doctor for the excellent resistance of the child's body to viruses and infections. Also, this food supplement is used in other cases, in which cases - will be discussed in the article. We will also find out in what form the drug is sold, as well as what parents think about it.

Issue form
Vitamins "Kinder Biovital" - a complex tool aimed at increasing immunity, improving the condition in case of pathologies of the nervous, cardiac system, blood vessels. Also, this drug allows you to recover faster after prolonged infections.
The Kinder Biovital medication is produced in the following forms:
- Gel.
- Lozenges.
Gel Composition
Vitamins "Kinder Biovital" in this form of release consist of the following components:
- Retinol.
- Vitamins: E, B1, B12, C.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride.
- Lecithin.
- Sodium molybdate.
- Nicotinamide.
-Calcium phosphinate.
- Manganese citrate.
- Cholecalciferol.
- Calcium pantothenal.
These are the main elements of the gel. There are also additional components that make the product beautiful and pleasant to the taste: red orange flavor, sucrose, potassium sorbate, distillate, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium benzoate, isopropyl myristate, vanillin, alpha-tocopherol.

Composition of lozenges
Chewable vitamins "Kinder Biovital Bears" consist of the following components:
- Vitamins A, B6, B12, PP, E, C, D3.
- Biotin.
- Folic acid.
Auxiliary elements are: citric acid, sugar, raspberry, orange, lemon flavor, water, glucose, dry gelatin.

Characteristics of lozenges
"Biovital Vedmezhuyki" - a complex of vitamins for children from 3 to 13 years old. This food supplement is for:
- For the growth, development and excellent he alth of children.
- To provide the child's body with vitamins that support immunity.
Product important to use:
- Under active growth.
- During classes at school, physical education, various sections.
- During epidemics of infectious diseases.
- Loss of appetite.
- Getting used to preschool.
- In winter time.
- For kids who live in places with bad ecology.
- To compensate for shortagesvitamins due to malnutrition.

Gumable Supplement Rules
Children's complex "Biovital Kinder" should be used as follows:
- 3 to 6 years - 1 or 2 lozenges daily.
- From 6 to 13 years old - 2 or 3 lozenges per day.
Chew delicious vitamins after meals. Duration of admission can be from 1 to 1.5 months. 3 to 4 courses should be conducted per year.
Restrictions on the use of lozenges
It is forbidden to chew vitamins in such cases:
- In case of individual intolerance to any component of the complex.
- During hypervitaminosis.
- For conditions that are accompanied by an increase in the level of calcium in the urine and blood.
Gel characteristic
Means "Biovital Kinder" in this form of release can be used:
- For the prevention and treatment of hypo- or beriberi.
- With a monotonous and unbalanced diet.
- As an adjunct to antibiotics.
- After chemotherapy.
- During convalescence.
- When a child is stunted.
- As a prevention of rickets.
- For stomatitis.

Rules for taking the gel
A remedy is prescribed even for tiny kids. The dosage of the drug in the form of a gel is as follows:
- From 1 to 3 months - half a teaspoon once a day.
- From 3 to 12 months - 0.5 teaspoon each2 or 3 times.
- From 1 year to 6 years - 1 teaspoon 1 time per day.
- From 6 years old - 1 teaspoon twice a day.
- With stomatitis, the remedy is prescribed topically. It is necessary to apply the gel on the mucous membrane for 5 minutes 3 to 5 times a day.
The duration of taking the remedy is determined by the pediatrician.
Vitamin complex "Kinder Biovital", the price of which depends on the form of release of the drug, is sold in almost all pharmacies. This is a popular remedy that doctors prescribe for kids. The drug in the form of a gel can be bought for 200 rubles (175 g). About 250 rubles should be paid for 30 lozenges of the Kinder Biovital Bear complex. The price for 60 vitamins will naturally be more expensive - about 450 rubles.
This complex has many analogues. Popular substitutes are drugs such as Alfavit, Vitrum, Pikovit, Centrum, Complivit. All these funds have a complex complex composition, in which there is a whole set of trace elements for the normal development of the child.
People's positive feedback about lozenges
These children's vitamins in the form of colorful teddy bears were liked by many children, as well as their parents. Boys and girls chew these lozenges with pleasure, and then start begging their mothers for more.
Parents also speak well of this food supplement. In this vitamin complex, many mothers see the following positive aspects:
- Appearance. Pastilles are bright, beautiful, have an enticing shape of cubs. Moms don't have to forcekids chew them. Boys and girls themselves enjoy eating them.
- Remarkable effect. Those parents who systematically give these lozenges to the kids note that the kids stop getting sick often, their appetite increases. Schoolchildren begin to be active, and most importantly, to study with pleasure at school. Little children eagerly go to kindergarten.
- Convenient and safe jar. Many mothers note that the container in which the lozenges are located is thought out by the manufacturers to the smallest detail. The jar is plastic, which means that it can be given to a child, because he will not break it. In addition, the lid on the container has child protection. Therefore, even if the mother leaves the drug in a conspicuous place, she may not worry that her son or daughter will open and take out the lozenges.
- Affordable price. Given the amount of vitamins contained in this complex, mothers are sure that this is a completely acceptable cost. Therefore, they do not feel sorry for buying such a food supplement.

Negative ratings
Unfortunately, the Kinder Biovital vitamins also receive disapproving reviews. So, some parents note that after the kids ate a couple of cubs, they developed a rash all over their bodies. This can really happen if the child is prone to allergies. In this case, it is forbidden to use these vitamins. Other parents do not like that there are dyes in the composition. Also, some mothers doubt that there is any effect from these lozenges. That, they say, the children both got sick every month, and continue to get sick in the same spirit.
Given that these children's vitamins have both positive and negative reviews, we will not recommend or prohibit taking this complex. Talking to your pediatrician about using these lozenges is the right way to ensure your baby's he alth.
Reviews about the gel "Biovital Kinder"
Vitamins in this form of release also have both flattering and disapproving responses from people. The advantage is that the gel copes with its tasks: it helps the kids recover faster after suffering illnesses, drinking antibiotics. Also, these vitamins contribute to the fact that boys and girls begin to eat better, do not sort out in food. With stomatitis, this gel also helps a lot.
But there are negative sides to this supplement:
- Some kids didn't like this remedy. Boys and girls simply refuse to take it, and parents cannot force them to swallow the drug either.
- No child protection. If the jar is thought out in lozenges, the child will not be able to open it on his own, then in the case of the gel, he will do it simply. The tube does not provide any protection, and this is a drawback of the complex.
- Presence in the composition of chemical compounds. Many parents fight for the naturalness of drugs, and in the Biovital Kinder gel there are so-called E-shki. It is for this reason that some mothers refuse to buy this vitamin complex.

Opinions of pediatricians
Doctors have different opinions about this supplement. Some doctorsadvise to purchase lozenges or Kinder Biovital gel, others, on the contrary, do not offer parents this drug. Those experts who consider this complex unnecessary argue their point of view as follows: it is better to buy natural vitamins in the form of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs than chemical preparations. And the supporters of this complex think differently: it is better to take such an additive than nothing at all. Indeed, for many parents it is easier and, as it turns out, cheaper to buy Biovital lozenges. Yes, and some children do not like vegetables, fruits, berries. They better eat candy or swallow delicious gel.
You learned a lot of interesting information from this article. We realized that the Biovital Kinder complex in various forms of release can be used as an additional source of vitamins. Parents are ambivalent about this drug: there are both opponents and supporters. Whether or not to purchase this vitamin complex, the doctor should advise.