For the normal functioning of the human body, the presence of certain vitamins and minerals is extremely important. Their deficiency, even if we are talking about tiny doses, can lead to the development of various diseases and failures. Unfortunately, vitamin deficiencies are by no means uncommon, given the modern lifestyle and malnutrition. It is in such cases that doctors often recommend taking Vitacap. Instructions, contraindications and recommendations, prices and reviews, pharmacological properties - these questions are of interest to many readers.
What is included in the preparation? Release form

Vitacap is a multivitamin complex that contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed by the body. It is produced in the form of soft capsules, placed in blisters of 10 pieces. At the pharmacysell packs of 3 or 10 blisters.
Of course, the role of active substances in this preparation is played by minerals and vitamins. In particular, the composition includes 5 mg of riboflavin and thiamine nitrate, 2 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride, as well as 15 mg of vitamin E and 75 mg of ascorbic acid. Also in the capsules there is iron fumarate (50 mg), cyanocobalamin (5 μg) and 400 MO of cholecaliciferol. The main active substances include folic acid (1000 mcg), zinc sulfate (50 mg), D-panthenol (5 mg), magnesium oxide (0.5 mg), calcium dihydrogen phosphate (70 mg), nicotinamide (45 mg). Also the preparation contains a small amount of manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, copper sulfate.
What properties does the drug have?

Of course, this drug owes its properties to a rich composition, in which there are biologically active substances and other compounds useful for the body:
- B vitamins are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system.
- Riboflavin, for example, is involved in DNA replication, cellular respiration and visual perception.
- Pyridoxine plays an important role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
- Vitamin B12 and folic acid contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells. These substances are also important for the formation of nerve cell sheaths.
- Nicotinamide is important for cellular respiration. It also regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
- Tocopherol (vitaminE) is a powerful antioxidant, and also prevents primary cell damage, ensures the normal formation of collagen and elastin fibers.
- Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body.
- Due to the presence of manganese sulfate, the drug helps to normalize the processes of bone tissue formation, and also activates the immune system.
- Magnesium regulates the speed of nerve impulse transmission, and also reduces the excitability of nerve cells.
- Ferrous fumarate is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
- Zinc plays an important role in hormone metabolism.
- Thanks to fluoride, normal mineralization of bones and teeth is ensured.
When is a patient scheduled to take vitamins?

In what cases can a doctor recommend taking the Vitacap vitamin complex? The instruction indicates that the drug helps with the following problems:
- vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis of various origins, including those that develop on the background of strict diets and malnutrition;
- insufficient amount of minerals in the body;
- the recovery period of a patient after a previous operation or a serious illness;
- sometimes these vitamins in capsules are prescribed to prevent and support the he alth of pregnant women and mothers during lactation;
- this drug can be used as part of the complex therapy of patients suffering from severe inflammatory diseases of variousorigin, as they are associated with depletion of the body and a decrease in the activity of the immune system.
Vitacap vitamin complex: instructions for use

Despite the fact that this remedy is considered relatively safe, you should not prescribe it yourself. Only after the examination, the doctor will be able to recommend taking the drug "Vitacap". The manual contains only some general recommendations and test results.
In most cases, patients are advised to take one capsule daily. It is advisable to take the tablets in the morning, during meals. The duration of admission depends on many factors. However, visible results appear after a month.
Are there any contraindications?
Can all patients take Vitacap? These vitamins in capsules have some limitations for therapy. In particular, they are not prescribed if the patient has:
- erythrocytosis;
- acute form of thromboembolism;
- erythremia;
- hypersensitivity to any constituent of the drug;
In addition, there are age restrictions - these vitamins are not prescribed to children and adolescents under 15 years of age. If the patient has a tendency to form blood clots, then during therapy it is necessary to control the level of blood clotting. Various disorders of the heart, as well as chronic forms of nephritis, are considered relative contraindications - the use of vitamins is possible, but it is necessary to carefully monitorfor the patient's condition.
The list of indications includes pregnancy and lactation. Indeed, vitamins are often used in this period. However, the dosage, schedule of administration, duration of therapy can only be determined by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis.
Possible complications during therapy

Will taking Vitacap threaten with complications? Reviews and statistical studies suggest that adverse reactions are extremely rare. Basically, the deterioration that occurs on the background of taking is associated with an allergic reaction.
Some patients report redness and rashes on the skin. In more severe cases, urticaria may develop, as well as swelling. If you notice any deterioration, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.
Vitacap drug: price and analogues

Of course, in addition to the main characteristics for many buyers, the cost of the drug is also important. In this case, the exact figure depends on the financial policy of the distributor and the pharmacy. The price of a package consisting of 100 capsules ranges from 650 to 750 rubles. It is worth noting that, as a rule, this amount is quite enough to complete the full course of treatment.
As for analogues, the modern drug market offers a large number of substitutes. For example, sometimes patients are prescribed "Actival", "Bonavit". Good vitamins are considered "Vitam", "Duovit", "Zentavit", "Multivitamol",Pikovit, Supradin and many others.
How are patients responding?
Having learned about the composition, properties and other characteristics of the drug, patients, as a rule, are looking for reviews from people who have already completed the course of treatment. It should be said right away that the Vitacap vitamin complex is very popular. It is often used in modern medicine, as it helps to quickly eliminate the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. Already a few days after the start of treatment, patients notice significant changes - they feel better, appetite normalizes, constant fatigue disappears, etc.
The advantages include a small number of contraindications, as well as a low likelihood of side effects. Some patients note that the cost of the medicine is quite high. However, there are vitamins that are much more expensive, but have the same properties. In any case, when it comes to he alth, it's not worth saving.